วันอังคารที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The woman is truly free?

No eyebrows are going to think a woman's capacity to work. Thanks to various organizations, feminist writers and critics who have struggled for the freedom of women. Many in words raised the idea of ​​equality between men and women.

Apparently, a woman is quite free to pursue his wishes.She dared, and was successful in all areas of knowledge. At the present state of society, the woman is walking the same steps on people. The position of women, bothinside and outside the home, has changed and increased tolerance of the position, what our grandmother and mother. But if the whole situation is under control, then a very different picture appears before us. In fact, we find that the position of women is not better than before.

Islam Marriage

Even in India is the birth of a child, a girl more joy for many parents. There are many such parents to spoil their children, depriving their daughtersbasic needs. It is believed that women are weak, both physically and mentally mentally.Though varies the strength of women, but the fact of female physical weakness can not be ruled out completely. The biological structure of the women had their hands tied. For men, she has always been an object of desire and longing. Its structure has forbidden women from many activities. A woman can not travel alone at night or can not go to unknown places. The woman is always at riskDefloration. Furthermore, to add to their suffering, there are several social stigma with the ignominy of a lady. While men have different ways to wash your hands clean any work degraded or nefarious. But not content with this supremacy, seeking men and women still sink lower. In many countries, women are paid less than men for equal work paid less.

The woman is truly free?

All women are taught together, the so-called quality of a woman as the susceptibility of the heart, the delicacy of sentiment and the acquisition ofRefinement of taste, which in turn is synonymous with epithets of weakness. It is expected that a girl was a goddess of gentleness and mercy. It is as if to excuse the duty of men and women for each of their crimes. In addition, the qualities of bravery, courage and impetuosity male hot. The girl formal lessons at home, she prepares to capture the femininity. Since time immemorial men have usurped the women. During their life remain slaves of the people.

Islam Marriage

In the life of a woman's marriageplays a crucial role.A many changes occur in their lives. They face a different situation in life. But only changes their slavery by her father to her husband. As a girl before marriage has to listen to his father, after marrying a good woman should listen to her husband. All important decisions in the house are always the male members of the family. Marriage is an institution of the same injury.

In many countries are still men and women unequal wagesfor equal work. If it is to see honest, we find that more women than men. In the case of women working, the problem is even worse. You must do all the work, both inside and outside the home. They also have the additional work of pregnancy, birth and raise her.

Women face different obstacles in their lives, but domestic violence, adding to their suffering. Domestic violence is widespread in the lower strata of the population. Women need to face the ultimate punishment. There arerespite from their torments.

There is a concept that women enhance the beauty of the house. Many women are also using this type of concept. You can imagine the joy of the queen actually house.But their activities are only the result of the will of her husband. Housewives are economically dependent on their husbands. Even women who work are not completely independent.
There is an end to the oppression of this life? As would be truly free? Unprejudicedand oppression?

The woman is truly free?

