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Review of the book "Empire of Trust" by Thomas F. Written Madden

Title: Empires of Trust
Like Rome, America and built a new world
Author: Thomas F. Madden
Publisher: Dutton edition
Year: 2008
Pages: 336


Islam And Marriage

This book explores the similarities and differences between the ancient Roman Republic and the United States of America.

They say Rome was not actually a ruthless conquest of the kingdom to conquer the legions of Caesar, and in vain, but on the basis of an agrarian republic builtwith the desire to remain isolationist, but from the outside world. Both countries have built the rarest of the kingdom, a realm of trust. This empire has tied together in alliances of free nations, rely on widely used, that the Allies were responsible use of military force by the dominant power.

Islam And Marriage

Rome and the United States was suspicious of concentrated power in the world, so they built an empire on security and trust that their people inside or outside the sphere ofinfluence their trust in them. And that is why many nations today, do not need to build an army that U.S. Trust, to protect them from predators.

Chapter provides an overview
The first chapters (1-7)
Madden layout of empires 3 types:
1) empires of conquest
2) If trade
3) There is enough confidence

In the early empires, the military dominated and dominate the world, as the Mongols / Turks and Persians. Empires of Commerce are only interested in obtainingenough of a foothold on the political, rather than political control or tribute.Example kingdom are English and Dutch. These empires are to carry out their business by applying sufficient stability in the area.

But empires of the book focuses on trust as in Madden Page (5) states that: "Many people have an image captured by the Romans as brutal, it's not the real dynamic at all." But it was actually "waste" that the Romans seem reliable for the other, byformed the basis of their realm of trust.

Review of the book "Empire of Trust" by Thomas F. Written Madden

The other talks in Madden first chapter of Roman culture and history, which led it to become a world power. Cultural values ​​cited are: Budget as a major social component and ideal for small farmers in the citizen-statesman, the emphasis on the art of war and duty, suspicious of the monarchy and absolute power and the desire to expand the ' Horizon invasion to make a safe direction.

Rome was in 390 BC, the largestmilitary power in central Italy. If invasion "Gallic" threatened Rome, decided to form alliances with neighboring states and so "The League of Latin city-state" built to provide security for all alliance against enemies.This Latin League fielded a strong military force joint, but because of federal power to rebel against the Roma, some allies.

After the Civil War in 340 BC and Rome's victory, the "Latin League", accepted them as allies with the new independent local government,He was able to Rome, their units are developed during various levels of autonomy for the governance of the Allies has been given to states: "The city would receive the next Latin Roman citizenship, with full voting rights and the right to walk of Roman settlements, if the local governments of the States, the largest confirmed the decisions for the region have been crazy to Rome. "Others, especially non-Latin allies gave citizenship without voting rights. The lowest rung were "allies equal," people could not do, butBusiness with the Romans, the approval. "(P 75)

Or be able to conclude this alliance of the United States and 21 in the 20 th Century, and recent events. For example, in 1990, entering Iraq invades Kuwait was a small U.S. ally, the United States leads a coalition to liberate Afghanistan Kuwait.The in the U.S. (to prevent terrorism of al-Qaeda ) in Iraq and attempted to separate, the Allied governments, in turn. But this event, the tensions in neighboring countries like Iran and Pakistan, ifwere of an anti-US war camp there will be overturned.

The last chapter (8-11):

Madden in these chapters is the question: "Has the United States in terms of power, had reached Rome in 146 BC He replied:" Yes "He says now the American empire of confidence is still too young to compare with the final ascent Roman Empire, but it is still a superpower. And to get Pax (peace), you must have an extraordinary degree ofPower.

Roman Empire after the fall of the Macedonian kingdom was the great military power and economy. United States even after the fall of the Berlin Wall and U.S. could be more powerful and above the event 9 / 11.

The threat of terrorism:

Terrorism is caused by American foreign policy, if for more than 7 years in power, America has the occupying Muslim holy land, is to humiliate people, pillage and terrorize their neighbors to reach. Sun Talban and Al-Qaedaare to blame as the U.S. policy and began to fight U.S. During the Roman Empire, Jewish terrorists targeted, and their basic goal was to leave the Holy Roman Empire, nor could their religion, to spread to the whole world, Roman Empire, but the responsibility for the safety all the allies did not allow her to take the Jews to freedom in their decisions. so desired by the Jews, to adapt to the laws of the Roman Empire, like USA Today, said that Islam, you should have holly in a modern interpretation of the law,Instead of a medieval context. And for this reason, the U.S. hopes to win this war and definitely believe that Islam does not contain support.

Today, most Americans are optimistic about the future, know that this road is not an easy path. They believe that there will always be challenges, more wars, more bloodshed and more division, so far have achieved their goal of safety for themselves, their allies and their horizons.

AMadden said that last may not be able to see the end of the road in America, but it seems pretty clear the direction the Roman way of taking lessons, followed by failures and wrongs.


1) While Madden is a writer, academic history, which has tried, old story that the political events and not only that he scribes ancient past, but makes it immediately useful for understanding the turbulent present.

2) Contrary to popularMyth and false attitude of the Roman Empire and the United States, Madden said it was in Rome and the United States and owned, has an "empire of trust," which has no built in security protection and conquest. Rome was a society bent on spreading its influence as it was through military service, in fact, like the United States, was an isolationist culture that preferred alliances and the use of force was reluctantly in the empire-building desire to defend himself and pushedFriends.

3) This book will convince them that the American empire is a good thing, or that are basically the search for peace (why not always), but is seriously thinking about world affairs and intellectual shallow furrows in the fall.

4) As some authors as (Joseph J. Ellis, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of "Founding Brothers" and Nail Ferguson author of "The Ascent of Money" and a professor of history at Harvard University) said: "This book is a newApproach in America and is similar to that of the Roman Empire, to appreciate what we (Americans) are really, because they are invisible and often unconscious dynamics that some nations will see turned into a rich, often against their will because wonders, will Not to say that we are in Rome, but he explains how the American constitutional and military service, the service was influenced by Roman "

5) Madden actually shows that the Roman Republic maintained high moral standards in dealing with the defeatEnemies and brought stability and the rule of law. Rome and America got the role of police authorities around the world and are the world, and trust that other powers sought help.

6) Madden We are not saying that our empire will last forever, but he will be believers of all empires, but the point is, if they could last as long as the Romans, then it should be.

My criticism

I think that while there are some events that are repeated in the historical process, but alsohave many similarities in different eras, we can not definitely say the same thing. (The author is not so obvious to say), but if you think that Islam should be more moderate and customize yourself with the goal to win security for themselves and their allies (like the Jews during the Roman Empire) the United States 'It should be noted that the context of Islamic discourse is very different from Jews. And the religious terrorism that exists today is not related to Islam as an ideology as a whole, butis a departure from the essence of Islam. then, "terrorism" is not an Islamic problem, it is a new form of anomie, which dissolve in their demands social mechanism. But I am not for the book predict the future of the United States and the flexibility peaceful Islamic allies to join the Americans', because terrorism and the ideology of Islam are mutually exclusive.

I recommend this book:

1) All those interested in the history of Western civilization is
2) Those who love historical-comparativeNew approaches to the analysis of contemporary events in the United States

Review of the book "Empire of Trust" by Thomas F. Written Madden

