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Islam wants to dominate?

Islam wants to dominate?

Khaled Mashal, leader of the Hamas movement, the Palestinian elections in January 2006 in a speech in Damascus, al-Jazeera TV broadcast on 3 February 2006 has been won. He said that European nations to apologize to Islam, because .. Sit "Tomorrow, our nation is on the throne of the world, this is not a pipe dream, but tomorrow that we are the world, Allah willing Apologize today, before repentance. Does not look good. Our nation is moving in forward, andis in your interest to respect a victorious nation. "His speech went on to say that the first phase of the Islamic conquest of the world would be the elimination of Israel and the West's defeat in Iraq.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad agrees. He said in the holy city of Qom in Iran, January 5: ".. We have, in fact, to believe that Islam is not confined to geographical borders, ethnic groups and nations, is a universal ideology that leads the world in righteousness," He thinks that his mainThe goal is to "prepare the way for the glorious return of Imam Mahdi, may Allah for him as soon as possible reappearance. After the Shiites, the 12th imam disappeared as a child in 941 believe that he will return and" Mahdi "known , and his kingdom on earth for seven years before making a final decision and the end of the world.

Islam Dating

Woke up at the same time, the entire Islamic world with anger at the cartoons in a Danish newspaper printed. We have evidence (on request)that shows how the line of cartoons was sent by Islamic radicals with the aim of bringing together Muslims against the West, manipulated to create and subjugation under Islamic claims to defend Iran and Syria against criticism by the United Nations. It is no coincidence that Denmark set to assume the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council - at the same time that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) should refer Iran to the Security Council and sanctions required. ToAt the same time, the Security Council wants Syria and the regime of President Assad about the assassination of Lebanese President Hariri question. To illustrate, Denmark would be called "an enemy of the Prophet" useful for the Islamic world in creating the idea that all Muslim countries blame is part of a plot anti-Western Islamic.

Islamic leaders in Britain with the cartoon controversy to increase pressure on the government to be exercised to limit what is said in the release of Mohammed. PatrickCould "If we pass laws, or simply create a new code of conduct for the press to protect in a specific way of Muhammad, I fear that it could be the thin end of wedge self-imposed censorship: Sookdheo Barnabas Fund comments on this. We we move quickly to more serious situations. In Pakistan, has a mandatory death sentence since 1991 for the "desecration of the name" Mohammed ". He continues to show how the Muslim Action Committee is using the cartoon furor, reverse the defeatsuffered by Muslims, when the House of Commons voted unexpectedly for the Racial and Religious Hatred Bill in a form that does not provide protection to Muslims, the government had plans to switch.

The cartoon controversy has led to a demonstration in the streets of London with the slogan of "infidels" to be beheaded, and shows the support of suicide terrorism. One said: "Europe, you come crawling, when raging Mujahadeen come." There was widespread outrage in this demonstrationModerate Muslims and tried to distance himself from it. But days later, a survey by the British Muslims that 45% of the creation of the (Islamic) Sharia law for Britain.

This is consistent with the vision of the Islamic world, which is the time of its establishment is to subjugate the world, defined by Allah in the Koran. Mission of Muhammad was universal, with the aim not only preach, but also all existing societies are changing in a society governed by IslamicAllah's Law, Sharia known.

Therefore, Islam grants radical Muslims a mandate of the existing society into an Islamic society to change to Islam supreme and then control every aspect of society. This is not only the desire of fundamentalists like Osama bin Laden, but it seems to be the desire of a large number of Muslims around the world.

This desire is a written document in 1980 entitled The Islamic movement in the West by Khurram Murad, then resistthe head of the Islamic Foundation with offices around the world. He outlined his Islamic revolution and how to implement the project in the West.
On page three of his documents, asked the question: "What is an Islamic movement?" He goes to the answer. "An Islamic movement is an organized struggle against the present society in an Islamic society based on the Koran and the Sunnah of change, and Islam, a code for life, the supreme and dominant"

Such opinions mayfind adequate justification in the Koran that Muslims should be the supreme non-Muslims and should be closed in a jihad in order to reach that level until the Day of Judgement, teaches.

"So lose no heart, nor fall into despair. Because you need to master if you're really in the faith. Fight those who believe not in Allah and the Last Day, who do not deny what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if) the people of the Scripture (ieJews and Christians) until they pay the '(jizya poll tax, living with non-Muslims in a Muslim society to pay) with willing submission and feel themselves subjected. "Sura Al-Tauba 9:29 (Yusuf Ali translation).

So Islam will rule the world? Of course, the goal of world domination and the expression of achieving it are two different things. Hitler promised 1000 years Reich, but in 1945, Berlin was in ruins and defeat the Nazis. The communist manifesto spoke of the inevitability of the worldRevolution and Communist rule, but in 1989 the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union in 1991. I remember talking wild eyes Maoists of Speakers Corner in London in 1970, their brand of communism would win and the thought of Chairman Mao has said it would take 10,000 years. Now that capitalism has arrived in China and Mao's Red Book is a collector's item. It will be the same thing happens to the Islamic radicals? We can not know anything about this in the prophecies ofBible?

What do the Islamists, would be an abundance of oil reserves in the Middle East, which has generated a lot of funding the spread of Islam throughout the world. It also provides an effective means of putting pressure on the rest of the world. "Do not get angry at us if you need a steady supply of oil, so that the system will go." They also have a worldwide network of mutual support groups through the mosques and Muslim organizations and the concept of "umma", the reportThe Muslims among them, and it means that if you are offended, everyone is offended.

There are a number of things that do not need to go for it, however. It 'true that the West is addicted to oil which is mostly Muslim countries to provide the Muslims is also dependent on Western technology and trade relations. If you destroy the West, will be destroyed in the process. It must be said that although the concept of divided "umma" in Muslim world on many lines -Sunnis and Shiites, Arabs and Arab moderates and radicals. In fact, the greatest murderess in the Muslim world today are Muslim brothers. Trigger among non-Muslims against terrorism and the nature of the cartoon controversy stirring a sense of fear and hostility toward Islam in many parts of the world increased.
If we are to come, the Bible, there are two important issues that we must try to answer this question. First, the question of Israel and surrounding countries. There are a number ofPassages in the Bible that show that in the end of the return of the Jewish people in Israel and once again ravaged country a fertile one (Ezekiel 36). Jerusalem will be the center of the world (Zechariah 12:2-3).

The surrounding nations hostile to Israel and fulfill the words of Psalm 83.4: "Come, let's exterminate them, a people that the name of Israel be remembered no more." In verses 6-8 of this Psalm is a list of nations that arebe identified with Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Gaza, Syria and Iraq. In 1948, 1967 and 1973, Israel has been fighting wars for survival against the armies of these countries bent over the pressure of the Jewish state into the sea.

In this Psalm there is a reference to Zeba and Zalmunna, who said: "We do ourselves the pastures of God to take possession '(v 12) We see Zeba and Zalmunna judge in the eighth were the kings of Midian., Head of' army that came against Israelthe days of Gideon. 8.21 In Judges we read: "Gideon came and killed Zeba and Zalmunna and took the ornaments that were on their camels" necklace "in use" has Saharonim ", an unusual word to the right," The Hebrew word for " . In the New King James Version is translated as "half-moon ornaments'. The crescent moon ornament shown devotion to the god of paganism. Today there is a world religion, which also used the crescent as a symbol - Islam. Islam embodies everything that the languages ​​spoken inthis psalm in his attitude towards Israel. It is the dominant religion in countries surrounding Israel. However, countries that are to be defeated against Israel in Psalm 83 and did not succeed in their goal.

The prophecy of Ezekiel 38-9 goes further and brings in a great power in the far north, leads the armies of Gog and Magog, which include Iran in their number. While there is much discussion among commentators about the identity of the participating nations, there aredoubts about where you go if you are in the extreme north of Israel - Russia. Russia has become the humiliation of the collapse of the Soviet Union emerging as a major player in world politics with its vast oil and gas and the growing arsenal of weapons. Russia has a large Muslim population within its borders and the republics of the former Soviet Union Muslim majority. Although Russia is unpopular with the Islamic radicals on their policy in Chechnya, hashistorically privileged Arab states hostile to Israel. President Putin, the Hamas leaders to Moscow and the Russians invited to provide the material for the construction of a nuclear Iran to Bush, who is the cause of the current crisis. If the United States or Israel attacks Iran's nuclear facilities could lead Russia into war in the Middle East powder keg.

If Russia is the subject of this prophecy is controversial (we have a cassette / CDon request at £ 3 including postage). What is not disputed that Iran / Persia. In addition to the possibility of Russia, are the nations that come against Israel on this occasion Islamic. They come with the intention to wipe Israel, but met their end on the "mountains of Israel" as God directly intervenes and destroys these armies. (Ezekiel 38.18-23).

The next question is whether this event is the same as Armageddon (Zechariah 14, Revelation 16 is theand 19). There are a number of reasons why I think it is not (as already said on the tape). If there is some time before Armageddon, ask yourself: "What would the impact on the Islamic world, as an event 'Far from conquering the world should first conquered Islam Israel suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands? God is not human power. The Bible says that this event causes "sanctified in the eyes of many nations" that the Lord (the God of Israel) to be (Ezekiel39.27). The conclusion is clear that Islam does not reign in the world to succeed.

The Bible teaches that "the Antichrist is coming," but that "many antichrists" (1 Jn 2:18). And 'My opinion is that the Islamists of "many antichrists" who will come before the end of the day, but not the Antichrist. The denial of Jesus as the Son of God, the persecution of Christians, one goal of world domination - - While they have many characteristics of the Antichrist, there are a number ofCharacteristics of the Antichrist, which is not in harmony with Islam. The most important are these.

2 Thess 2.3 to 4 after the second coming of Jesus with the revelation of '"man of sin is the first ... who opposes and exalts himself above all that God or is worshiped, so that it sits as God in the temple of God, shows that he is God. " In other words, he opposes not only the true God, but all the gods. This is shown in Daniel and Revelation 11.37 17.16 to 17. HeHe also declares himself to be God (like the Roman Caesars have). Both aspects of the coming of the Antichrist are completely in contradiction with Islam, which believes in submission to Allah and all those claiming to be a God as Allah.

In Revelation 13, the false prophet is a photo of all are respected and ensures that all those who receive the mark of the beast, without which he can not buy or sell. The veneration of images is forbidden in Islam, so how could a MuslimTo bring the market leader in such a system? This also implies a high-tech society, to give the means of each and number them by some kind of signal that they have developed the ability to buy or sell control. This fits more with a society dominated by technology developed in the West.

The Bible teaches that at the end of the day the Beast or Antichrist will rule the world: Revelation 13.7 "And power was given (the beast) over every tribe, tongue and nation."and that he and the dragon (Satan), who worships him is his power to all peoples. As we have seen Islam seeks to dominate the world. But in my opinion, lacks the ability to deliver on this. May result in countries threatened by terrorism and chaos, but this does not make you popular. The implication of biblical prophecy, which must be initially adored the popular Antichrist offer "peace and security" people (1 Thessalonians 5:3) and in return, just as Hitler was very popularwhen he came to power and was of people raised their hand and say, worshiped "Heil Hitler." It 'hard to see how the Islamic world always in that position.

Finally, the prophecies of Daniel 9:27 and Isaiah 28.14-19 means that, at the end of the day the Antichrist a peace treaty with Israel to do wrong. If Islam can rule the world, Israel would simply turn off like a child blowing out a candle. Why make a peace treaty with the problem?

If we all togethermy opinion is the most likely scenario is as follows. You will see a failed assassination attempt against Israel Muslim by many that God does not fight, but against those who seek to destroy Israel. Threatened by this war for fear it will create security throughout the world, the Antichrist, the offer of "peace and security", probably from the European Union or United Nations (or both). He is supported by the advanced technology of the West to a world economic system of an occult religion to imposewhich speaks to people through the chaos of contemporary religions (Islam and Christianity nominal) disillusioned. Once this begins, instead of the last period of great tribulation, and held a moment of great persecution.

The world is for the final battle of Armageddon, to gather all nations, led by the beast and the false prophet. They meet their end, as the Lord Jesus is still in power and glory with the Saints (devout Christians). Afterthat the kingdoms of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah and he shall reign forever and ever (Revelation 11:15). On that day, "The Lord shall be king over all the earth will be over time:." The Lord is One and His name one "Zechariah 14:09 .. Hallelujah!

Islam wants to dominate?

