วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Divisions in Islam - The struggle within the faith

Islam is a religion complex, which according to CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) has 1,200 billion followers of every race and every century throughout the world. He persecutions, subjugation and defamation since its founding by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) survived in 1440ad. Since its establishment in spreading different sects and ideologies of the original peaceful teachings over 1,000 years.

One of the seven most popular means of communication for Islam, the Shiites, who showtheir feelings of the Prophet's brothers died of self-mutilation ritual. This is one way in which hard or sharp tools and repeatedly tap the head and / or body, even after she gave blood. Although this presentation and personal expression of Islam may seem extreme, but not a place for anyone to say, how should you follow their religion. It provides guidance and is the most personal expression.

Islam Dating

With all the media attention on terrorism and Islam in the pastYears has caused a very real division within the Islamic community, forcing the Muslims to reassess their beliefs and faith. Moderate Muslims believe in the law for all religions to live together in peace, and the best way to show your disapproval of the policy issues is through peaceful protest, and campaigns. The hard-line Muslims, however, believe that Islam is the only way, and Sharia law has on society as it must be peace can be imposed. These are called MuslimsThe extremists and their views are considered dangerous because they do not resist with violence.

This division within Islam is not perceived by non-Muslims, and would never really be able to feel the impact it has on someone when you are. Since the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, has a number of xenophobic attacks against Muslims around the world. Possible terrorist attacks by extremists have often ended up on the impact moderate Muslims. Muslims are peaceful and law-abiding mademarganalised and feeling as if their religion, because these attacks have to apologize, even if the majority of Muslims abhor the use of force.

Islam Dating

Moderate Muslims have often tried to separate themselves from the extremists, but the media is not so kind in its portrayal of Islam and terrorism. Television, newspapers and radio are rapidly converted to Islam and terrorism related, point. This misunderstanding has caused a great deal of pain and is alsocounterproductive in the fight against terrorism, because they only serve to further alienate moderate Muslims who already feel harassed by the attacks have never been responsible.

Divisions in Islam - The struggle within the faith

Divisions in Islam - The struggle within the faith

