วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Good and bad attitudes toward marriage

Throughout the world there are so many settings to marriage. They are prepared according to a Gallup International survey, nearly half of unmarried young Americans between 20 and 29, which have abolished marriage. With the latest statistics on marriage and divorce, you can not blame them. Many people agree that marriage should be for people who are willing to spend the rest of their life together. Attitudes towards marriage are influenced by many factors in society. For example, theRates of divorce and so on. Culture also affects attitudes toward marriage. In countries where this association is maintained, more people are of the opinion that marriage is an institution well and to live. Religion plays an important role in this attitude. Christians, Muslims, Hindus and other values ​​the institution of marriage. For this reason, the marriage will be for many of them is a good thing for every member of society. Those people who have bad postureMarriage is primarily interested in about the longevity of marriage.

They fear that is not stable as they wish, it would be. Others are opposed to marriage because they think it is an old concept that is no longer practical in today's complex world. People come with different opinions and will never agree. It is advisable to take into consideration what marriage entails and what are the benefits and losses for the wedding. First, we look for people who marry a partner or companion. It is not necessarymust go through life alone. For this reason, statistics have shown that people who marry more than their colleagues who do not live. Life was for people who have built in communion with each other. We are social beings and we all have the desire for closeness to people in an intimate way. Therefore, this is reason enough to evaluate the institution of marriage. Children who are raised in a healthy marriage situation and do better in school and in life in general. Thisis because the experience that have been reared by a man and a woman.

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For this reason marriages take their children to a healthy, good men and women have been able to increase the company. This shows that the institution is full of merit. Married couples are entitled to a variety of legal services. 1,400 couples in the United States enjoy rights and benefits to sign their marriage certificate. On the other hand, marriage comes with many consequences. Let us begin with legalTopics. If you have goods or property, the spouses will be half of what you have in marriage. This creates a vacuum where people can get married to you for that reason alone. Since half of all marriages end in divorce, a lot is involved with legal battles. So much time and money is spent on the legal aspects. When couples divorce or separation suffered some trauma, not to forget the children. Your attitude in life can change, and many never fully recover. Marriage isshould be for life, but many do not live up to their vows. The above concerns are real and can prove that the marriage can be complicated.

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Good and bad attitudes toward marriage

Good and bad attitudes toward marriage

