วันจันทร์ที่ 4 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Knowing and doing God's will in marriage

Knowing and doing God's will in marriage

The happy marriage is a promise to God and the will. God reveals His will to us through the following means:

i. Vision
ii. Dreams
iii. Audible voice
iv. Inner voice of the Holy Spirit
v. intuitive perception of spiritual
vi. Direct revelation of God's word
vii. Special gift of divine love that can not be deterred by the temporary circumstances contrary. Love is not mere natural affection or attraction that will be generated through friendly visits,Intimacy and the exchange of gifts.

Marriage In Islam

After praying and know what God wants for you through the various methods described above. You then have the choice between the following test question, or to determine whether by God or by yourself is:

o It is emotion, sentiment, conjecture or hypothesis or according to the word of God? This is a pledge test.
o If this connection allows me to achieve God's purpose in my life? This is a goalTest
o If this connection is me, worry, anxiety, stress or peace? It is a peace-test
My spiritual guide, or to confirm this association, because you must act like an orphan? This test is a pastor.
o There are compelling force that will say "do it now", and "do it now" and "act quickly". This is called testing the patience.

Many marriages today are collapsing, why not involve God in their marriage, we must plan to live happily with our wives, our husbands and our childrenbe made ahead of time and much more are all our plans of God for the acceptance and confirmation to be taken.

Knowing and doing God's will in marriage

