วันอังคารที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The Protestant

Beginning in Britain in 1700, evangelicalism, which is Protestant Christian movement, followers believe they are "born again". This is a personal conversion, and focuses on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

As a "born again" means rebirth. It is a spiritual birth, Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. When we are born, which everyone understands is that the birth of the flesh. To be reborn spiritually, it could accept Christand will therefore be able to heaven when life is complete on this earth.

Islam Marriage

The term "evangelical" is a number of different uses, especially off-break from the Roman Catholic Church. The word itself derives from the Greek word for "gospel" or "good news". People who follow the evangelical faith and life are based on the principles of the New Testament, and so are the Christians.

The Protestant

Often, the Protestant religion is classified as a middle ground between the theology of religionLiberal and fundamentalist Christianity. This classification comes from seeing that the liberal parties, the values ​​of the world still have their fellow fundamentalists seem to give the Christ as the heart lost.

Islam Marriage

For those evangelicals in North America, their social views tend to be very conservative. We see this especially in the aspects of marriage between a man and a woman and also see their views against abortion is defined. Evangelicals against gay marriage and tend towould violate the laws permitting abortion.

The influence of evangelicals in political campaigns are great. There is always a big attraction of the Christian right in the red states, and seems to be a huge success when it comes to certain social agendas attractive. It is believed that Christianity was founded on a place in public life since the Untied States on the principles of freedom of religion. This does not mean that all evangelicals thinner than theconservative when it comes to politics. There are members on both sides.

The Protestant

