วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The traditions of men do nothing the commandments of God - Part 1

The traditions of men do nothing the commandments of God - Part 1

At first glance, this statement is a section thick enough to do. He has a great influence on who is involved in the scheme daily traditions. A holiday here is a lesson, here is a little ', there is a bit' all over a little 'more. Finally, it is too late to see the reality of all this. Tradition tends to stifle and conceal what is really true.

Christianity? These are the things that we really know what the Bible teaches us to do? When and where did all these thingsstart?

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From the simple act of dressing in our clothes well, the real "cult" that we visit, there are hundreds of traditions blended into our lives every time you "go to church." These are just some of them.

The practice of "going to church," always dressed in began in the Middle Ages, when the rich were to inspire, to impress each other with the latest clothing of royalty. You can imagine the first century believers, in their latest clothing and deckingSandals, which has just taken "Camel Sportswear Shop"? These believers were simple people who lived a simple life. They could not care less what someone else had left only what was the last dress for the month. Probably sitting on the floor of someone's house (the dirt more than likely), or someone in the field near the farm. They had "to go to church" no idea, because they were the church. We know a dose of what Christians.

What is with this churchBuilding? They Biblical? Where did they get their start? I know. I will say that they have developed from the need for all believers who were saved, the right house? Wrong! Read the Bible. They were meeting "in the homes of the people" all for the first three centuries, and thousands were added to the church every year.

What has changed the model of this meeting spoke at home in the New Testament? It 'was a Roman emperor Constantine in the namethe year 324 AD. He and his mother, Empress Helena, the inventor of the construction of the church. Both were born and raised as a pagan. They were part of the elite of the empire. According to their position and political mores of the day in which he had often pagan temple erected in honor of various deities. After Constantine was converted, he continued the habit, with only the slightest deviation. Now the temple has been established "Christian". The temple "Christian" thought dead saints insteadpagans. The first of these temples were built in the command tinople Constantine in Rome, Jerusalem, Bethlehem and in the new city called Constantinople. All of them received the same year in order.

It 'was during this period, at the age of Constantine, the church was made part of the world. The church was ordered literally become part of the Roman Empire in the department of religion. This age group has seen politicians become ministers ... for one reason only: their property was exempt from taxation ifwere members of the clergy. (The term was taken from pagan temples priest of the clergy). There was a time when the emperor gave his silver soldiers to Christianity when the church became the official religion of the empire to convert if the department of religion, the power to impose taxes, was given when the church has lost its simplicity and has been in a corrupt political power. This was the time of the early church quietly slipped the pages of history and something like "Christianity", modeledStructure and, in practice, by the Roman Empire, took center stage. It was the time of construction of the church was invented, or, to be precise, was adopted from pagan temples.

Along with the "construction of the church", we once again thanks to the tradition, the Sunday school building or department. Around 1800, from the slums of Chicago, DL Moody began to enter into what we now call the Sunday School or Educational Institute to teach.

We may also mention here that children were an important part ofBelievers meeting, as seen in Acts. Remember the guy who crashed the window long dissertation on Paul? There is no Sunday school.

How about stained glass, steeples, pews, newsletters and choirs? All these traditional surprisingly well. The towers and windows from Century 12, from St. Denis of France Basis. The banks since 1500, the Reformation, the choir from the three four century pagan temple rituals, including songs, too.As for the bulletins and the order of worship, are very much a part of our "modern Christian society." Martin Luther is responsible for the clock 11.00 "worship" and the bulletin came out of 1500 in Wittenburg, Germany. Along with these came the invention of the hymnal and the plate supply.

Almost every Protestant denomination in the world, regardless of how they differ from each other in faith, follows almost exactly the same procedures of worship (listed here) ... everySunday morning.

And 'more or less goes like this:

Chant d '

Pastor prays

Three other songs


Offering meals past

Another song or some kind of special music


Closing Song

Closing prayer.

As you can see, this scheme is an integral part of the religious experience of people every week. But where are these practices in the Bible?

Please proceed to the next article, "The traditions of men make voidCommandments of God "Part 2

Some references for this article was derived ("The Early Church" by Gene Edwards, Christian books published by, Goleta, Calif. 93 017 Gene Edwards © 1974)

The traditions of men do nothing the commandments of God - Part 1

