วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The Hijri calendar or the Islamic lunar calendar

How Islam in the seventh century was, there were a number of calendars in use throughout the world. Most of them were the sun, moon and some of them were those lunisolar. All of them, unlike 2010 or 2011 calendar calendar were created and implemented various cultures around the world. Start dates were all significantly different ages as indicated. This inconsistency between different calendars became a problem for Muslim youth. They began to find it difficultcontinuously record various dates primarily on documents and correspondence in the rapid growth of the Muslim world.

To resolve this problem, and effective dating system that clearly marks the holy month and to establish their vacation, let Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, the second Muslim caliph, was the creation of an Islamic lunar calendar. It was 638 AD. Number of months to twelve. He was with the lunar cycle for the measurement of time decided bydifferent verses in the Qur'an.

Islam Dating

The starting point of this new Islamic calendar was the famous Muslim migration to the security of Medina to avoid persecution in Mecca. The event was about 16 years ago. So, to celebrate the event, the name of the Islamic calendar Hijri as it has been decided. The word was taken from an Arabic word Hijrah as designated for migration. Therefore the Islamic calendar dates from the era on 16 July 622 AD in the Gregorian calendar. Thenew Islamic lunar month begins when the new crescent moon is seen. The internationally acclaimed Islamic and Gregorian calendars both have similar 12 months.

The Hijri calendar or the Islamic lunar calendar

Islam Dating

The Hijri calendar or the Islamic lunar calendar

