วันจันทร์ที่ 4 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Human rights violations

Violation of human rights is not a strange matter to the people worldwide. But, you're a man with a true heart and sympathy alone, it is necessary to address the inhumane acts that occur around the world. Let us discuss to see what types of lesions. We see most people are without basic human needs. In addition to racial discrimination, fundamentalism, discrimination in common, we can see that the rights of minorities of various countries are faced with oppression andOppression.

Those most affected are women and children.

Islam And Marriage

Dowry, child labor, child trafficking, child marriage, polygamy, sexual harassment, rape, sentenced to death are human rights violations. Here I am on the violation of human rights in terms of presenting the facts and results, discuss the people aware of the hassle capital.

In Third World countries, dowry is seen as a social curse. Able to give his fortune (big a little moneyMotorcycle, television, refrigerator and all kinds of movable / immovable), and grooms torture their parents, wives. As a result, many brides are forced to commit suicide. Many brides are killed by their husbands.

Islam And Marriage

Child labor is a social phenomenon often seen in Third World countries, especially in South Asia. All children come from poor families. You will not get their food, housing, health, clothing and education. Sometimes, childrendied when they are engaged in works of risking their lives.

Trafficking of children from South Asian countries can be seen in the newspapers. Seeing human beings come forward to news of human rights organizations to support the victims accordingly. Every year children are taken into Middle Eastern countries as UAE, Oman, Katter, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia and Sudan illegally from Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan.

Early marriage is found mainly in Muslim communities in Asia, Middle East, Africa and the Arab worldCountries. As a citizen of Bangladesh, I saw that many underage girls are forced to marry. For example, a 12 year old girl who married a man of 60. As a social custom and religious, is permitted to allow such barbaric acts. In this civilized world, no one tolerates that.

Be brought to the examination of polygamy in a society much misery. Let me tell you the true story of a Muslim woman who was in a family. Her husband had four wives and he has inspired and moralProphet Muhammad was spiritually from them, which is also about 13 women. However, women have been deprived of all rights to her husband and she was forced to do hard work outside the home. Every night, drunk, and her husband would come to some 'strong, while the children were crying to see the wild action. At some point, the woman could not help committing suicide. This is the result of the polygamous family.

Human rights violations

Sexual harassment is a violation of human rights. Millions of girlsadolescence are harassed or abused in the world. In the light of day, not one, but the criminals who sexually molest the girl, but in the dark, man is a hyena be identified. He raped and killed the innocent girl. For example, girls are living without security, as hundreds of hyenas around here and there. As we will see an end to these hyenas? How do we protect the girls? We need to think about it.

Justice delayed, denied, the words of the judge, make a clear idea about the violation of human rightsRights. What is the most important is to ensure justice without delay. The remedy is something that is expected of everyone if we can not get any suitable means to eliminate all violations of human rights.

Human rights violations

