วันจันทร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Polygamy in Islam - the deep wisdom behind it and its many benefits

Polygyny is the practice of running more than one wife, and unfortunately is a taboo subject for many people. Even if Muslims, including those in the Middle East, are allowed to take more than a woman, this may be a "phenomenon", are less than 1% of marriages are polygamous. Although polygamy is rare in the world accepts the idea behind making this practice is that which brings people together rather than separating them. In fact, save marriages, and providesthat there are no divorce, business, and bad luck.

First, it is in the Qur'an (or Koran) in sura (chapter) al-Nisa, verse 3 reads: "And if you marry any reason to fear that you might not do justice have become orphans, then [other] women the way which allowed you - [to] two or three, or four: but if there is no reason to fear that may not be able to deal with the same fairness, then [only] - or [to] where you have be right. This ismake it more likely that deviate from the right path. "This verse says that men can have up to four wives, or any number of less than four. It is also noted that if a man does not treat his wives fairly, one must maintain. The term" deviations from the correct path "indicates that a man treat all his wives with equality, spend money, time with them, giving them what they ask, etc., and if not, then only one more. That's right, the woman andhanding the man to take irrational decisions in relation to marriage.

Islamic Women

After the foundation of evidence that polygamy is allowed, look at the wisdom of looking behind. Polygyny allows more children were born, which in turn increases the size of the Ummah (community). The Ummah, with a large population, many workers, soldiers, teachers, etc. have substantially corresponds to more people more prosperous, the spread of Islam, and a better defense of the Ummah.

Polygamy in Islam - the deep wisdom behind it and its many benefits

The man, after his fitrah(Natural disposition), is full of lust and sex is the only halal (permitted) valve for these desires. Some men have more desire than others, and so a woman can not satisfy. If polygamy is not allowed, could have a relationship and at the end of his already wounded his wife and happy marriage. How many times an incident like this has been seen on television, read newspapers or heard about through friends and relatives? When people in many countries can have as many girlfriends as you wish, andsexual intercourse with them, why are people so on that face women? Girlfriends are not allowed in Islam, but the concept remains - more than a sexual relationship with a partner is normal, so that more than one wife is fine.

Islamic Women

Proportionately, there are more women than men, and the Koran says that by the end of time there are fifty women to one man. If plural marriage is not allowed, how many women without men there would appear. EWartime is the man and go fight, so that their wives behind. This reduces the number of men, and if polygamy is not allowed, there would be many lonely widows.

According to the fitrah of women have, they desire less than men, and therefore did not need sex as much as a man does. In addition, if a woman should have more than one husband, she did not know who the father of her child. And men are naturally more violent and protective clothing when it comes to women, so many fightsoccur when a woman was more than a man to have. And 'the responsibility of men to take care of his wives equally, which is another part of the fitrah of people to take.

Finally, there are many benefits of polygyny had. The idea is foreign to a lot of people, but if they pass on cultural barriers, religious and social polygyny may prevent them from large to you, there would be fewer divorces, unhappy marriages and affairs. Because polygamy isperformed properly and in accordance with the Koran, the marriage would have been more stable, there would be no happier wives and husbands, and Muslims are under the direction of their holy book and the example of Prophet Muhammad (Peace), in line several women.

Polygamy in Islam - the deep wisdom behind it and its many benefits

