วันพุธที่ 6 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Unequal land rights of women in Bangladesh

Unequal land rights of women in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a developing country, is tough competition for the ownership, control, management and use of land resources has been insufficient. There have been many efforts in recent years, women in development leading to wear, but I'm back, and there was no difference between male and female in the family and in society and in many ways. Existing systems, laws, administration, etc. are not suitable for women who enjoy exclusive rightson real estate. So, they need a separate policy ground, where the same law clearly than ever in the Constitution and the CEDAW Convention, the mention of Bangladesh to November 6, 1984 was confirmed. Correct application of the current law of the land, women may respond to the administration and women-friendly environment of the country and to ensure women's right of access to land.

The laws and patriarchal values ​​and practices in Bangladesh create prejudice against women pungent. Thedevelopment plan last year and the last ten years of the plan of government. Bangladesh women place emphasis on improvement through literacy, improve health and nutrition, employment and recognition for women.

Women Islam

However, there was no apparent increase in enrollment of women to land, was not even in the form of government. Allocation of land for disadvantaged women. UNFPA has reported that women in the labor market represent 65% of the effort around the world, but receive onlyone-tenth of the profits of the world and just less than one percent of the planet's surface. In rural areas of South Asia, especially Bangladesh, is the main source of agricultural land owned, the critical determination of well-being, social status and empowerment.

Often, in our country, women have poorer prospects in the family and position in society, to determine their lack of ownership, control and administration, transfer and registration of land or other, isProperties. Rights to manipulate and control over land to reach other positive things as important as training, service, income and the relationship with local institutions. It also has significant evidence that the economic resources to help in the hands of male family member is not often the female members of an appropriate scale, for this reason, self-ownership of such resources, especially land and can therefore critical in promoting nature and Empowermentof the women folk.

Normally, after the married woman leave her father's house and live with men. In most cases, to hide the fact of his brothers married sisters, and therefore women have fallen from their ancestral lands and other properties. And 'most difficult for the sisters a lawsuit against file-brother, and so face the threats and administrative officer. Brothers often share the transfer of land belonging to his sister, without informing, and enabling women supportedI forget their ancestral land. Maximum time that women do not know the parents and her husband owned. They do not claim to provide information and details of the property. In addition, most of them do not know country of laws, their right to inheritance and have no record of an applicant. Normally, women and the poor must be recorded by the survey and refused to follow the inheritance. Cultural barriers play a negative role of the applicants' parents areProperties.

Right to family property reproduce divergence and relationship break with relatives. Our civilization is not convincing to accept the inherited and women who often feel like a minor offense. If they raise their property, but to scratch the relationship between them. You also need to consider about their brothers in need. If you take this activity, their families vulnerable. In addition, the existing structure, culture, tradition, customs, values, rulesagainst women and should be changed.

The dominant Hindu and Muslim family laws regarding inheritance discriminate against women. Most of the Muslims and Hindus, women face the legacy of inequality worse than shares of land, as a man is one of them. Sharia law is discriminatory under the male and female land rights. According to Sharia law, a child is only half of what a male child is entitled to his father's estate. But in practice, the childThere is almost never what is legally authorized to receive, particularly in the patriarchal family model.

Hindu women can not imagine their birthright to land, because under the rule of the Hindu religion, women do not belong to their parents nor her husband own the property they are entitled, at his death. In special cases, can only enjoy a good property, where they have no right to absolute property of the estate only for life. Very often their position in the family andCompany tangential and very vulnerable. Therefore we can say that the existing law of Bangladesh Hindus is totally against the property rights of women on the ground while India cancellation of this kind of unjust rule of their right to amend this.

But Bangladesh is a signatory to CEDAW and is committed to the same rights as all types of properties owned by women than by men under Chapter XI of the Convention. Rule of law means equal rights and protection in all areas ofLives of citizens without distinction of race, sex, religion, caste or place of birth. This is guaranteed by art. 27 as a fundamental right under the Constitution. In addition, Art. 10, 19 and 28 (4) of the Charter of the country's top direct the State to promote and ensure equal rights for women in all forms of life. Several socio-economic, religious and cultural synergy results in discrimination against women by an effective right of access to land.

The loss of land rightsWomen is also a cultural phenomenon. Cultural norms mean that women lose their share of parental property. Where women do not voluntarily abandoned their claims, male relatives with the game, complain, forged wills and use intimidation and even physical violence against women from pursuing claims to prevent. But in addition to social norms and illegal activities of other shareholders, the govt. Officials often concerns amalgam and often frustrate the implementation of legislationWomen prefer. In contrast, the inter-family inequalities of women in relation to economic and social activities that have already received some attention is on the rise. The legal rights of women in terms of resources to strengthen their position in the family and society, the empowerment process.

The relationship between gender equality and empowerment is an imperative for the worst situation of women. Women with soil could authorize way to economically empower them and strengthen their ability toGender inequalities in social and political challenges, both within and outside the home. Since women have greater bargaining power with the country, they would support in order to negotiate a more equitable distribution of rights between the sexes in the family. The relationship with rural poverty and access to land has a strong bond. However, women without state resources extremely vulnerable to shortages and misery in the case of desertion, divorce or death of a husband. Understanding the dynamics andStatus of women can contribute to programs aimed at reducing emotional equality of sexes, and poverty reduction planning.

Women can end up right on the promotion of family welfare, efficiency in resource management, and can improve equity and the empowerment of women. Could ALRD (2000) reported that women with better bargaining position to negotiate the country to help them more equal gender division in the family and advanced to the market wage and status in society. Women and childrenRisk of poverty would be reduced and their well-being are enhanced when women had just access to land. Evidence from around the world suggest you can use to land more feminine patterns imaginative and appropriate crop they choose. They are experts in terms of traditional agricultural practices and environmentally friendly. Women are more prone to food crops as crops and food security to ensure the family. It would also be entitled to the land of women, not only alloweconomically, but also strengthen their capacity, the challenge of social and political issues of gender.

Government to ensure women's right of equitable access to land. should:

1 Change of succession to ensure greater equity and social security for women. Universal family as well as universal laws of succession must be installed and approved amendments to the existing assets;

2 Women Hindus and other indigenous minorities should be guaranteed equal rightscustomary law of succession and the reform of the communities and groups;

3 social mobilization for a new attitude towards her daughter to inherit and extend the right of women to land;

4 Support for women, that their land claims with the Land Registry;

5 effective legal literacy program so that the poor and women to better identify the situation and may have problems with land;

6 help make the law clear andconsistent with the sex and various types of real estate;

7 Provision of legal assistance and counseling for women who help women with their requests and resolution of disputes as an alternative to the competition, 8 Advocacy and lobbying for the promotion of gender equality and women's access to land and other properties at different levels, between communities, local govt. national institutions, policies and legislation.

There is an immense need for legislative reforms and secretarial workStart of women's rights and effective control of the country. It 'also need to strengthen supervision and improve the knowledge gaps declining land rights, gender and legal issues on women's ability to negotiate with the community and the state and within the budget.

Unequal land rights of women in Bangladesh

