วันอาทิตย์ที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

United Arab Emirates - a tapestry of traditional

United Arab Emirates - a tapestry of traditional

UAE is a country with a Muslim majority. As a result, customs and traditions are reflected and influenced by Islam.

People: the virtues of civility and kindness are appreciated in the United Arab Emirates customs. People usually are very hospitable. At the end of a meeting, rose water is sprinkled on special guests and incense burned.

Women Islam

Food: Houses in United Arab Emirates usually have two rooms (called "Majlis") - one for men and another for women. ToEid is a time for special seating arrangements, which is based on hierarchical order are met. Eat with your right hand should be expected when dining with a native. A kind of coffee without sugar is an essential part of the RCA. Water pipes with flavored tobacco as "shisha" are known, smoked throughout the country.

Dress: women in the region have a long black gown called "Abaya" on regular clothes. They also wear the veil in public places. The traditional attire for men"Dishdasha" or "khandura" - a long white robe with a headdress as "Gutra" known.

Weddings: Weddings are special occasions in the region, as in every other part of the world. The wife should stay home for at least 40 days before the wedding. Hands and feet are decorated with henna before marriage and there are songs and dances by members of the family.

UAE is all this and more when it comes to tradition. But despite its rich cultural fabric, the fact remainsthat the company is synonymous with progress and development. He tried the best of its heritage while welcoming people of different cultures with open arms about!

United Arab Emirates - a tapestry of traditional

วันเสาร์ที่ 30 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Muslims and interracial marriage

Muslims and interracial marriage

If two married people from different religions, cultures or countries, it is understandable that many problems come to light. For the simple daily routine of life's most important decisions is playing the religion and culture of each nation an important role. But despite the occasional differences and conflicts, manage most of these pairs lead to a happy married life for the balance between the two extremes.

There are many Pakistani men in the United States to vote,Women of other religions to get married. While some Muslim men to non-Muslim women convert to Islam before the federal government are for life, there are others who are comfortable with the marriage with a non-Muslim woman and live happily with their partners without religion as a factor important.

Muslim For Marriage

The main reason why so many Pakistani men in the U.S. now choose to marry non-Muslim women, is that there are no interactions with Muslim women to the private sphere and notIslamic culture. When you meet and interact with Muslim women in her age fail, the other alternative for the Pakistani men in the United States, a woman from their circle of acquaintances and friends should be chosen.

Pakistani men in the United States, who are comfortable with the Western lifestyle and cultural values ​​have a much higher chance of a successful marriage interracial and for those who live in the United States, but not compared to absorb the culture.

The real problem is thatoccurs when the Pakistani men in the United States to marry non-Muslim women is that the religion of children is not easy decision. Muslim men believe that children should engage in the religion of the father and the most non-Muslim women, Pakistani men in the United States contribute to marry this provision. It could, however, a scenario where the woman wants the children to follow their religion and the man wants to be. A situation like this can put extreme pressure on marriage and not justParents, but also children are suffering as well.

So the Pakistani men in the United States who are considering marrying a woman of another faith must ensure that all important decisions of life, thought and discussed before getting married. Moreover, the attitude of flexibility and understanding on the part of Pakistani men in the United States to help reduce friction in the marriage.

Muslims and interracial marriage

วันศุกร์ที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Islamic swimsuits to Islamic financial

With the long summer of sun here, parents and children are waiting for us to spend time at the beach and the pool side to avoid the heat as high as possible. At the same time, however, Muslims are facing a problem on a bathing suit in the regular stores do not carry as not appropriate for Muslims. Therefore it is important that the head of your local grocery store and buy swimsuits Islamist Muslims who are moderate and decent can still enjoy thefresh water in the summer heat.

Swimwear for Muslim women is an organ present, the body completely covered from neck to feet with his arms. In addition, there is a headset, which is similar to the veil and holding her head covered. The body usually consists of two parts, a shirt and full pants to swim in order to minimize the disclosure of the nature of the wrap dress. This Muslim custom items can be purchased at a store Muslim, particularly aShop specializes in Islamic clothing and apparel.

Man Islam

For Muslim men are covering the knee swimsuit T-shirt with the upper body in accordance with sharia. This allows men to swim comfortably without the private body parts, others to swim with them. Men's Swimwear for Muslims in Islamic store near you or can be purchased from various online stores Islamic.

Islamic swimsuits to Islamic financial

All swimwear is available in a variety of colors and designsallows the buyer to choose what they feel suit their personality. Ranging from bright red and orange and fuchsia pink and yellow and green earth tones and blue water and the sea breeze is, these swimsuits to make it more attractive to small beach.

Man Islam

The idea behind a local shop for an Islamic healthier environment for Muslims in dignified and decent clothing including swimwear, wear matching of Muslim men and women to acquire. TheTendency for Islamic swimsuits launched in Australia before coming to Muslim women in particular need of modest swimwear, wear them and enjoy the cool water, relaxing in the pools and beaches. But today this concept is widely used and is gaining popularity around the world and is available worldwide at any store of Muslims.

So my ladies and gentlemen, the leader of our local store and buy a modest swimsuit islamic muslim for you and your familiesbefore the beach this year.

Islamic swimsuits to Islamic financial

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 28 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

If you want to meet Japanese women, not a "mama's boy" Be

If you want to meet Japanese women, not a "mama's boy" Be

Some men really want a woman who remembers her mother?

They can be pampered, spoiled men who do not seem to part with their mothers - "Mama boys": You know the type. Do not get me wrong, mothers are great - my thing is certain - but there comes a point in your life when you grow up.

Islamic Women

But some Japanese men seem to be aimed at "young mother" for life. And why want to change? Because these men have for their mothers to cook, do theirLaundry, cleaning their room, and almost everything done for them throughout their lives. Who wants to give that up? So, to take place of growth and learning for themselves, without a mother, it is easy for a woman trying to do the same sort of thing for them.

A friend of mine who was in a relationship with one of these mummy boy tried to end the relationship because her husband did not think her mom (my girlfriend) would be a good wife to do, and why his mother did not agree, was thatEnd the relationship. How crazy is that?

Think about all the good women out there who are more because the man does not approve of her mother to share, for any reason. Sometimes the man will never marry because his mother would not want to let go of them, or because he thinks that no woman ever good enough for her precious son. The man spends his life alone and in misery, while his mother is happy (and control of his life). Men should always be their mothers, butshould not sacrifice your whole life, happy just to your mother.

After all, what kind of mother would want to give her son to return to his life and romance again, just because a woman does not meet their needs? This is a selfish way of a mother to behave - when mothers love their children, in fact, they raise them to be strong, independent and able to build a life with a good woman. Instead of trying to govern and control the romantic life of her son was a motherteach his son how to properly treat a woman so he can continue to lead a productive and happy life.

But some mothers to their children, so that these poor people spend their whole lives looking for a girl like dear old mother planned.

Here's a news flash, boy mom: there is no other woman on earth, just like your mother. Above all, an independent, emotionally healthy woman - - If you want a real relationship with a woman, you have to let goHis maternal relationship and find a way to be alone.

Do not you think it's kinda funny, a woman like your mother want? I mean, imagine having sex with your mother! It's not a pleasant thought. So why continue to look for a woman like your mother? If you do not want a woman who is his own person? Finally, every good woman who fled so far from you, as you can get when you compare it to keep the mother.

As a mama's boy likes pretty woman at first,But it was not long, is not a good wife who wants a real man. Obviously you want to make your mother and your wife, but if you get married, have always sided with your wife, so far as to defend it against your mother, if necessary. If you are not willing to let your mother and a man is true, then it's probably not ready to date a real woman.

Some Japanese men to marry women - whether it's "boys mom" or not - find that theirMothers have no doubt that the Japanese woman will "fit" culturally with the rest of the family. For example, Japanese women marrying Indian men, Muslim men, African-American men, Jewish men - and sometimes even parents have all these cultures, their special concern for mixed marriages. I have some male friends who have married Japanese women Jews, and it's always interesting to me how often you can convert to convince their wives to have JapaneseJudaism - even if Japanese women are not something religious. (Mothers I think people could have something to do with those Japanese women that influence their decision.)

Bottom line: no matter what cultural background and the intensity of a "boy mom:" You are, are, when it's time for you, a woman, to find to spend your life with him, you have to do right thing (or many women!) them. Ultimately, your mother will be happy to assist you.

You know all the "young mother" among your circlemale friends?

Why do you think that Japanese culture is developing many "children of the mother?"

If you want to meet Japanese women, not a "mama's boy" Be

วันพุธที่ 27 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Christian Fasting - What is it?

Fasting is a practice that has been observed since the dawn of history. One of the places we find records of the first peoples of fasting in the Christian Bible. In fact, you can find the first mention of a fast incident in the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. Here is a text that has been on the mountain when Moses received the Ten Commandments of God, fasted for 40 days.

While there are many biblical references toChristian fasting, you have not set any rules or time of fasting for Christians, when Muslims. The well-structured time of fasting is found in religions such as Catholicism, where you observe Lent. During this time, faithful to choose one thing in their lives too quickly. This may be a type of food, like coffee or chocolate, or activity, such as his television. This action of giving one thing I like best is to remind the worshipers of Christ's sacrifice. ParticipationLent is not mandatory for every member of the Christian religion.

Muslim Dating

Since there is no stone Christian fasting rules are together, we can only examples of fasting in the Bible of Jesus for us:

Christian Fasting - What is it?

"When you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting ... But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so it might not be obvious, people you fasting, except your Father who is invisible, andYour Father who sees in secret will reward you. "Matthew 6:16-18 NIV

Muslim Dating

Then Jesus makes mention of this fast in his Sermon on the Mount, it is clear that fasting is an accepted practice. In fact, it's a record that Jesus himself fasted for 40 days in the wilderness before beginning his public ministry. Conclude with the passage quoted above, even Christians, that God has not only complied with the fasting as a show. To get really fast and in a sense, the honorGod and not ourselves, we must not make a spectacle of our fasting.

In his article "It 'a duty Christian fasting?" Declared Frank W. Walton, that the Christian fasting is very similar to the practice of foot washing and the holy kiss. "They (these practices) throughout the culture, not a divine revelation, as a means of cultural expression is a fundamental principle," says Walton. He continues to say that fasting is not commanded for Christians as a mandatory requirement, but a way to express theirThe pain and the injustice done to the depth of his remorse.

Another way to use the Christian fasting is deepening in connection with prayer to their relationship with God Many people find themselves, have spent time preparing and eating their food in the place could use prayer. They also believe that the fasting period increased awareness of their spiritual self and leads to more in tune with the Holy Spirit.
Unlike the Muslim fasting period, there are no fixed rules for the Christian fasting.Christians conclude from Scripture that fasting is an accepted practice and will not be made in the Show, but a real desire to grow spiritually.

Christian Fasting - What is it?

วันอังคารที่ 26 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The sexual frustration - married, but sexually frustrated enough

My father said that "nothing is ever as it seems." I found that to be true, especially when it comes to people and their relationships. The sexual frustration as a matter remains hidden in plain sight sometimes even between intimate partners.

12 Reasons

Muslim Dating

Now there are some really clear why your stay married but could be sexually frustrated: -
Are higher than your partner's sexual Your partner has lost interest in sex Your partner is sick,Pregnant or sick Your partner can expect to make an unpleasant sexual They have small children, and share your immediate vicinity to leave little chance for you and your spouse Have young children who rely on you to make requests at the top is too tired for sex You are a professional adviser of a family demanding to leave little time for your relationship He has a way of working is incompatible with your partner You or your partner has a disabilityand you can not please the other Your search for a partner requires more time than we hoped My partner went into the armed forces away for long periods You are in the armed forces away from home for long periods.
The time for the other

The sexual frustration - married, but sexually frustrated enough

Of course there are some solutions to some of these problems. The time for each other is evident. Hiring a babysitter so your child by your parents or temporarily, to make a stay in a hotel for one night aAble to solve some of the situations above negative. They are all valid options, if your relationship is strong.

Muslim Dating

Unfulfilled expectations

If a partner has an unfulfilled expectation of the opposite sex, which can also lead to sexual frustration for a party. There are many reasons why some men hate the idea of ​​cunnilingus. Similarly, some women hate the idea of ​​fellatio. Anal sex is another expectation of many men to be in order, but by many women as abhorrent. In thisSituation, a sexual partner is vacant. There may be a solution for this type of situation - in addition to looking outside of marriage. Sex must be reciprocity. If the thought of a particular act disgusts one partner to another is not really likely to force or wait for others to easily overcome their disgust.

Relations drifting

Reports and decrease. You can leave when a partner has unconsciously less time for extra workReport. The partners are working harder driving and no longer a possibility, until any relationship there is a problem.

They work basically too busy. There is a mistaken sense of purpose. The type of work, how difficult it is to let go can take, such as running a football club for children in need, or the creation of a charitable organization. The work is often so generous that the other partner can easily "understand" why the work must continue. How are you involved in somethingNoble the other partner makes sexual advances, therefore, less in others. This makes it difficult to return to sexual activity, if your relationship improves.

A woman Sexed

Not all people who enjoy sex in equal measure. More precisely, what, when you are over your sexual partners? A friend of mine, married with children, told me that an old friend of his recent contact with him. Really liked it when they studied together. It was breathtakingnice! He explained that he was now married with a beautiful family. He had done a good job and a lot of money. Your problem, as he saw it, was that she and her husband were more like good friends, became a passionate lover. He wanted to know if you would allow my friend in his life.

He did not want to be her husband, who seems somehow expected that violates drift into a life without sex. Their future will not have sex with her husband. She did not want to do it. She was willing to accept a lowPriority in the life of my friend, until he gave her the love and attention they wanted.

Of course it is better to sort, search, these internal problems elsewhere. My friend suggested consulting as an option, but ruled that out. They felt that exhausted their options at home and could not press the matter further with her husband. Should do more to him seem to be unable to imagine the mother of his children, and as a Muslim, could be the scandal of her family. (Thewanted another scandal with him to ask if you would have found out to get)

Their solution was then applied to sexual fulfillment outside of her apartment, but within their community to someone who was a Muslim like research. It was someone who thought they could trust and was at the same time it deserves.

Sexual Frustration is often found in people looking for a solution to high.

The sexual frustration - married, but sexually frustrated enough

วันจันทร์ที่ 25 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Christian Dating Basics

Christian dating does not place the special ethics for young people. Basics of Christian Dating would simply respect the fundamental Christian values ​​according to the Bible, as in all other areas of life. It can be very simple, but can be very challenging

Some basic principles of Christian dating can:

Islam Dating

-Do not go on a date very frequently. This preserves the charm of your friendship, leaving ample room to learn more about the other personTheir next meeting.

Christian Dating Basics

-Do not go on a date alone. It is advisable to go on a date with another couple. This arrangement makes it easy to remember your limits.

Islam Dating

-I give it to any request for physical intimacy with your partner. This is shown in the path of God, to walk as God has set a time for everything in life.

-Keeping God, before anyone else and to love him more than any other.

Stick to your values

One should not feel pressured to what others around himor do or how they feel, what you do. It 'very easy to influence and be guided in the wrong direction. It 'so important to remember the basic principles of Christian dating and true to your values. Only the Christian is to know about these values. Therefore, it is advisable for a Christian, a person with the same conviction in his first

Dating someone with the same faith

A person of your faith gives you the strength to do things. This personacts as a support when you feel burdened under the pressure of events around you. Increase the other hand, a non-Christian automatically possibility that the walk from the negligence of religion and the fundamental principles of Christian dating.

The right person

Christian dating sites are great places to find like-minded people. These sites have a large number of people of the same faith and can be restricted to a few if they seem similar, withthe same interests and hobbies as you. These sites are safe and can be quite the match, the right people to follow the basic principles of Christian dating guaranteed. These sites also provide the framework for the exchange of ideas between two people before they actually meet. This way you can decide if a person of the same ideas to keep it or not.

Christian Dating Basics

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The Hijri calendar or the Islamic lunar calendar

How Islam in the seventh century was, there were a number of calendars in use throughout the world. Most of them were the sun, moon and some of them were those lunisolar. All of them, unlike 2010 or 2011 calendar calendar were created and implemented various cultures around the world. Start dates were all significantly different ages as indicated. This inconsistency between different calendars became a problem for Muslim youth. They began to find it difficultcontinuously record various dates primarily on documents and correspondence in the rapid growth of the Muslim world.

To resolve this problem, and effective dating system that clearly marks the holy month and to establish their vacation, let Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, the second Muslim caliph, was the creation of an Islamic lunar calendar. It was 638 AD. Number of months to twelve. He was with the lunar cycle for the measurement of time decided bydifferent verses in the Qur'an.

Islam Dating

The starting point of this new Islamic calendar was the famous Muslim migration to the security of Medina to avoid persecution in Mecca. The event was about 16 years ago. So, to celebrate the event, the name of the Islamic calendar Hijri as it has been decided. The word was taken from an Arabic word Hijrah as designated for migration. Therefore the Islamic calendar dates from the era on 16 July 622 AD in the Gregorian calendar. Thenew Islamic lunar month begins when the new crescent moon is seen. The internationally acclaimed Islamic and Gregorian calendars both have similar 12 months.

The Hijri calendar or the Islamic lunar calendar

Islam Dating

The Hijri calendar or the Islamic lunar calendar

วันเสาร์ที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Islamic Jewelry New Designs for the upcoming wedding season

Islamic Jewelry New Designs for the upcoming wedding season

From the month of June approaches, with a visit filled weekends with weddings, get all the business aspects associated with the wedding season with the customer to try everything ready in time for the special occasion in its water of life. From catering to jewelry florists, wedding planner, designer clothing, make-up studios, all remain to be done to meet their customers 'orders' to perfection, so that their customers an unforgettable wedding. By the end of last month, the IslamicJewellers have been in the development of new design bridal jewelry focuses on its customers and the beginning of May, the exhibition of exquisite and intricately designed jewelry for the red-Islamic Muslim wife.

From necklaces, bracelets and rings, tiaras, anklets jewelry stores are offering different styles and Islamic patterns and jewel-encrusted objects beautiful gemstone to any outfit to match the bride chooses to wear. The new Islamic JewelryDrawings, the more obvious this season will consist of large chains of gems creatively in the design to create a unique glow to the gold and silver embedded. These are hung with some chandelier earrings to complete the look that every bride wants to achieve.

Islam And Marriage

The wedding season is seeing a lot of experience in the design of diamond jewelry, especially in most of the Islamic Middle East. The various campaigns have created a diamond in the worldImpact on the way to watch the precious stone. No wedding dress today seems to be complete without at least one or two diamond products. If the marriage or earrings beautiful, all the dreams he marries, a sort of element of diamond jewelry to wear on their special day.

It should have all the brides to be anxious to see the latest designs of jewelry Islamic waiting to head out to their favorite jeweler for ornamentstheir dreams for the most anticipated day of their lives. The best designs are the first to go, but the majority of Islamic jewelry stores offer personalized services, as they do for their clients. This way you can bring people and choose between different models of a collection of jewelry that suits her individual style to create. If you choose diamonds, sapphires and emeralds, or from the wide range of precious stones, gems and precious stones in all major jewelers, is extremelyimportant to choose the jewelry you are wearing before time runs out!

Islamic Jewelry New Designs for the upcoming wedding season

วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How Islamic books can help a happy married life, in accordance with Islam

How Islamic books can help a happy married life, in accordance with Islam

Marriage is a sacred part of Muslim life, and has emphasized the importance of marriage in Islam. He leads a happy married life, according to Islamic teachings can now even easier with the help of numerous Islamic books, which have on various issues of marriage and marital problems. These books are useful for both Muslim men and women marry, to live a happy and blessed with your partner.

The most common Islamic booksMarriage Questions for Muslims are:

Marriage In Islam

Muslim Marriage Guide: This book is a comprehensive guide to all matters AZ marriage for Muslims. The author Waris Maqsood Ruqaiyyah into account the social, emotional and personal influence in a report a couple married, with a section on the Prophet (peace be upon him) marriage and women. And 'these themes clearly presented in the light of Quran and Hadith, and is one of the most comprehensive books on IslamicMarriage.

The rights of boys and girls in marriage: The well-known author, Maulana Mujahidul Islam Qasmi wrote this book to discuss the problems associated with young Muslim boys and girls of marriageable age. This includes issues such as girls and boys opting for the spouses regardless of the consent of their parents' and issues relating to forced marriage and the rights of the child to choose, once they reach adulthood. This is one of the most popular books on Islamic issues marriage for the youngerGeneration.

The foundations of Islamic marriage: Written by Muhammad Rifat Uthman, who was a famous author of many books and reliable specialized in Islamic Shari'ah. This book describes the most important ingredients for a happy married life from the beginning suggests that the choice of the perfect Muslim partners. It also describes the rights of both spouses in a marriage.

The Islamic marriage: Maulana Ashraf Ali discusses thanawi Written by dealing with all aspects of a familyLife from puberty to the upbringing of children, in addition to a healthy marriage.

Another set of Islamic books which are very useful and helpful for a couple Muslims are "winning the heart of your husband" and "win the hearts of your wife" Ibraahim ibn Mahmud al-Saaleh written. These books are very interesting to read and give advice to the Qur'an, to lead a happy married life. Therefore, it is important to read about these topics to have a successfuland happy life with your partner.

How Islamic books can help a happy married life, in accordance with Islam

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Islamic clothing for women that combines the dignity, style

The common misconception is that the Islamic dress for women of "old fashioned" principles based. The truth is that the Islamic dress, while necessarily "modest" is not the elegance, dignity and sacrifice of style. While traditional approaches, dressed as he would have been able to collect this perception, in fact, there are a variety of new styles and designs that actually combine traditional values ​​with contemporary benefits. Muslim women never have a range of optionswhere you get to dress in traditional coverage.

Islamic clothing for women: Who, What, Where?
Thanks to the Internet there are a variety of online stores that catering to niche groups of customers, and the Islamic dress for women have emerged as no exception. Take for example EastEssence.com. This online store offers a selection of traditional clothing that includes:
Sets (combined sets of higherand lower clothing and scarves)
The wedding and the bride to wear (such as loans and Gas sherwanis)

Women Islam

Furthermore, the area is not just for women's clothing is limited. You will also find clothing for men and children, school uniforms for girls and boys, and even options such as custom sizes, tailored to your specifications, such as length.

Islamic clothing for women that combines the dignity, style

Islamic clothing for women: Advantage Online
Shopping online can also be conceived as a money saving option. These outletsdoes not require maintaining a physical presence in the market, in the sense of an actual shop. This allows them to avoid many costs and overheads. Such savings are generally passed to the customer in the form of discounts and special offers.

Women Islam

Niche sites such as offering Islamic clothing for women, must continually increase their customer base to get up around him. To win and to gain customer loyalty, almost all sites in any wayDiscount or special offer in the course.

But a word of caution to buy the first time online shopper, always alleged by an online store such as eastessence.com. Make sure the site is a secure payment mechanism and also read testimonials from other clients booked. This ensures that you get exactly what you pay for.

Islamic clothing for women that combines the dignity, style

วันพุธที่ 20 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

What is nikah? The truth behind the Islamic veil

What is nikah? The truth behind the Islamic veil

Nikah is an Islamic marriage contract in marriage. Muslim couples, the decision to enter into a nikah marriage procession to pass, as this is the time when some is their promise and the consent of the witness, usually a parent or family members. And in this era where everything is digitized, a Muslim can also use the technology for their wedding, as the Internet. Well, this is not a marriage in the hold line, butThis is all easier to find their life partner through the line to him / her to take a real Nikah or Islamic marriage procession route.

This is true, and many had seen and experienced as they really helped us find the best partner for their lives from this site Islamic marriage. So far, the various dating sites, the only provision in the online chat for fun, the Islamic marriage site will be a solution for those who seriouslyFinding a good man / woman for marriage. And of course these are only designed for Muslims to find another Muslim as a life partner. This will be the best solution available for adult Muslim to another Muslim Singles known locally stored in specially considered for the wedding.

Islam Marriage

We all know how difficult it would be to find someone so nice to find a life partner, especially one with the same thoughts and beliefs. Islamic marriage and how the pages are there to accommodate the individual Muslimbetter find the right man or woman as a partner in life. You can always count on them for the full Islamic way of marriage with the features closer, not knowing of any person crossing the street on Islamic values. This is the safest way for parents, the best for their adult child or the woman found safe.

So if you're old enough to Nikah marriage during the period of time has blocked every day to find a good Muslim to take aa life partner, you can try these sites, but the marriage. As I discovered on the Internet for such a good, reliable, registered office and Muslim marriage, I've found many Muslim marriage sites, marriage services, including Indian, Arabic and turkish marriage and even the Russian Muslims, who began his design for the dating Islamic online. You can easily navigate and learn with other singles from all over the Muslim world for the wedding. Many have experienced the service and successfullymarriage to chat with fellow she met on the website Islamic marriage.

What is nikah? The truth behind the Islamic veil

วันอังคารที่ 19 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Muslim Marriage Online - Advantages and disadvantages

Muslim Marriage Online - Advantages and disadvantages

Muslim marriage sites are double sites that are designed exclusively for Muslims to find their life partner online. This article shows the advantages and disadvantages of the Muslim marriage sites online.


Muslim For Marriage

Muslim marriage sites to facilitate the process of Muslim marriage. Online search can be done to find the right partner for marriage. These online sites offer ease and convenience. Relax at home and see the different profiles at any time of day.However, these legitimate sites are also abused by some people for the sake of fun. People can get fake profiles and try to, your personal data. Therefore, you should spend some time looking for a real place for your marriage ends. Sites good control measures due to these questionable activities.


Muslim marriage sites online making it easier to say 'No' if you do not have to make the girl / boy in a personal interview. Do not even have to meet the personbe the assessment of physical / her appearance. This saves you hurt people that were rejected because of your appearance. However, many people upload photos that are clicked in special studies to make them look better than they actually are. Such practices lead to waste of money and are disappointing.

Other points

Some people are trying to woo Muslim marriages online sites for people with money to join their company abuse. Therefore, you should be very cautious beforeAs a member of one of these sites. Also ask the reputation of the site you join. Do not fall just to save on low cost sites. An ideal partner is needed to make your life full of love and happiness. Not for nothing less than the best control.

Double offer a variety of online profiles to choose from. No matter what caste you belong to Muslims, is the perfect partner online for every Muslim.

Muslim Marriage Online - Advantages and disadvantages

วันจันทร์ที่ 18 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Burqin swimwear for Muslim women Propel Islamic female Olympians

Burqin swimwear for Muslim women Propel Islamic female Olympians

Have you seen the new Burqin swimwear for Muslim women? It takes many of the attributes of the burqa is usually worn by women of Islam, and combines these components into a single piece swimsuit full fairing. Go ahead and try this line to your favorite Internet search engine and look at these new projects - many of which are very stylish. Now consider if, as this opens the door for other activities, the women wear the burqa, not historicalto do.

For example, as a women's bobsleigh team for the Olympic Winter Games, or would like marathon runners and other Olympic sports like swimming races, diving and synchronized swimming. How about bicycling, skating, or athletics? What a wonderful sense of freedom that they may be, that self-esteem, self-esteem and confidence to all the women of Islam - would not be the wonderful new future for all humanity?

Women Islam

Not long ago I was talking aboutto an acquaintance in Sweden and many Muslim women who have immigrated to the country was on the beach and enjoyed the water to go for the first time just for fun, they were very happy, and were, of course, especially with their swimsuits new cover, The Burquin. Right now this Burquin are a bit 'controversial, but it took a really great time. From Australia to Europe, are a hot topic among Muslim women.

As coordinator of a think tankoperates on-line will certainly bring a smile to me to see this new-found freedom and happiness. And I was more struck by the patterns and colors. This is a great innovation in swimwear and design. It definitely opens doors for the future so much greater participation in social life, while they are still in the full enjoyment of their heritage and culture. This is an ingenious solution to an urgent challenge.

It would be nice to see if the women of Islam in the race at the Olympic Games,As more and more to find the ways, traditions, culture, religion and honor, while joining the rest of the world in honor of the human spirit as we compete in all sports, and share our humanity. In fact, I'm not sure what I thought about this, besides the fact that the team of Bob and Olympic speed skaters wear clothes similar to the swimsuits Burquin. But why stop there, why not at a higher level, so that freedom and liberty for all Muslim women? Please noteall this.

Burqin swimwear for Muslim women Propel Islamic female Olympians

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Islam and female ejaculation

During their golden age of culture and thought, the Islamic world was known for its tolerance and intellectual curiosity (650-1150 AD). This tolerance was the realm of sexuality, where the Islamic civilization has had a much more open attitude extends to sex than their European peers. While Europe languished in the Christian Middle Ages by outlawing sin, every act of sex, Islam has presented a relatively simple list of the permissible (halal) to understand and forbidden (haram) sexualActivities. The list of sexual activity is significant and has allowed Islam to be defined:


Man Islam

Vaginal Contraception (used only for family planning) Prelude Oral Sex Breast Play - sucking and stroking the woman's breast. Orgasms Abortion - allow up to 3-4 months after conception Male ejaculation Squirt

Islam and female ejaculation


Man Islam

Adultery Sex before marriage - even if a higher premium placed on virginity of a girlas a man `s conflict Homosexuality - not expressly forbidden by the Koran, but on the other hand, there are significant social taboos Homosexuality - forbidden Anal sex - just like homosexuality, forbidden all acts of sodomy Masturbation - The Koran does not explicitly prohibit, discourage masturbation, but most of the traditions of Islamic jurisprudence strongly. Sex during the fast of Ramadan or prostitution Sex during menstruation

While Islamic law share a commonThe contempt of Christianity for the acts of sodomy and sex outside of marriage, Islam was much more acceptable with sexual expression within marriage. So strong that even today believe, is the Islamic world was much more sexually open society that the Christian West for more than a thousand years.

You have probably noticed that sex female ejaculation in the list of halal activities are included in the price. Islamic jurisprudence is remarkably thorough in assigning the source of justiceInterpretation of various laws. This is especially true Islamic viewpoints on female ejaculation. In Islam it is believed that ejaculated during orgasm, a woman, sperm, like a human being. Also suggested some hadiths (oral traditions on the thoughts and actions of Muhammad) that women semen discharge during sexual dreams in the same way that a man does when he has a nocturnal emission. The following Hadith describes the process:

If a woman ejaculates sperm,should take a bath-Sunaan Nasaa'i (1:198-199)
If a woman has a discharge at night, should take a bath-Sunaan Nasaa'i (1:197)
If a woman has wet dreams, should take a bath-Sunaan Nasaa'i (1:200)
Discharges during wet dreams women, is the reason why the son of the mother-Salih Bukhari (1.3:132) is similar

To believe the Islamic point of view that female ejaculation mirror of the ancient Greeks and Romans, both male and female seeds for the birth of life were needed.The Islamic faith clearly understood that female ejaculation was a biological fact and as such included in Islamic jurisprudence. Also holds this point of view of female ejaculation still believe in Islamic jurisprudence and other Islamic world.

Islam and female ejaculation

วันเสาร์ที่ 16 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Condition of Arab women before Islam

Condition of Arab women before Islam.

Condition of Arab women in front of the spread of Islam:
Before Islam, condition or the status of women was low. Women were seen as slaves or property of men. Women were for specific purposes, and after a meeting with this purpose, were discarded. Women were considered unimportant and all those who were with women as unimportant. Women have no right to decide their lives. A woman has spent her life the way you wantby his guardian or by the owner (who has purchased), in the dark period was treated men with women, how to deal with animals. A woman should have any ownership rights in his name. In time of war, women were treated as part of the price. At this point we can say that the situation of women has been indescribable.

Islamic Women

Birth of daughter
He was present at the birth of a daughter in a family not as an event of joy
But it was considered a disgrace to the family and mostly newborn were killed at birthor after the murder and was so high and uncontrolled. Even outside of Arabia.

Condition of Arab women before Islam

Out of Arabic:
Outside of Arabia, the position of women was not so much the better, especially in Europe, India and Egypt, countries. Women were not considered as a human being, they were considered animals and men treat women like animals. Women were seen as slaves or servants of the people. A woman has no right of decision of his life, must follow the orders of their master or guardian.

Islamic Women

RightsIslam gives women (after Islam):
In Islam, women as equals to men as men and are partners in this life. In Islamic law a woman's right to independence. And 'right of decision of their lives, but there are some duties of women towards themselves and towards Allah (SWT) and will be rewarded or punished for their sin and virtue. According to the religion of Islam, a woman will be treated as equal with men punished or rewarded.

InWith her marriage has the right to choose a partner for marriage, and he's right, accept and reject a marriage partner. And their choice must be respected in this regard. Arab or Muslim women are not allowed to change their names after marriage, there will be no change in their name on their marriage.

Right to external form, they leave home:
Arab or Muslim women to go out or not in a public space or restricted working group,
or visit their relatives andGirlfriends when they are allowed by their guardian or husband. Be to leave the house a woman must be captured correctly and behave according to the instructions of Islam.

In the human rights of women in Islam, we need a woman to get education. In search of Islamic knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim. The Muslim word is not used specifically for male or female, but they are twin-Muslims.

Right to go to the mosque:
In Islam, Muslim womenRight to go into a mosque. If someone asks you for permission from his wife of her husband to go to the mosque, should not deny her. There are certain requirements for Muslim women in the mosque before they need to be properly dressed and covered.

In Islam, rights and duties of a wife are equal to those of humans.

Condition of Arab women before Islam

วันศุกร์ที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Women and Islam

Women and Islam

If you're someone who would not ask a Muslim, what they thought of women in Islam, probably with the words "the oppressed" and "second-class citizens." This is not their fault, because they are easy to read on the front page and movies that portray Muslim women as weak and without real rights in Islam at all. They see Muslim women wearing a veil or head scarf, but I do not know why and concluded that, because it is dominatedby their jealous husbands. It 's time to debunk some myths about Islam and women.

Muslim women are actually of great importance given in Islam. Much of what we see and how some Muslim women are treated is not because of religion, but more traditional. These two should not be confused as being related. Islam does not mean that women do not educate, because it encourages women to learn to help them to lead future generations of Muslims in the world and aregood citizens in their respective countries.

Islamic Women

To wear the veil and covering the body is required by Muslims, but much can be taken out of context, as it was originally written. Men are also expected to cover, but not always made by Muslim men, this is used in Islam to the believing women that they may believe that what has been commanded to be part of Islam, but actually is not. Women, the veil often so personal choice and weartheir willingness to follow their faith.

Muslim women have every right to work and educate themselves and to be observed in many countries around the world. There are many countries around the world, where Muslim women are oppressed and treated as second class citizens, but in the West, things have changed drastically, to continue to protect the rights of the progress of all the days of Muslim women. Forced marriages arranged a thing of the past in the West and areIdea that women are not entitled to vote or drive.

Women are the heart of a Muslim family and should be treated with love and respect. To say Islam should not be used for women as cleaners or cooks in the house. This is a traditional characteristic of the genus reported from the Middle West and here in the pleasure and comfort of her husband. This is not what Islam says to treat women.

Islam is a lifestyle, a way to lead a peaceful and productiveLife for women and men. There are differences between men and women, but as long as they follow the true teachings of Islam, then they can work together, whether Muslims can be the best.

Women and Islam

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The life of Malcolm X

Malcolm X was Malcolm Little in Omaha, Nebraska, was born May 19, 1925. His father, Earl Klein was a Baptist minister and avid supporter of the outspoken black nationalist leader Marcus Garvey. The young Malcolm was appointed by his father and the extreme pressure that has been inflicted on her family will be formed. The family was forced to move twice after receiving death threats from white racists. The family settled in Lansing, Michigan, but their efforts to prevent problems in the wayfailed, the family has been razed to the ground at home and two years later, Earl Little was found dead in suspicious circumstances.

His father's death had a devastating effect on the family, started the mother's mental health problems, will eventually suffer committed to a mental institution. Devastating children were beaten and several foster homes and orphanages. The young Malcolm was postponed for a series of white foster families, it was definitely confused, but managed to stay thereconcentrate on his studies, the high school at the top of his class. However, when a popular teacher, her high ideals, a lawyer, tell him that there were such great expectations for mocking a black man, was completely out of the school. He moved to Boston to live with his sister Ella Little Collins.

Man Islam

Collins lives in Roxbury, the center of African-American community in Boston. Malcolm was attracted by the energetic, bubbly,a communal lifestyle. He worked a series of odd jobs before going on the road and moves from city to city, at the end was based in Harlem, New York. He began to push into the criminal underworld of the city, involved in drug trafficking, prostitution rings and extortion. He has managed the project during the Second World War, by a show of insanity, as he was interviewed avoided. In 1945 he returned to Boston was involved in a series of robberies, was immediately arrested,tried and sentenced to ten years in prison. He has served his sentence in state prison in Charlestown Massachusetts. It 'been there that Elton John Bembry, which strongly influence mentality meets Malcolm. Malcolm was very impressed with the way Bembry moved over aroused among his fellow prisoners only for the use of words and language.

The life of Malcolm X

The two become friends, Bembry Malcolm encouraged to educate themselves. In 1949, is informed by the Nation ofIslam started by his brother, Malcolm will be very interested in the movement. To support the concept of nation in black and active efforts of independence, African-Americans to achieve political success, economic and social development. He began to correspond with the Nation of Islam leader, Elijah Muhammad and was soon a member. In 1952, Malcolm was released form prison, went to Muhammad to visit, always moving in the foreground. He changed his last name, dropping 'Little', as heconsidered as his slave name and adopted the name X on tribal identity, which meant lost to him forever.

Man Islam

Soon he became a minister and national spokesman for the Nation of Islam called and was charged with the construction of new mosques. Charismatic and persuasive, he began seriously to increase the membership of Malcolm in the country, spreading the use of all forms of media for the vision of the movement. She started a media magnet, present in many interviews becomePrograms and articles. It was a week of television program entitled The Hate that with Mike Wallace in 1959, characterized Hate Produced. The program explores the movement and the rise of Malcolm in it until the end of the race, it was obvious that the shadow of his mentor Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad had influence within the movement. While the movement for civil rights against the nation tolerated all necessary means to achieve the objectives. Such an attitude authorities alerted the FBI agents infiltratedOrganization and has begun to monitor all activities of the group.

In 1963, Malcolm had become disillusioned with the nation, he learned that his mentor, Elijah Muhammad was secretly born in the issues with the women within the movement and in fact some of his children had paid. Malcolm was upset, Muhammad had taught celibacy. Malcolm feels betrayed and, especially, felt that it was once again deceived all the people who convinced the nation that is noworganization perceived as fraudulent. Aggravating fallout, Malcolm had made caustic remarks about JFK assassination, the nation's publicly rebuked his talisman, had enough of Malcolm and the splitting of the movement. He founded his own religious organization, Muslim Mosque, Inc. and very secular organization, the Organization of Afro-American Unity, a group of black nationalism. In the spring of 1964, he converted to Sunni Islam and began a pilgrimage to Mecca, isradically change its outlook.

During his pilgrimage, he met with Muslims of different races and interactions observed at eye level, began to believe that Islam can be passed as a vehicle through which racial problems could be used. After his return to America, he began to preach expanded definitely not exclusively on African-Americans, but for all races, his vision was. This led to further deterioration of relations between Malcolm and the Nation of Islam, the latter under theare quite drastic decision to label him assassinated. Tragically, 21 February 1965, while speaking in an organization of Afro-American Unity meeting, Malcolm X shot and killed three armed men who stormed the stage.

The life of Malcolm X

วันพุธที่ 13 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Christian and Muslim wedding wedding

Christian and Muslim wedding wedding

Weddings come in different styles, usually depending on the religious culture. Conservative or liberal - but it could also support the social wing. The two different types of marriage are the marriages of Muslim and Christian weddings.

They may, in that both have a strong influence can be compared to learn the culture and their differences are so visible. Of the two Muslim marriage for a longer period is celebrated as a Christian marriage takes place in aDay. The Muslim wedding can take place anywhere and should not be in a mosque. Christian marriage, by contrast, must take in a church, although some modern couples sometimes have a beach wedding. Christian marriages are officiated by a priest or pastor in a Muslim marriage requires only one person who has knowledge of the Koran and its laws.

Muslim For Marriage

In a Christian marriage, which is required before marriage, a marriage proposal from the groom to the bride. A Muslim marriage incases are conservative, a pre-determined agreement between the parents of the bride and groom. However, there are many cases that an arranged marriage by both parties to marry. A Muslim wife is often adorned with expensive jewelry 22K gold bracelets, earrings and hats for the wedding shawl. A Christian marriage is not so much in this, often wear regular armor jewels.

In the wedding rites, is a Christian marriage for a couple of hours, with the bride and groomsitting together in front of a priest or pastor. Celebrated their wedding vows with his answers "yes" and with the signing of the marriage contract between two parties and their sponsors as a witness. Sitting in the reception the bride and groom together. traditional Muslim ritual of marriage, husband and wife in separate rooms, with the officiant asked individually whether they agree that marriage, and if they have to do with their own free will. A "Wali" in talksNames of the bride. The officiant will be three times the questions with the word "qabul", the Arabic word for "accept" you reply, the marriage contract is signed by two witnesses. Then the celebrant takes them out of the room and talk as husband and wife. They remain separated even at the reception.

A Muslim marriage is inserted before the wedding ritual visits to each house of the bride and groom's family and blessed their fathers. The most important ritual is the "nikah"What is marriage itself. Then the third rite "Valim," the groom hosted the third day to make the bride a respected member of his family.

Christian and Muslim wedding wedding

วันอังคารที่ 12 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Sari, the most stylish women's clothing worn in India is also one of the oldest leaders of the world

The origins of Sarees

Sarees is one of the oldest leaders of the world, which still continue to be heard like millions of women. Saree is worn in everyday life of more than 300 million women. The first traces of the saris were found in the Indus Valley civilization, from 100 BC, but can also be found in texts written between 2800 and 1800. AC. In Indian legends, the origin of the material universe. "Sutra (thread) is the foundation, and" Sutradhara"(Weaver) -. The author or creator of the universe, the word" sari "comes from the Sanskrit word 'Chira' which means the fabric.

Islamic Women

What is a sari?

Sari, the most stylish women's clothing worn in India is also one of the oldest leaders of the world

First of all, is a piece of cloth about 70 cm to 8.10 m long and 60 cm to 1.3 but in width. Blouse, which leaves open the abdominal area - saree is the waistcoat, which is hidden under her sari, while the upper body wearing a jacket worn special.

Islamic Women

What is it?

Sari, which are made from a piece of aMaterial was at first no sewing or buttons. When the clothing is considered to be pierced with a dirty needle in Hinduism. A wide range of fabrics such as cotton, polyester, silk, etc. are used to make saris. You may be covered with patterns or dyed or colored with individual decorations. Sari Festival are sometimes embroidered with gold and silver. Varanasi is the city for the production of luxury silk saris, which are often coated with silver or gold famousEmbroidery.

Meaning of colors in sarees

Red is the color or Kshatriyas (warriors, nobility) and is considered an auspicious symbol. This is also the most common color for wedding saris. White is a color of mourning, is put on my widows. Green, above, is a sign of belonging to the Muslim community. In some regions of the green saris worn as a wedding dress. Blue saree is traditionally used by Sudras (artisans, farmers, weavers) worn. Sari Black is a bad omen and a signseldom worn by anyone. Yellow is associated with religion and asceticism.

Special meaning of certain ornaments in saris

Frequently stylized mango symbolizes fertility and abundance. The elephant represents strength, power and royalty. Fish - a further sign of fertility and abundance, combined with supernatural powers. The shell symbolizes the divine sound. Sari for sacred ceremonies.

Types of Sarees

There are saris, the very small part of the body. Some arefixed under the breast. It varies from region to region. For example, clothing Tamil women, the bear legs completely covered. In Maharashtra, the upper body and head covered and feet are sometimes open to the top of the knee. Dress code depends on the type of activity. Many women at home or on the road along the sari while I worked - briefly. For Indian women, sari is the dress is modern woman.

Sari, the most stylish women's clothing worn in India is also one of the oldest leaders of the world

วันจันทร์ที่ 11 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Sweater Ugg Boots - Styles of knitting and crochet boots for women

Sweater Ugg Boots - Styles of knitting and crochet boots for women

If you are looking for something to keep feet warm and cozy in winter, looking - or just looking for some serious style, a wardrobe that could sweater ugg boots exactly what you're looking for! There are a number of different styles this year - here they are:

Classic Cardy Ugg Boots - This is probably one of the hottest selling boots in the winter months - period. It is not only classic and elegant style with a cardigan, it's luxurycomfortable. Add this "plus" to bend the fact that the boat shuffled so versatile with his ability to be worn to the bone, or it's over - always a magnificent sight in itself.

Islamic Women

Argyle Ugg Boots - This is an elegant complement to the collection this year. It has a wool blend knit top with diamond pattern, which is really classic. This boot is available in a variety of different colors and warm winter and is also versatile and worn up or slouched downfor a casual style.

Striped shirt Ugg Boots - This is another new addition to the collection of UGG Australia for women this year. It has an aspect that is unique for each different type with a cable knit wool blend and a few more chic dark horizontal stripes (on a white background), which will be compensated for every woman who has casual wear!

If you are buying something on the sweater ugg boot styles this year, should the above not only bootsNeeds - but to excel! They are wonderful to wear for her appearance - and their incredible comfort as well.

Sweater Ugg Boots - Styles of knitting and crochet boots for women

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Islamic dress: the types of women's clothing

Modesty, a function, an integral part of the Islamic faith, is very clearly set out by Muslim men and women clothes. While Muslim men ordered not to look at unrelated women, women should not show their shame for their physical beauty to protect the public. Islamic dress, as well as expose the obedience to this command is a means, with respect to Allah.

The bear is considered a classic thoub Muslim man, and Abayat and niqab, the MuslimWomen dress code. Islamic dress (especially women's wear), has become a modern style, and not restrictive as it was before the case was. With the large number of boutiques and shops online, Muslim women are now a plethora of options and types of clothing for their idea of ​​privacy and moderation. This article is about some clothes attractive and modern Muslim women who are the talk of the online market.

Islam Marriage

Islamic Clothing: WomenWear

Islamic dress: the types of women's clothing

Along with modest Muslim women can dress in a bold, beautiful colors, attractive designs and trendy fabrics. Whether you prefer traditional or modern look, is a popular online store that offers the ideal choice for the Islamic dress to make a beautiful look. Here are some choices that offer an online store:

Islam Marriage

Salma Abaya: This classic dress is associated with a royal look and feel. A nice dress, Salma Abaya is made of poly-blend fabric cracks.The fabric is hand-sewn sequins floral motifs on the sleeves and hem. Such equipment can be sustained for a nice evening, a wedding or other similar special occasions.

Zanaya Kurti: For those who want to be the center of a party that would Zanaya Kurti their best. The brightly embroidered Kurti, is made of cotton for all occasions. The black fabric with its unique special dark turquoise embroidery at the neck and upperBodice, sleeves and hem, will surely bring a number of compliments for the wearer.

Sequin Cap Al Amirah: Islamic clothes for women without a veil, is incomplete. Both parties, Al Amirah hijab, with heavily sequined hat inside a nice hat for a festive occasion. The hijab is a soft polyester and cotton blends maximum comfort for a long time.

Islamic dress: the types of women's clothing

วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

An empress in the history of Japanese

And 'interesting to learn that there is only one empress in 3000 years of Chinese history. Instead, Japan had 10 empresses in its history. Women seem to be free in China, like Japan, today. On the other hand, Japanese women are to be determined and be silent. It may not be true these days, but the overall impression of Japanese women are obedient. It seems that the regime of the samurai of Japan to implement the women should be held responsible positions in obedient. In particular, Shogun Tokugawa EdoGovernment has determined that the women behind the scenes politics and society.

In ancient times, the samurai as a government, founded in 1492, Japanese women are more liberal, and freely appeared often in politics. The first ruler of Japan was a woman, Himiko. Among more than 10 had eight empresses Empresses between 6 and 8 Century. The name is the Empress "Empress Komyo". He played an important role in Buddhism became the state religion of Japan.

Women Islam

The Buddhist religion is interesting.Siddhartha Gautama, Buddhism began in India between 6 and 4 th century BC. After the heavy training Siddhartha the Buddha, Awaken man was and began to teach the people. For some reason, Buddhism has not been important in India, its original place. In India, according to their national survey, 2001, is the largest religion, Hinduism, 80.5%. The second largest religion is Islam, 13.4%. Christianity has the third position of 2.3% of the population of India. The Buddhist population of only 0.8% inPoll of the above.

An empress in the history of Japanese

Buddhism was very popular in China between 5 and 7 centuries. The Japanese Imperial Government on 8 Century Buddhism has decided to be their national religion. Empress Komyo was a devout Buddhist. It was an empress in 724 was the wife of Emperor Shomu. Emperor Shomu Buddhist religion against existing local aristocrats'. The local religion, Shitoism was too dominant for the government to intervene in many ways. Later, Buddhism was greatreligious authority in Japan centered on the concept of "love, equality and boundless mercy."

Women Islam

In 8 and 9th Century, built in Japan World Heritage monuments. Todaiji Temple is one of them. Yakushiji Temple is another. Daibutsu "large statue of Buddha" is Nara Buddhist monuments built during all this time.

Empress Komyo was to be the wife of Japanese Emperor Shomu. It was, however, as the key driver of Buddhism known. It was whatplanned and implemented in buildings of all time Nara Buddhist monuments, including Todaiji, and Yakushiji Daibutsu. They built the first Japanese National Hospital, Seyakuin. Japanese mythology tells of the Empress Komyo involved in the treatment of patients. She does not limit the function of this National Hospital, only the royal family or nobility. Each patient in spite of their social class, could this clinic.

One day, the Empress Komyo involved in the treatment of patients inNational hospital. An old man with Hansen's disease has come to her. Empress Komyo seeks to purify his body, but could not clean all the pus from wounds. Empress Komyo began his pus-sucking with the mouth for cleaning. Suddenly, the old leper, changed his appearance. It was one of the Buddha, the messenger, Nyo-rai. Nyo-rai told that Buddhism would protect their lands and people, so that their people enjoy prosperity. Buddhism became the state religion Empress Komyo successfully.

An empress in the history of Japanese

วันศุกร์ที่ 8 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The history of the hijab - Explore Muslim dress

According to Islamic scholarship has a wider meaning of modesty, privacy and morality. It means, in the Arabian tent and meta-physical definition of "al-hijab" is a veil that separates man from God or the world. Hijab is an important part of Islamic tradition since 1970. Opinions on how the garment should be worn varies from person to person within the Muslim faith.

In the Qur'an, the veil is not mentioned as an article of clothing for Muslim women or men,rather than a spiritual veil that provides carriers with privacy. The Koran instructs Muslims to the wives of the men only speak from behind a veil, Muhammad. The issue of modesty in the Qur'an is true for men and women look, gait, clothing and genitals. Women are expected to jilbab (neck) to wear in public, to prevent them from harm. Muslim women are obliged to inform the veil in front of every man who could theoretically contribute to marry. It is therefore not to be worn in front of their fathers,Siblings, grandparents, uncles or young children. It is also not required to wear the dress in front of another Muslim woman.

Women Islam

Islamic modesty is interpreted uniquely by each individual practitioner according to their specific needs. Some women wear clothing of the whole body with only their eyes were visible, while others just feel the need to cover their hair and cleavage.

The history of the hijab - Explore Muslim dress

The confidentiality rules are usually relaxed for older women. It is generally considered one in whichView of marriage and then they can put their coats. However, they do not have a free display of their beauty.

Women Islam

The history of the hijab - Explore Muslim dress

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The women wear clothing Urban - Do You Know the latest fashion?

The women wear clothing Urban - Do You Know the latest fashion?

2010 sees some great selection of clothing for urban women to choose from and a memorable fashion statement!

A new beginning

Islamic Women

The year 2010 has arrived and with it comes new fashion must. This year the parade experts, urban hip hop clothing, the decision of the district. Women can now do cool and funky or cool and turn heads wherever they are class, be it office or an evening with the girls! Urban hip hop clothing has also developed over the years tooffer a greater variety than in the past with great style and good prices, hip hop urban wear is a must in every woman's wardrobe!

Urban trends!

Experts predict the success of big knits for the winter. These links are elegantly decorated with colors and different textures. There are a number of scarves good! If you consider the different seasons, women can buy trendy sweatshirts, jerseys, shorts and pants. What's more hip-hop is also a cool place and someClothes for women! Laddered stockings are a rage with celebrities who already wore the look! In reality, these are the best to go with short skirts. The delivery tight jeans that fits like a second skin, a great success!

• Hits in 2010
• transparent clothes
• Off Shoulder Dresses
• One shoulder dress
• jeans and skirts
• Modes of heat transfer

Other trends in hip-hop urban clothing would be vintage collection. Thisauthenticity in history and surrounded by classic design. What makes a person standing in any quantity. They can range from jeans to skirts. Urban clothing is seen in sports this year, embroidery, etc. about what shorts, jeans, jackets and skirts

Advantage of the best urban clothing can offer flexibility, especially women mix and match. Your old clothes do not need redundant with the options of new urban wear as a team can have different peaks andSkirts for a good combination.

Hip hop clothing urban women only extended his choice, either directly from casual to evening wear shorts a perfect blend of style and fun! There are a series of t-shirts with funny quotes, phrases, templates for those who want to make a statement, and what else they prove to be very quiet as well!
Women to wear their city with some great accessories like leather boots in black or brown, bags, available in a variety of colors and teamsDesigns, scarves, belts, bags and clutches, can contribute to all this and much more glamorous urban women-added this year.

People usually try dresses on the Internet for the latest trends and new fashions, and the price is always in mind while you're on the button, it is best for wholesale urban hip hop clothing stores, always cheaper of those who go online retailers.
They want more for your favorite clothes to steal?

The women wear clothing Urban - Do You Know the latest fashion?

วันพุธที่ 6 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Unequal land rights of women in Bangladesh

Unequal land rights of women in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a developing country, is tough competition for the ownership, control, management and use of land resources has been insufficient. There have been many efforts in recent years, women in development leading to wear, but I'm back, and there was no difference between male and female in the family and in society and in many ways. Existing systems, laws, administration, etc. are not suitable for women who enjoy exclusive rightson real estate. So, they need a separate policy ground, where the same law clearly than ever in the Constitution and the CEDAW Convention, the mention of Bangladesh to November 6, 1984 was confirmed. Correct application of the current law of the land, women may respond to the administration and women-friendly environment of the country and to ensure women's right of access to land.

The laws and patriarchal values ​​and practices in Bangladesh create prejudice against women pungent. Thedevelopment plan last year and the last ten years of the plan of government. Bangladesh women place emphasis on improvement through literacy, improve health and nutrition, employment and recognition for women.

Women Islam

However, there was no apparent increase in enrollment of women to land, was not even in the form of government. Allocation of land for disadvantaged women. UNFPA has reported that women in the labor market represent 65% of the effort around the world, but receive onlyone-tenth of the profits of the world and just less than one percent of the planet's surface. In rural areas of South Asia, especially Bangladesh, is the main source of agricultural land owned, the critical determination of well-being, social status and empowerment.

Often, in our country, women have poorer prospects in the family and position in society, to determine their lack of ownership, control and administration, transfer and registration of land or other, isProperties. Rights to manipulate and control over land to reach other positive things as important as training, service, income and the relationship with local institutions. It also has significant evidence that the economic resources to help in the hands of male family member is not often the female members of an appropriate scale, for this reason, self-ownership of such resources, especially land and can therefore critical in promoting nature and Empowermentof the women folk.

Normally, after the married woman leave her father's house and live with men. In most cases, to hide the fact of his brothers married sisters, and therefore women have fallen from their ancestral lands and other properties. And 'most difficult for the sisters a lawsuit against file-brother, and so face the threats and administrative officer. Brothers often share the transfer of land belonging to his sister, without informing, and enabling women supportedI forget their ancestral land. Maximum time that women do not know the parents and her husband owned. They do not claim to provide information and details of the property. In addition, most of them do not know country of laws, their right to inheritance and have no record of an applicant. Normally, women and the poor must be recorded by the survey and refused to follow the inheritance. Cultural barriers play a negative role of the applicants' parents areProperties.

Right to family property reproduce divergence and relationship break with relatives. Our civilization is not convincing to accept the inherited and women who often feel like a minor offense. If they raise their property, but to scratch the relationship between them. You also need to consider about their brothers in need. If you take this activity, their families vulnerable. In addition, the existing structure, culture, tradition, customs, values, rulesagainst women and should be changed.

The dominant Hindu and Muslim family laws regarding inheritance discriminate against women. Most of the Muslims and Hindus, women face the legacy of inequality worse than shares of land, as a man is one of them. Sharia law is discriminatory under the male and female land rights. According to Sharia law, a child is only half of what a male child is entitled to his father's estate. But in practice, the childThere is almost never what is legally authorized to receive, particularly in the patriarchal family model.

Hindu women can not imagine their birthright to land, because under the rule of the Hindu religion, women do not belong to their parents nor her husband own the property they are entitled, at his death. In special cases, can only enjoy a good property, where they have no right to absolute property of the estate only for life. Very often their position in the family andCompany tangential and very vulnerable. Therefore we can say that the existing law of Bangladesh Hindus is totally against the property rights of women on the ground while India cancellation of this kind of unjust rule of their right to amend this.

But Bangladesh is a signatory to CEDAW and is committed to the same rights as all types of properties owned by women than by men under Chapter XI of the Convention. Rule of law means equal rights and protection in all areas ofLives of citizens without distinction of race, sex, religion, caste or place of birth. This is guaranteed by art. 27 as a fundamental right under the Constitution. In addition, Art. 10, 19 and 28 (4) of the Charter of the country's top direct the State to promote and ensure equal rights for women in all forms of life. Several socio-economic, religious and cultural synergy results in discrimination against women by an effective right of access to land.

The loss of land rightsWomen is also a cultural phenomenon. Cultural norms mean that women lose their share of parental property. Where women do not voluntarily abandoned their claims, male relatives with the game, complain, forged wills and use intimidation and even physical violence against women from pursuing claims to prevent. But in addition to social norms and illegal activities of other shareholders, the govt. Officials often concerns amalgam and often frustrate the implementation of legislationWomen prefer. In contrast, the inter-family inequalities of women in relation to economic and social activities that have already received some attention is on the rise. The legal rights of women in terms of resources to strengthen their position in the family and society, the empowerment process.

The relationship between gender equality and empowerment is an imperative for the worst situation of women. Women with soil could authorize way to economically empower them and strengthen their ability toGender inequalities in social and political challenges, both within and outside the home. Since women have greater bargaining power with the country, they would support in order to negotiate a more equitable distribution of rights between the sexes in the family. The relationship with rural poverty and access to land has a strong bond. However, women without state resources extremely vulnerable to shortages and misery in the case of desertion, divorce or death of a husband. Understanding the dynamics andStatus of women can contribute to programs aimed at reducing emotional equality of sexes, and poverty reduction planning.

Women can end up right on the promotion of family welfare, efficiency in resource management, and can improve equity and the empowerment of women. Could ALRD (2000) reported that women with better bargaining position to negotiate the country to help them more equal gender division in the family and advanced to the market wage and status in society. Women and childrenRisk of poverty would be reduced and their well-being are enhanced when women had just access to land. Evidence from around the world suggest you can use to land more feminine patterns imaginative and appropriate crop they choose. They are experts in terms of traditional agricultural practices and environmentally friendly. Women are more prone to food crops as crops and food security to ensure the family. It would also be entitled to the land of women, not only alloweconomically, but also strengthen their capacity, the challenge of social and political issues of gender.

Government to ensure women's right of equitable access to land. should:

1 Change of succession to ensure greater equity and social security for women. Universal family as well as universal laws of succession must be installed and approved amendments to the existing assets;

2 Women Hindus and other indigenous minorities should be guaranteed equal rightscustomary law of succession and the reform of the communities and groups;

3 social mobilization for a new attitude towards her daughter to inherit and extend the right of women to land;

4 Support for women, that their land claims with the Land Registry;

5 effective legal literacy program so that the poor and women to better identify the situation and may have problems with land;

6 help make the law clear andconsistent with the sex and various types of real estate;

7 Provision of legal assistance and counseling for women who help women with their requests and resolution of disputes as an alternative to the competition, 8 Advocacy and lobbying for the promotion of gender equality and women's access to land and other properties at different levels, between communities, local govt. national institutions, policies and legislation.

There is an immense need for legislative reforms and secretarial workStart of women's rights and effective control of the country. It 'also need to strengthen supervision and improve the knowledge gaps declining land rights, gender and legal issues on women's ability to negotiate with the community and the state and within the budget.

Unequal land rights of women in Bangladesh

วันอังคารที่ 5 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Discover the Lost Art of Kissing

Discover the Lost Art of Kissing

When you are single, providing a memorable good-night kiss, a date to help you get more data - and more. But many couples in a routine in which to say hello and goodbye kisses to expire are superficial and impersonal. They tend to be the real-closed lips drooled saliva sex reserve. Wrong.
Kissing is fun you can have with your clothes on. It may - or to revitalize sparks in a relationship.

Men kissing, in particular, tend to be a starter too precipitously termsacross the road to the main course. Fool. It 'a good reason why many prostitutes refuse to kiss their customers as part of the transaction: it is simply too personal.

Muslim Dating


Take your time

Kiss, as if you had all the time, even if the airport PA system calls you by name. With these long kisses, focus on your tongue deep into her mouth (without her gag), and his purpose in you. Note that the tongue has a smooth sideand a rough, practical contrast, if you are looking for the applause of his nerve endings.

Kiss the ears, eyelids and neck, all areas can provide shaky feeling, if properly cared for. If you do not like to change immediately.
In search of clues from body language. Is your partner moving into you?

Step by step:
Move your body to your partner when he / she answers, press your chest to him / her, then her life and, finally, move theHips.


Move your tongue in, exploring the inside lip of the movement into a little 'more attention to your partner's movements and rhythms.
Jump to explore each others mouths.
Play with the language.

Kissing do's and don'ts:

Do not slobber - The amount of moisture should remain the same as your normal state.
Do not tense your lips - allow you to relax your lips, not sloppy, but loose.
You Tease - be gentle at first. Enter your partnerOpportunity to come to my lips, I want your lips.
Use all your senses to make love to your mouth.
Do not press your lips too much in your lover's mouth. Crushing your partner's lips is not passionate, it only hurts and makes it difficult for them to respond.


Not everyone can do good cunnilingus. If you can, you're more likely to be welcomed as your neighbor's house whose repertoire has only made a frantic 5 minutes in good ol 'The missionary position.

Pair pillow. Instead, lie on the bed, you get your hips back in a quarter of the way and put a pillow under for support. Then hang the leg over his shoulder and go out to eat. This gives better access to the clitoris.

Discover the Lost Art of Kissing

Women's rights in Islam

Women's rights in Islam

Some women's rights in Islam, which can be widely discussed, are

The right and obligation to education: Islamic women have deployed to win the right to education of persons with the same stature. You can at any school they want, or room in Madarasaa some of which started specifically for women and work closely with the education of men in this madarasaa. Right to independent property: there are some problems in this series in some Islamic countries, where women areforbidden to have their independent state, but this law was originally intended for all Muslim women, taking into account their social position provided. Earning the right to: make money for the family or for themselves is a major component of the Women's Rights in Islam. As if they were able to implement the education they can get their training to get to workers and to make money. Right to speak and be heard: Islam has the same right for women made available to the people to express their opinions and the prophets have been ordered or maullavishear them, before the decision, so that the bad guys will be prosecuted. This law has been useful in talaaq, in which both parties before hearing a note. Right to obtain a divorce: Women in Islam gave equal rights to divorce their better half on any moral grounds. Although this part is still dominated by men, but women are equally entitled to share or rights. Child custody after divorce: she admitted taking the children after divorcelower. Although, when man to mutual understanding is necessary for children or the chance to hear the request is open to both parties. Right to maintain their properties in case of divorce, can the property that is in its own name, hold, man has no right to demand a share of the property, if not voluntarily agree to part with some of the properties. Denying marriage, in most cases, Muslim women have left the choice to deny the marriage, butwomen's rights in Islam, that women refuse or reject any marriage that he thinks he can return to their approval. Suffrage and Political Rights: Women of all Islamic political parties, rallies and public affairs, and some may apply to the appointment may also submit their candidacy for the election.

Women Islam

Women's rights in Islam

วันจันทร์ที่ 4 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Islamic Jewellery is mixing with the Old New

Islamic Jewellery is mixing with the Old New

Jewelry has always been an important characteristic of different cultures and civilizations. It 'was like a form of personal jewelry, currency, or even used as a display of wealth. Whatever it is, jewelry is one of the oldest forms of body jewelry, has recently observed, Nassarius beads (marine snail) shells are estimated to be 100,000 years and are probably the oldest known jewelry. Historically, jewelry was worn as a religious symbol in Judaism,Christianity and Islam.

Recorded in the traditions of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad allowed women to wear jewelry for personal adornment, but banned gold jewelry for men. Also, any kind of representation of animate objects was in art and jewelry are also prohibited.

Islam And Marriage

Middle East jewels in the pre-Islamic period was strongly influenced by the culture and rituals that were common at that time. So, for example in ancient Egypt, the jewelry designer for the superstition that thecertain symbols of the vector can be a positive effect. Some common symbols in ancient Egyptian jewelry including beetles, snake, hawk, and the eye. The beetle, also known as the beetle was a symbol of good luck. Another symbol represented eternal life 'Ankh'.

Pre-Islamic jewelry was known for his extravagance and complexity. While Islam abolished idolatry and superstition of the Middle East systems in the service of creativity which, fortunately, not uprootunique handmade jewelry owned by the manufacturer, but it was again so channeled that transcends the new Islamic precepts.

After the advent of Islam, the Bedouin have been strongly influenced by forms of arabesque decoration, and has influenced the pioneers of Islamic jewelry. This is a twisted and sewn repetitive geometric design can be seen in the architecture of the numerous Islamic structures in the Muslim world, even in rooms, halls and courtyards of theAlhambra in Spain.

By the end of the 8 century AD, Islamic civilization has had its domain spread far and wide and now includes North Africa, Spain, India and Central Asia. The techniques of jewelry local Syrians, Egyptians and Persians were assimilated into Arab gold, so changing the style of Islamic jewelry.

The first Islamic jewelry styles in addition to Arabesques were developed under the Seljuk era. This included the use of silverAllah, the verses of the Koran or the shahada (article of faith) to create pendants and rings again. In modern times, these styles have lost their charm. A quick search on the Internet opens many contemporary Islamic jewelry products, the Seljuks, however, go to the traditional method of jewelry with a touch of modern design.

Many of the Islamic jewelry products are now produced in Turkey. And 'interesting to note that silver turkish that the most common metal in useTurkish-Islamic jewelry is composed of 92.5% silver and 7.5% cadmium. This is different than regular sterling silver, 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper. This difference in composition makes it easier for the turkish silver and oxidation resistance.

Silver jewelry is also recession proof that gold. Due to the rising price of gold and the general economic situation, many people today would pay for silver pendants and rings cheaper, as opposed to gold. And with this growth in demand for lowNon-gold alternatives are to use innovative design in silver other precious metals such as tungsten, to produce a new range of affordable jewelry Islamic. One such product that has recently hit the market in Europe, the Islamic tungsten ring, which in various versions, for example, the Arabesque "ring style and Kufi '" ring that has "Shahada" written on it.

The Islamic jewelry products have failed to find a niche among all types of people frombelieving world. Some non-Muslims have a great interest because of the work order and striking design, size and displayed. Also there is a growing appeal among the younger generation Islamic products.

What can we expect from the jewelry market in the future Islamic? It seems that the industry is ready to challenge the stereotypical image of the challenge of Islam. It strives to offer a brand creative for the right impression in the Islamic market 'halal' predictmany as a buyer or admirers.

So we can most innovative and fascinating new ranges expected in the jewelry market Islam? So we have to wait and see, but the answer is almost certainly "yes."

Islamic Jewellery is mixing with the Old New

Human rights violations

Violation of human rights is not a strange matter to the people worldwide. But, you're a man with a true heart and sympathy alone, it is necessary to address the inhumane acts that occur around the world. Let us discuss to see what types of lesions. We see most people are without basic human needs. In addition to racial discrimination, fundamentalism, discrimination in common, we can see that the rights of minorities of various countries are faced with oppression andOppression.

Those most affected are women and children.

Islam And Marriage

Dowry, child labor, child trafficking, child marriage, polygamy, sexual harassment, rape, sentenced to death are human rights violations. Here I am on the violation of human rights in terms of presenting the facts and results, discuss the people aware of the hassle capital.

In Third World countries, dowry is seen as a social curse. Able to give his fortune (big a little moneyMotorcycle, television, refrigerator and all kinds of movable / immovable), and grooms torture their parents, wives. As a result, many brides are forced to commit suicide. Many brides are killed by their husbands.

Islam And Marriage

Child labor is a social phenomenon often seen in Third World countries, especially in South Asia. All children come from poor families. You will not get their food, housing, health, clothing and education. Sometimes, childrendied when they are engaged in works of risking their lives.

Trafficking of children from South Asian countries can be seen in the newspapers. Seeing human beings come forward to news of human rights organizations to support the victims accordingly. Every year children are taken into Middle Eastern countries as UAE, Oman, Katter, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia and Sudan illegally from Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan.

Early marriage is found mainly in Muslim communities in Asia, Middle East, Africa and the Arab worldCountries. As a citizen of Bangladesh, I saw that many underage girls are forced to marry. For example, a 12 year old girl who married a man of 60. As a social custom and religious, is permitted to allow such barbaric acts. In this civilized world, no one tolerates that.

Be brought to the examination of polygamy in a society much misery. Let me tell you the true story of a Muslim woman who was in a family. Her husband had four wives and he has inspired and moralProphet Muhammad was spiritually from them, which is also about 13 women. However, women have been deprived of all rights to her husband and she was forced to do hard work outside the home. Every night, drunk, and her husband would come to some 'strong, while the children were crying to see the wild action. At some point, the woman could not help committing suicide. This is the result of the polygamous family.

Human rights violations

Sexual harassment is a violation of human rights. Millions of girlsadolescence are harassed or abused in the world. In the light of day, not one, but the criminals who sexually molest the girl, but in the dark, man is a hyena be identified. He raped and killed the innocent girl. For example, girls are living without security, as hundreds of hyenas around here and there. As we will see an end to these hyenas? How do we protect the girls? We need to think about it.

Justice delayed, denied, the words of the judge, make a clear idea about the violation of human rightsRights. What is the most important is to ensure justice without delay. The remedy is something that is expected of everyone if we can not get any suitable means to eliminate all violations of human rights.

Human rights violations

Tungsten Rings FAQ

Tungsten Rings FAQ

Tungsten Carbide is the metal of today and the new faiths of the jewelry industry. So a lot of misconceptions about tungsten carbide rings jewelers and jewelry buyers in the same way the ignorant have turned up. I want to share with readers about some common myths about this metal tungsten.

"If the scratch-resistant Tungsten Rings?"
No object or material is completely resistant to scratches. Scratches occur when a material comes into friction with another hard materialthat it is "difficult" for themselves
For many people, nothing is uglier with scratches on his ring, a beautiful time. Tungsten carbide rings are the least concern for this problem, since the material is harder and more durable than the current market secondary diamond jewelery. Now we want to move our second myth of tungsten.

Islam Marriage

"If the carbide indestructible?"
The metal tungsten is definitely a sturdy and durable metal, but to say that it is"Unbreakable" is misleading. However, when it comes to rings or wedding bands, tungsten may just be the closest of each metal will be the question. Biggest advantage of tungsten rings' is the wearer a "maintenance" to provide the experience. The ring is polished and high gloss remains, as it was bought by the first day. Will survive any rings like platinum or titanium, and. This brings us to the last myth and the myth that many couples worry about.

"Ilosing my fingers, because my ring of hard metal can not be cut? "
It 'was a myth spread between the current buyer jewelry, tungsten wedding rings, many people in the hope that all of their 10 fingers to avoid causing unharmed. However, it is a myth. Although it is true that these rings are not cut from gold rings in the usual way, medical personnel can get rid of each ring of tungsten during an emergency. You are able to break into pieces with aVice-Grip locking pliers or a similar mechanism. You could just print on the outside of the ring until it cracks.

The game is done, the three most common myths about tungsten jewelry, many abstained was therefore a significant selection of jewelry stores in tungsten carbide. You can now also all the wonderful benefits of tungsten wedding bands or rings, without worrying about losing a finger.

Tungsten Rings FAQ