วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Jubbas - Stained Glass for modern times

A Juba is a long dress for men, ankle-length curtains, which is sometimes worn with trousers underneath. It is a popular piece of clothing is commonly worn in the Middle East and other Muslim countries, their own set of names to have clothes. In the region of the Levant (Syria, Palestine and Jordan), is commonly referred to as dishdasha, United Arab Emirates and Oman, is commonly referred to as Kandura.

Jubbas are available in different colors and can come in manydifferent versions according to each region. In the Gulf region, is worn mostly in color and has white collar around the neck or throat, with the exception of Oman, where Jubbas cream and white are the norm, but other colors are worn frequently. The Moroccan Jubbas galabeya Jellabiya are sometimes as large or with a hood and is composed of stripes or solid colors with keys and, sometimes with intricate embroidery on the border that easy.

Man Islam

JubbasStyles were often very similar in nature to the classical Middle East and Muslim culture and tradition. He made little effort really King-style clothing, more diversity, have to add it. Historically, the clothing Jubbas were Bedouin Arabs, who led a very simple lifestyle, but when the Arab-Muslim expansion to other areas after the advent of Islam enriches the style of Jubbas borne by the simple bedouin the other was started to suit the courts of the caliphsand viziers (ministers). Since this development there is a brief introduction of new styles of clothing was in Juba.

Only recently has added a new wave of new styles and designs to have this classic garment and variety of the range that will appeal to young people with a strong inclination to their religious identity. This has increased the demand for Jubbas never much of a competitive market in the West, because the products are mainly imported from the Middle Eastwhat the design of the region. Now the competition is to start trying to kick off the branches of Islam, competing in their own exclusive range of designer Jubbas. This must see Jubbas styles with zips and buttons on the sides, neck, waist, chest and black piping on the traditional Arab dress introduced radio rather cold and smooth.

Man Islam

Jubbas - Stained Glass for modern times

Jubbas - Stained Glass for modern times

