วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The absolute best names for Muslim boys

The absolute best names for Muslim boys

Names, which are preferred names, the name and allowed the forbidden (haram called) are: In the Muslim tradition, the names are clearly divided into three categories. Each of these categories has its own rules, and each has different subcategories.

Topping the list for the best name for Muslim boys names are names that signify servitude to Allah. This is a tradition since the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and is supported in the Hadith (a recordthe acts and sayings of the Prophet (peace be upon him)).

Muslim Dating

So it is better for the faithful to their sons with the prefix: Abd-(meaning servant), together with the name of Allah. Each of the 99 sacred names. Some examples: Abdul Rahman, Abdul Aziz, Abdallateef and Abdelmajid Abdallah.

Note that the use of these names is strictly prohibited (haram) without designation of slavery. Just names as Al-Malik Al-Aziz Al-Ahad or wouldstrictly prohibited. However, some of these 99 high holy names as first names, though (that means:) the prefix "the" fallen. Thus, names such as: may Malik Ra'ouf, Hakeem and Majid are used.

It is worth mentioning that the preferred name other names of prophets, scholars, martyrs and great leaders included. So one of the most common names in the world, Muhammad, honors the prophet (peace be upon him) and very desirable, despite the fact that they are notthe category of names called servitude to Allah.

The absolute best names for Muslim boys

