วันเสาร์ที่ 13 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Punjabi wedding rituals

Punjabi wedding rituals

The tradition of marriage itself as the most sacred and religious ceremonies in Indian culture. The richness of Indian heritage was held in the different wedding customs that are observed in different states of India.

Marriage symbolizes the virtues of love and companionship of the best and the worst of times. The bride and groom take the double knot tied by vows to support each other in times of happiness and anguish.

Muslim For Marriage

The occasion of marriage bringsalong a bit of joy, laughter and joy. The collection of family relationships strengthens the bonds of love and affection. The party atmosphere reinforces the joys of the future bride and

The aura of serenity that surrounds a wedding is best illustrated by punjabi wedding rituals.

Punjab can be a land of big-hearted people who believe themselves to be defined in a life full of love, laughter and exuberance. Their enthusiasm andJoie de vivre shines through his personality and charisma. The charm of marriage is developed and punjabi beautiful costumes that are followed in the punjabi culture. Grace preserve the richness of its traditions, punjabi community increased exuberance and joy of marriage.

Punjabi wedding rituals consist of ostentatious and extravagant practices. The wedding ceremony begins with the Roka, the formal start of the relationship between themthe families of the bride and groom, the expression of their commitment to the process. This is a ceremony "Sagan", where the groom goes through a ritual practice of gifts and sweets, followed by the bride's family. The custom of "chunni Chadana 'is then accepted by the groom's family where there is the bride with a red sari, as a sign of acceptance in the groom's family has.

The ceremony of "Sangeet" follows, sung in traditional folk songsperformed dances and beautiful. As part of Kwara dhoti, the custom of 'Mehandi' is then performed.

The wedding rituals consist of 'Chud', 'Vatne', 'Ghara Ghardoli', 'sehrabandi', 'Chadni Ghoda', 'Milna', 'Varmala', 'Kanyadaan' and 'Pher'.

The ceremony of "Chud" with a cigar, or puja, the priest celebrated through a wire-band wrist of the bride. Chud, a series of red and cream ivory bangles are then turned and touched all those present at the wedding his blessingMarriage future life.

The custom of "Vatne ', then follows with a paste of turmeric and mustard oil is on the body of the bride and her beauty on the wedding day to improve. The ritual of" Ghara Ghardoli' is then to brothers and sisters of the bride or siblings of the spouses or female, visited the nearby temple and fill a pitcher with holy water. The bride is then bathed with holy water. The rituals and Vatne Ghara Ghardoli is observed in both husband and wifeFamily.

The custom Sehrabandi then follows, where the groom is given a turban after the gifts and cash tied up like a sign of happiness and love.

Chadni Ghoda is a ritual where the groom his horse led by his sisters. He gets up and then leaves the sea for the wedding.

Milna the ceremony is a tradition where the groom's family and relatives offered a warm welcome from the bride. Garlands and gifts are exchanged, after which the groom has taken to meethis bride.

The ritual Varmala then follows, where the bride and groom exchange garlands.

The highlight is when the marriage rituals of "Kanyadaan 'and' Pher 'are performed. The bride's father gives his daughter to the groom. The bride and groom then Punjabi seven rounds or" Saat Pher "around the sacred fire. These shifts are required by the chanting of mantras of the priests.

Punjabi weddings are therefore a great opportunity for lively andLaughter. The richness of customs and traditions of Punjabi are effective in expanding its wedding ceremonies, the intensification of the joyful occasion of the union of the bride and groom.

Punjabi wedding rituals

