วันอังคารที่ 5 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Women's rights in Islam

Women's rights in Islam

Some women's rights in Islam, which can be widely discussed, are

The right and obligation to education: Islamic women have deployed to win the right to education of persons with the same stature. You can at any school they want, or room in Madarasaa some of which started specifically for women and work closely with the education of men in this madarasaa. Right to independent property: there are some problems in this series in some Islamic countries, where women areforbidden to have their independent state, but this law was originally intended for all Muslim women, taking into account their social position provided. Earning the right to: make money for the family or for themselves is a major component of the Women's Rights in Islam. As if they were able to implement the education they can get their training to get to workers and to make money. Right to speak and be heard: Islam has the same right for women made available to the people to express their opinions and the prophets have been ordered or maullavishear them, before the decision, so that the bad guys will be prosecuted. This law has been useful in talaaq, in which both parties before hearing a note. Right to obtain a divorce: Women in Islam gave equal rights to divorce their better half on any moral grounds. Although this part is still dominated by men, but women are equally entitled to share or rights. Child custody after divorce: she admitted taking the children after divorcelower. Although, when man to mutual understanding is necessary for children or the chance to hear the request is open to both parties. Right to maintain their properties in case of divorce, can the property that is in its own name, hold, man has no right to demand a share of the property, if not voluntarily agree to part with some of the properties. Denying marriage, in most cases, Muslim women have left the choice to deny the marriage, butwomen's rights in Islam, that women refuse or reject any marriage that he thinks he can return to their approval. Suffrage and Political Rights: Women of all Islamic political parties, rallies and public affairs, and some may apply to the appointment may also submit their candidacy for the election.

Women Islam

Women's rights in Islam

