วันพุธที่ 24 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Why is a man as spiritual beings

Why is a man as spiritual beings

One of the fundamental questions that asked people who had since age is: "Who am I?" The answer to this question is very important because most of our identities are external and meaningless. Keep you informed of the change in our lives. For example, some people identify themselves as citizens of a nation that can not be said to be the correct description, since they can always change. You can also say: "I am an engineer or a scientist." Even this is not correct, as can beThe acquisition of another qualifying and change the description. If you do not know, but we can not know the purpose of your life and the purpose of your life. James Thurber said:

All men should strive to learn before you die
What are they running from, and, and why?

Man Islam

In Indian scriptures, is a man as a spiritual being, the soul or spirit, that is "Aham Brahmaasmi defined

(I am God). In the Bible, Jesus Christ said that man shall not live by bread alone, but to allWord that comes from the mouth of God. This demonstrates that distinguish people how special that is closest to God But most of us see ourselves as a physical being, as we found no evidence or reason to treat it as a spiritual being.

A spiritual person is someone who is not physically. This means that the person can not be defined by any physical parameter. A spiritual person can only be compared with other religions call God or Spirit and the Holy Spirit. God has certain attributes such asGoodness, kindness, justice, sacrifice, love, etc. These are the attributes that men only and not in other animals. E 'for this reason, man is said to be created in the image of God

There are different types of values ​​that are prevalent in all countries, and most of these values ​​seems to vary from place to place, and have changed over time. For example, in Hinduism, a marriage can shatter, while in Islam, can be broken in secondsthree times he uses the words "Talaq". All cultures and traditions of different cultures are different. The Indian people did not believe in values ​​such as people in America, Europe, Russia and Pakistan. To have values ​​within the same country has changed over time. However, there are some fundamental values ​​that had never changed and never change from every culture and civilization. These values ​​are the true representation of the people.

Consider a situation in whichYou will notice that a person gave his life to save the honor of a woman. If you find such a person, you will automatically develop respect for the person. This person has always been respected and are always respected, regardless of culture and tradition. Similarly, a man who lives only for selfish reasons, and will never use other respected in every culture. A person who is kind is always satisfied, while the rude people are always hated by the people. If you are a person whoOnly, you will automatically develop respect for the person, but you can not respect a person unjust.

Thus we find that there are certain desires that every human being that draws us towards the divine and makes us spiritual beings. Men tend to follow the call of their soul, even if his life is at stake, because man is basically a spiritual being.

Why is a man as spiritual beings

