วันพุธที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The role of women in the Alliance

The role of women in the Alliance

One method, which interfered with the teachings of Paul on Women in the Church is used to find all the women love the Scriptures and call as a witness for his position. Well, I think I know these women well. I would ask them, on the other side for a while 'to testify. Let me show you that these women really were, and how they are from their modern counterparts.

In I Peter 3: 1-6, mentions the apostles, as God-fearing women of ancient faith in God, has not emphasized the inner and outer beauty,and were submissive to their husbands. These are the qualities you look for in their spiritual descendants, the women of the church.

Women Islam

Sarah is in Scripture as a woman who is her husband "lord", and could then see, in the reign of God lifted his spouse. No church leaders here!

Rebekkah after hearing the word of God for her and her husband, encouraged her son Jacob, and has done everything possible for him before, but never without a full submission to her husband.

There wasdisobedient women. Dinah went to his father's roof. Zipporah challenged the ways of God to Moses. Miriam spoke against Moses and the same has been punished severely.

The most important women of the Old Covenant is Deborah. If there is a woman who does not believe in the Bible, "women leaders" speak, is this amazing prophet. Yet, a careful examination of what the Bible records actually seems that the full scope of their work was the maintenance of GodWisdom through a miracle for the people who came to her when she "sat under the palm tree." This is the way in which "direct" the nation, through the wisdom of God, not the power arm of flesh.

This is not an exalted elder. Here is a simple servant of the Lord, and receive his messages. She is never seen in a meeting with the teaching on men.

When God called for the liberation of Israel from its enemies, as the prophet of a man to do the job. WithDeborah by his side, in respecting the word of prophecy had won the battle. Most of them claim for themselves in all this is that it is "a mother in Israel". (Judges 5:7)

The principle is well established in Deborah, not broken: in all visible ways, men need to lead the people of God Our Lady teaches us that women used it by revelation from God, received the prophecy, because sex it does not matter if the fullness of God is present.

This principle helps us understandPaul more fully apparent "contradiction" in I Corinthians 14 There are women commanded to stand in silence for all the normal functions of the church. But if God raises a woman to speak (Chapter 11) if it is indeed the spirit of Joel's prophecy comes his "henchmen" to pour, and prophesy the word of the Lord, and pray that authorized by the same spirit, we can not despise.

Also, remember that it is still possible that these prophecies, like Deborah, could be outside theAssembly, so it seems to be a woman raised in any way.

According to Deborah, and the judges rule the kings of Israel. No woman can be dominant view of the kingdom if not in serious disobedience. Jezebel is the dominant wife of Ahab, obsessed with their beauty and strength. Her daughter, Athaliah assumed the kingdom of Judah after the fact, killing all but one real heir. Both women have died a violent death for their arrogance.

Oh! The cut men is not good these days either. Evilruled the country. But the kingdom had the men had been given, to be exercised by men, and finally culminated in the man Jesus Christ will reign for ever and ever.

In the life of Jesus himself, because he lived and died under the Old Testament itself, is only with the more difficult slopes you see, every woman, also raised the mother 's "authorities", according to His command. The women give the money to his cause. Support their husbands, women apostles. The women tell the story of Jesus for themCompatriots.

The women weep and praise for Him, and the women they see and announce his resurrected body, but without rules or woman teaches all people in all the Gospels.

This model is not enough words in itself is the will of God for the church?

The role of women in the Alliance

