วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Marriages between Muslim women and non-Muslims - An overview

Marriages between Muslim women and non-Muslims - An overview

Several years ago a friend of mine told me that he is a Muslim girl he loved, he wanted to marry. I asked him to follow his heart and instincts and marry the girl. I met this man back a few months. He later changed his name and had all the trappings associated with a Muslim. There was no need to ask how it was obvious, my friend had converted to Islam.

I thought about it and realized that Islam is a religion that has spread around the world. Even in traditionalCompanies in Europe and America, Islam gave a speech in depth. The followers of this faith are so widespread throughout the world. In this scenario, I closed meeting and loving a girl who follows the Islamic faith, is no exception.

Islam And Marriage

Muslim girls due to a very strict code of conduct and education are not as freely as Christian and Hindu women to marry so that the path of one of these girls is full of problems. But once you are friendly with them discover that they are very beautifulPeople and warm and loving, and you may face a life and marriage of one of them. Muslim girls are usually very shy, but adds an aura of charm around them.

Islam is struggling with internal contradictions with the call to jihad echo around the world, from Afghanistan to Africa and the United States. A girl is treated with this rhetoric, and generally do not make a marriage with a muslim.The their way not only to take is to tie the knot, if you convertIslam. The fear of the mullahs is so great that there is no other choice. In fact, all over the world, there have been dozens of cases in which non-Muslims who convert to Islam is not yet married and Muslim girls were summarily 'executed' in the name of Islam remained "pure." So I could understand why my friend had converted to Islam. But there are exceptions, as in the case of the writer VS Naipaul, a Pakistani woman had been married without conversion.

The fact remains thatshould proceed with caution in the relationship with a girl who professes the Islamic faith. There are only a small chance that she will marry without your conversion to Islam, you do not prefer to marry someone outside their faith. So, you must convert to marry a Muslim girl. Rarely, I have a marriage between a Muslim woman and a non-Muslim, where the boy did not convert to Islam. This is the dichotomy between religion and Islam, although professing lovedoes a marriage between a Muslim girl and not Muslim at all.

So what's the solution? Love is blind and if the love of a Muslim girl, I can think of now as we get married without your a Muslim. The question, a response is generated to convert to Islam, the only option? There is no simple answer to this and the answer lies in the defeat of the mullahs who rule Islam. In the meantime, keep all the options and possibilities, but I dare say, the way it is quite distressing.

Marriages between Muslim women and non-Muslims - An overview

