วันเสาร์ที่ 16 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Condition of Arab women before Islam

Condition of Arab women before Islam.

Condition of Arab women in front of the spread of Islam:
Before Islam, condition or the status of women was low. Women were seen as slaves or property of men. Women were for specific purposes, and after a meeting with this purpose, were discarded. Women were considered unimportant and all those who were with women as unimportant. Women have no right to decide their lives. A woman has spent her life the way you wantby his guardian or by the owner (who has purchased), in the dark period was treated men with women, how to deal with animals. A woman should have any ownership rights in his name. In time of war, women were treated as part of the price. At this point we can say that the situation of women has been indescribable.

Islamic Women

Birth of daughter
He was present at the birth of a daughter in a family not as an event of joy
But it was considered a disgrace to the family and mostly newborn were killed at birthor after the murder and was so high and uncontrolled. Even outside of Arabia.

Condition of Arab women before Islam

Out of Arabic:
Outside of Arabia, the position of women was not so much the better, especially in Europe, India and Egypt, countries. Women were not considered as a human being, they were considered animals and men treat women like animals. Women were seen as slaves or servants of the people. A woman has no right of decision of his life, must follow the orders of their master or guardian.

Islamic Women

RightsIslam gives women (after Islam):
In Islam, women as equals to men as men and are partners in this life. In Islamic law a woman's right to independence. And 'right of decision of their lives, but there are some duties of women towards themselves and towards Allah (SWT) and will be rewarded or punished for their sin and virtue. According to the religion of Islam, a woman will be treated as equal with men punished or rewarded.

InWith her marriage has the right to choose a partner for marriage, and he's right, accept and reject a marriage partner. And their choice must be respected in this regard. Arab or Muslim women are not allowed to change their names after marriage, there will be no change in their name on their marriage.

Right to external form, they leave home:
Arab or Muslim women to go out or not in a public space or restricted working group,
or visit their relatives andGirlfriends when they are allowed by their guardian or husband. Be to leave the house a woman must be captured correctly and behave according to the instructions of Islam.

In the human rights of women in Islam, we need a woman to get education. In search of Islamic knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim. The Muslim word is not used specifically for male or female, but they are twin-Muslims.

Right to go to the mosque:
In Islam, Muslim womenRight to go into a mosque. If someone asks you for permission from his wife of her husband to go to the mosque, should not deny her. There are certain requirements for Muslim women in the mosque before they need to be properly dressed and covered.

In Islam, rights and duties of a wife are equal to those of humans.

Condition of Arab women before Islam

