วันจันทร์ที่ 4 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Islamic wedding dresses and wedding dresses

Many Muslim women tend to choose the traditional dress, and white. Wives from the subcontinent of Asia prefer shalwar-qameez which is scarlet, adorned with his hands and feet with henna in intricate patterns and beautiful.

Shalwar-qameez or qamìs / Kammez is a wedding dress that is traditionally consumed in South Asia. And 'in India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and we liked were made so far. Salwar Kammez is usually caused by wearMuslim men and women. It 's like a wedding dress in many women in Afghanistan and Pakistan are very popular.

Islam And Marriage

A pajama-like shalwar are down, and baggy pants, wide tapered thighs and waist, and up to where it is firmly sewn on the bottom edge. Wrinkles decorate it in life and are held in place by an elastic band or cord, or by more traditional woven rope called "Naad 'or' Naal". There are various styles found in womenshalwar, from traditional to contemporary.

Marriage shalwar women are large and wide, even if the lady is now contoured or tight shalwar bear called 'Pyjamies' or' Pyjamies Churidar. "One of the most popular versions of design shalawar, the Patiala Shahi shalwar, popular in the regions of Malwa and Punjab Patiala India, the most striking feature about them is their lifeline, or Naad Naal that intertwine.

Islam And Marriage

Kameez is a robe orlong shirt with side seams that are open. These pages, called "Chaak" are open at the waist line, for more freedom of movement for the wearer. A traditional kameez is cut flat and straight, with lateral cuts and traditional, but sports a more modern kameez pods, which are set inspired by European tastes. A traditional kameez for women, usually loose fitting, or normal, although often seen in modern times, Muslim women in a fashion made kameez,The figure is emphasized.

In general, a fine of kameez tailors sewing techniques are complicated and beautiful identified. Scraps are particularly careful about how they are sewn beautiful, so beautiful for the wedding. The techniques that are used to embellish a wedding can be kameez Necklines are like pearls, embroidered trimmings, decorative trimmings and necklines simple and unadorned.

Somali wedding bridal dresses
Other Islamic countries alsoare capable of Islamic faith in particular, specific colored wedding dresses, beautiful brides Guntiino as Somali, Indian saris are similar to prefer and are bright and full-length, a head covering called Googaro Garbasaar and panties to wear under your dress. The Direh Dirac or putting a dress that is light, usually over a petticoat or a sheet of paper. Gold jewelry and makeup can be worn as accessories, hair and jewelry.

Other Islamic MarriageClothes
The Muslim women of certain items of clothing for their weddings. These include modest long skirts, blouses, beautiful or precious pearls, one Jalabeeb or burqa, the full length of the neck body, because it is a long robe. There is also a head like a mere shell Mazar hijab, the headscarf is a hair and Coantino, which is draped over your head, because it is a large piece of cloth, and known then tied around the hips.

Islamic wedding dresses and wedding dresses

Islamic wedding dresses and wedding dresses

