วันจันทร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The evolution of Malindi town

The evolution of Malindi town

Along the coast of Kenya, Indian Ocean, is a city that dates back to the 14 Century. The town of Malindi is one of the oldest cities in Kenya, with a rich historical, political and historical.

Malindi is a swahili settlement for hundreds of years. It 'was primarily as a port of various foreign powers that can be checked at any time. The Arabs and the Portuguese influence in this ancient city are still evident, as shown by the monuments, religion andBuildings.

Islam Dating

The population of Malindi is 120,000 people. The predominant religion is Islam, the Arabs who settled and ruled much of the East African coast as early as 12 th Century was introduced. The national language is Swahili, the dialect that develops from the interaction between the Arabs and the original inhabitants of the African coastal cities.

Malindi is now known for tourism, which is its main economic activity. It attracts a large number of touristsannually to the coast, both local and foreign. There are a number of attractions in this city. These include historic sites such as the Pillar of Vasco da Gama, one of the pillars of coral, the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama erected in 1498, the ruins of Gedi, and Juma Mosque. In addition to historic sites, Malindi Please also surrounded by a multitude of natural attractions. These include the Watamu Marine National Park, Marafa depression (popularly known as Hell's Kitchen), and the ArabukoSokoke Forest. Malindi is also a center for specific sports such as fishing, scuba diving and surfing.

Perhaps more than anything else, the hospitality and tranquility of the town of Malindi, Swahili and simplicity of the setting is always more and more people move to this ancient city to visit.

The evolution of Malindi town

