วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Jilbab is the ideal Islamic clothing for Muslim women?

Jilbab is the ideal Islamic clothing for Muslim women?

O Prophet! To draw 'your wives and your daughters and the believing women, their hands (jilbab) throughout the body (ie screen themselves completely except the eyes to see an eye on the road). This is better, so as to recognize (as free respectable women) so and not be harassed. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (Surah Al Ahzaab verse 33:59).

Jilbab been in use for a long time. They have the most important choice of clothing to alreadyWomen all over the Arab-Muslim world since the advent of Islam. While the dress jilbab are considered Muslim leader for women, there is some controversy about the different styles of the Islamic period. This is due to the fact that there are no pictures or pieces of clothing available to the early Islamic period. So one can not conclude with certainty if the jilbab were in fact the same as the first modern versions. In addition to these questions is no description of Islamic scholarsaid today that the jilbab is not the specific form of clothing for women in the Qur'an.

Islamic Women

Most Muslims today are convinced of the jilbab is the same as those of Muslim women in the Prophet (peace be upon him) have been worn once. Under strict control, there are a lot of information available about the history of jilbab. Adopted after a while ', given today's research, the original jilbab, 1970 when Egyptian Muslim women, has to dress its shape. AfterThis research has contributed to this Egyptian women jilbab show their allegiance to a particular sect of Islam. So they are a modern invention, which is in full compliance with the laws of the Koran, considered as such. After the Egyptian women, who slowly and filtered by Indonesian women. Slowly and steadily, these dresses were a part of the wardrobe of Muslim women in the vast majority of the shares previously unknown in the Muslim world.

The growing Muslim resistanceand the most religiously involved have resulted in the 1970 and 1980, the globalization of this jilbab. Today, regardless of their ethnic or social origin, have become a trademark for Muslim women around the world. Women who initially contributed to only wear loose clothing jilbab believe traditional culture conversion, which is what Allah (SWT) says in the Qur'an. Muslim women living in non-Muslim countries have specifically adopted the long and looseClothes that wrap around the contours of her body with a scarf or head, which completely hides the hair to hide from everyone else.

There are many references to the Qur'an and Sunnah on the mandatory veil for women. But, as always two sides to an argument, said that for some conception of the Koran does not necessarily rely on the jilbab robe loose relate. In fact, for them the term for the process of obfuscation is used instead. You do not believe that the term refers only tocould take to the garments for all types of clothing, the Muslim is decent and modest to be consolidated.

Jilbab is the ideal Islamic clothing for Muslim women?

