วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

He-Riyadh - men over 16 are not allowed

He-Riyadh - men over 16 are not allowed

In the capital of Saudi Arabia, men over the age of 16 years allowed large supermarkets, accompanied only by a woman to visit. This rule has been accepted by the paradox of the area malls.

As is well known that Islamic law is limited in most cases, a woman's right. For example, in Saudi Arabia, women can not drive the car, can marry only with the sanction of male relatives to leave abroad unless accompanied by aThe man and so on. But the adoption of a ban in relation to men, in particular, shopping is a phenomenon quite rare.

Man Islam

It turned out that the prohibition was adopted for lonely men into supermarkets, with the goal ... protect the moral foundations of the female population of the country. The fact is that Saudi Arabia has recently increased the frequency of cases of young girls desire. In this country, when a man asks a woman for her name or phone numberis a withdrawal by the standard of behavior.

Adopted after the long ban on Men are forced to keep closer to their mothers, wives, sisters and other relatives of the woman. Those who dare to come to a business alone, the risk will not be allowed to enter the supermarket. The young local people who would presumably have done so in the business with a group of women to their relatives. And 'even in situationswhen men are often not allowed to enter the store when their wives are already in, but for some reason the men out there too late. A number of enterprising women to use this situation to their goals, with 50 local materials for entry into the business.

Despite the outrage of a male half of the Saudi capital, the rule will not be changed in relation to supermarkets visit. In other cities' Saudi Arabia is not yet adopted similar administrative standards,more ...

He-Riyadh - men over 16 are not allowed

