วันศุกร์ที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Women and Islam

Women and Islam

If you're someone who would not ask a Muslim, what they thought of women in Islam, probably with the words "the oppressed" and "second-class citizens." This is not their fault, because they are easy to read on the front page and movies that portray Muslim women as weak and without real rights in Islam at all. They see Muslim women wearing a veil or head scarf, but I do not know why and concluded that, because it is dominatedby their jealous husbands. It 's time to debunk some myths about Islam and women.

Muslim women are actually of great importance given in Islam. Much of what we see and how some Muslim women are treated is not because of religion, but more traditional. These two should not be confused as being related. Islam does not mean that women do not educate, because it encourages women to learn to help them to lead future generations of Muslims in the world and aregood citizens in their respective countries.

Islamic Women

To wear the veil and covering the body is required by Muslims, but much can be taken out of context, as it was originally written. Men are also expected to cover, but not always made by Muslim men, this is used in Islam to the believing women that they may believe that what has been commanded to be part of Islam, but actually is not. Women, the veil often so personal choice and weartheir willingness to follow their faith.

Muslim women have every right to work and educate themselves and to be observed in many countries around the world. There are many countries around the world, where Muslim women are oppressed and treated as second class citizens, but in the West, things have changed drastically, to continue to protect the rights of the progress of all the days of Muslim women. Forced marriages arranged a thing of the past in the West and areIdea that women are not entitled to vote or drive.

Women are the heart of a Muslim family and should be treated with love and respect. To say Islam should not be used for women as cleaners or cooks in the house. This is a traditional characteristic of the genus reported from the Middle West and here in the pleasure and comfort of her husband. This is not what Islam says to treat women.

Islam is a lifestyle, a way to lead a peaceful and productiveLife for women and men. There are differences between men and women, but as long as they follow the true teachings of Islam, then they can work together, whether Muslims can be the best.

Women and Islam

