วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The life of Malcolm X

Malcolm X was Malcolm Little in Omaha, Nebraska, was born May 19, 1925. His father, Earl Klein was a Baptist minister and avid supporter of the outspoken black nationalist leader Marcus Garvey. The young Malcolm was appointed by his father and the extreme pressure that has been inflicted on her family will be formed. The family was forced to move twice after receiving death threats from white racists. The family settled in Lansing, Michigan, but their efforts to prevent problems in the wayfailed, the family has been razed to the ground at home and two years later, Earl Little was found dead in suspicious circumstances.

His father's death had a devastating effect on the family, started the mother's mental health problems, will eventually suffer committed to a mental institution. Devastating children were beaten and several foster homes and orphanages. The young Malcolm was postponed for a series of white foster families, it was definitely confused, but managed to stay thereconcentrate on his studies, the high school at the top of his class. However, when a popular teacher, her high ideals, a lawyer, tell him that there were such great expectations for mocking a black man, was completely out of the school. He moved to Boston to live with his sister Ella Little Collins.

Man Islam

Collins lives in Roxbury, the center of African-American community in Boston. Malcolm was attracted by the energetic, bubbly,a communal lifestyle. He worked a series of odd jobs before going on the road and moves from city to city, at the end was based in Harlem, New York. He began to push into the criminal underworld of the city, involved in drug trafficking, prostitution rings and extortion. He has managed the project during the Second World War, by a show of insanity, as he was interviewed avoided. In 1945 he returned to Boston was involved in a series of robberies, was immediately arrested,tried and sentenced to ten years in prison. He has served his sentence in state prison in Charlestown Massachusetts. It 'been there that Elton John Bembry, which strongly influence mentality meets Malcolm. Malcolm was very impressed with the way Bembry moved over aroused among his fellow prisoners only for the use of words and language.

The life of Malcolm X

The two become friends, Bembry Malcolm encouraged to educate themselves. In 1949, is informed by the Nation ofIslam started by his brother, Malcolm will be very interested in the movement. To support the concept of nation in black and active efforts of independence, African-Americans to achieve political success, economic and social development. He began to correspond with the Nation of Islam leader, Elijah Muhammad and was soon a member. In 1952, Malcolm was released form prison, went to Muhammad to visit, always moving in the foreground. He changed his last name, dropping 'Little', as heconsidered as his slave name and adopted the name X on tribal identity, which meant lost to him forever.

Man Islam

Soon he became a minister and national spokesman for the Nation of Islam called and was charged with the construction of new mosques. Charismatic and persuasive, he began seriously to increase the membership of Malcolm in the country, spreading the use of all forms of media for the vision of the movement. She started a media magnet, present in many interviews becomePrograms and articles. It was a week of television program entitled The Hate that with Mike Wallace in 1959, characterized Hate Produced. The program explores the movement and the rise of Malcolm in it until the end of the race, it was obvious that the shadow of his mentor Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad had influence within the movement. While the movement for civil rights against the nation tolerated all necessary means to achieve the objectives. Such an attitude authorities alerted the FBI agents infiltratedOrganization and has begun to monitor all activities of the group.

In 1963, Malcolm had become disillusioned with the nation, he learned that his mentor, Elijah Muhammad was secretly born in the issues with the women within the movement and in fact some of his children had paid. Malcolm was upset, Muhammad had taught celibacy. Malcolm feels betrayed and, especially, felt that it was once again deceived all the people who convinced the nation that is noworganization perceived as fraudulent. Aggravating fallout, Malcolm had made caustic remarks about JFK assassination, the nation's publicly rebuked his talisman, had enough of Malcolm and the splitting of the movement. He founded his own religious organization, Muslim Mosque, Inc. and very secular organization, the Organization of Afro-American Unity, a group of black nationalism. In the spring of 1964, he converted to Sunni Islam and began a pilgrimage to Mecca, isradically change its outlook.

During his pilgrimage, he met with Muslims of different races and interactions observed at eye level, began to believe that Islam can be passed as a vehicle through which racial problems could be used. After his return to America, he began to preach expanded definitely not exclusively on African-Americans, but for all races, his vision was. This led to further deterioration of relations between Malcolm and the Nation of Islam, the latter under theare quite drastic decision to label him assassinated. Tragically, 21 February 1965, while speaking in an organization of Afro-American Unity meeting, Malcolm X shot and killed three armed men who stormed the stage.

The life of Malcolm X

