วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The successful marriage of Life - Everlasting ingredients for a relationship

In married life, shyness is not an option. There is no such thing as the shy of your partner. You should always remember that you leave it / she knows what's going on in your head or what you feel on a particular topic. No need to feel ashamed of what you are yourself. Closing is not at all well.

If you have a discussion with others, remember that only one person talks at a time. Remember school? The teachers really do not like toChildren respond spontaneously, without taking your hands. It works a bit 'the same in this situation. If you speak both at the same time, you do not understand what anyone else says. All you will ever hear your voice, probably reached its highest volume in the shortest possible time. Cliché as it may seem, it would be better to transform the practice - which really helps!

Islam Marriage

Possess in relation to any other time on the ground, you should also know the other side of the story. This means thatjust want you to leave your wife about it, but you should listen too! Go ahead and listen to his opinions and points of view in the discussion. Try to absorb his / her place. It would also be the best, try if you can imagine that in his / her shoes. It would probably have the same opinion that your partner has the problem? Perhaps his / her premise of the argument make sense? Try to see things from a different angle!

When some couples have problems with the marriage becauserarely speak, there are also those who have problems with words. However, you should understand that this is because they smolder and does not happen during his speech. Therefore, their communication has been ineffective.

Islam Marriage

Going on a rant at times is inevitable, especially when the subject is very delicate. But always keep in mind that couples should learn to hold back the anger. Do your best not to let your emotions the better of you. If you think that you need to vent yourFeelings, then it would be best for your time to cry as much as you may have. In this way, once it is again facing each other, you are in a much better state of mind to discuss in a rational way.

The successful marriage of Life - Everlasting ingredients for a relationship

The successful marriage of Life - Everlasting ingredients for a relationship

