วันพุธที่ 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Once Upon A Time: Prophet, psychopathic oversexed, Muhammad, Islam teaches Veronique No circumcision!

Once Upon A Time: Prophet, psychopathic oversexed, Muhammad, Islam teaches Veronique No circumcision!

There once was a man who has suffered a psychotic manic and manipulative control was deliriously oversexed. To control the people around him, formed a new religious sect. He created his own writing and his declared himself a prophet to speak the words of the true God

His writings were written down and control his followers, he ordered them to spend their time memorizing word for word, and prays to his God five times a day. Athe other, the members of this sect to be honest with the threat of the death penalty, but with people of other faiths, they may lie, cheat, steal and cheat. Each member is killed, which remained on the track, or has been converted to another religion, too.

Man Islam

He explained that women were property of men. They were just there to meet people's needs, sexual and physical, to have children and spend their lives catering to the man who belongs to them. To ensure that they never lost,He commanded them to cover their bodies and faces, and could not the benefits of training, but were allowed to leave their homes must be accompanied by a male family member. Worse, some of these women Veronique circumcision, a painful experience, they are able to enjoy sex and torture suffered at birth were subjected to left.

He also said that his God be with all men, four women meet and hide their lust. As men and womenare similar in many born, had to meet the problem of a surplus of young people are not capable of their sexual urges. For this, he told them to go into a holy war against all peoples who have not followed his new cult.

These young warriors formed its mandate to capture more territory to steal the wealth of their inhabitants, and if the people who live there do not convert to his sect, beheaded men, women and children. Later he realized thatto kill all the people who are not converted to his sect would be counterproductive, and so left some of them live on their land continues until they pay high taxes to him or were his slaves and concubines women. Life became so miserable for these people who have joined many of his sect in despair.

He controlled his followers so that they spread throughout the region to conquer lands and killing continue, convert, or oppression of the inhabitants, until their numberclimbed into the millions. To persuade young men to fight in his name, promised them that if they had fought for his God is dead, they would enter Paradise, where he was seventy virgins waiting to be rewarded - thus providing an incentive for young people very sexual. How ridiculous! The body is spiritual, incorporeal and incapable of sexual activity.

This man's name was Mohammed, the name of his sect of Islam, the name of his followers, the Muslims, the name of hisScripture, the Koran. How long dead, his legacy and teachings are still practiced today in the world with the aim of converting the world to this pernicious sect, where the laws to replace the set in his writings in each country a constitutional right.

Imagine that his followers succeeded, and turned the entire world's population to Islam. Not only will your grandchildren would become Muslims, it would be good for your grandchildren and three quartersGrandchildren would live in perpetual sexual frustration. That alone tells you that this theory is wrong from the beginning. Do not be fooled, but not Islam a religion of peace, is one of the war. If you do not want to believe that, read the Koran for themselves. Once you know that the greatest threat to world peace, Islam and the politicians are afraid of losing their positions so that the apparent power is a policy of appeasement of the practice, just likeChamberlain did to appease Hitler.

Like Hitler, the Muslim leader to recognize the weakness of the West. Just like Hitler, which will force a war against the world and there is more than likely that the first beat to beat them is with Israel, particularly in the areas their scriptures to them, "kill the Jews and the people of the book (the Bible) ". now with Iran possessing nuclear weapons, as long as you are, we have to wait before you do it?

Convert Iraq into aDemocracy? You're kidding. Trying to do, only what the Muslims are trying to do in the West, but without the religious fervor and conviction of the children of "Allah" (capital omitted). Thousands of Americans and hundreds of young British and others have given their lives in a war that can never be won, but it served only for the fervor of the Muslim community to encourage and engage young children in focus to violence against the hot-headed ' West.

How do it for theat least for my children, so I do. Love thy neighbor as thyself unto others as you would do to you. For God and my neighbor. Thou shalt not kill. These are concepts foreign to the text of the Koran and Islamic beliefs convoluted. As Christianity continued to be a force to die in the world, Islam is growing to replace them.

You have been warned by Barbara Day and Rascal Russ Miles

Once Upon A Time: Prophet, psychopathic oversexed, Muhammad, Islam teaches Veronique No circumcision!

