วันศุกร์ที่ 8 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The history of the hijab - Explore Muslim dress

According to Islamic scholarship has a wider meaning of modesty, privacy and morality. It means, in the Arabian tent and meta-physical definition of "al-hijab" is a veil that separates man from God or the world. Hijab is an important part of Islamic tradition since 1970. Opinions on how the garment should be worn varies from person to person within the Muslim faith.

In the Qur'an, the veil is not mentioned as an article of clothing for Muslim women or men,rather than a spiritual veil that provides carriers with privacy. The Koran instructs Muslims to the wives of the men only speak from behind a veil, Muhammad. The issue of modesty in the Qur'an is true for men and women look, gait, clothing and genitals. Women are expected to jilbab (neck) to wear in public, to prevent them from harm. Muslim women are obliged to inform the veil in front of every man who could theoretically contribute to marry. It is therefore not to be worn in front of their fathers,Siblings, grandparents, uncles or young children. It is also not required to wear the dress in front of another Muslim woman.

Women Islam

Islamic modesty is interpreted uniquely by each individual practitioner according to their specific needs. Some women wear clothing of the whole body with only their eyes were visible, while others just feel the need to cover their hair and cleavage.

The history of the hijab - Explore Muslim dress

The confidentiality rules are usually relaxed for older women. It is generally considered one in whichView of marriage and then they can put their coats. However, they do not have a free display of their beauty.

Women Islam

The history of the hijab - Explore Muslim dress

