วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Topics to be discussed marriage-7, a new pair

Topics to be discussed marriage-7, a new pair

Marriage is one of the largest and most important institutions of mankind. Yet, people spend more time planning the wedding then choosing their partners.

But how to choose a partner is not left to chance. If you are planning to get married 1 day to take the time to list what you want in a partner. Then the search begins for the person you have described.

Marriage In Islam

If time friend with your future companion will discuss important issues to consider. Do not waitAre already in escrow and find out you two are not compatible.

Here are seven questions to discuss a new pair before having to tie the knot.

1 Money

One of the biggest problems is a new pair is, how to manage the money agreed upon. It 'very important for a new pair a few to how they will budget, spend and save their money. If a person in marriage is one that spends and the other is a screen saver, there is definitely tension. The best way to facilitateThis tension is to agree on a plan in advance and stick to it. The couple must agree on a budget plan, a savings plan and how the money spent.

2 Faith

A couple does not need to wait until they are married to decide how to worship or worship at all. It 'very important to know if you agree on the basic beliefs and the differences when creating a problem when the children arrive. Couples need to discuss the theme of faith, the first time or will fall downthe union.

3 Children

How do you want your children back? One topic that will create many issues if they are not treated in the beginning. A couple needs discipline, education, faith and the education of their children agree. Many families have been destroyed because the parents are not the methods used to accept their children.

4 Sex

Believe it or not a couple needs to discuss sex. If a couple does not understand the need by others, then the marriageis doomed to failure. Sex is wonderful and integral part of marriage, but not all have the same concept, which includes sex. A couple need to discuss what they believe to be a satisfying sex life. If the problem is ignored someone is bound to be disappointed or shocked.

5 Career

A couple should discuss how they feel each other's career choices. You must be able to accept another career, and understand how they affect your career to the family. It 'important to agree on the roles of family and childThe breeding in relation to career choice. As long as the couple agrees on the role that there should be no problems.

6 Politics

Even if the policy easier with you, even if you do not agree to live, must still be discussed. You want to be sure what your future mate in view of something, what you can tolerate. Ideally you should have the same vision of life, but it is a must. Many couples have survived the political issue.


Last but not least, some better discuss the in-laws. There must be an agreement on how to go deal with the inclusion of in-laws. Parents can destroy a marriage faster than anything else, including adultery. The new couple must realize that now have a family and must live as one of them. The laws should be to advise and as an example, but not used as the last word. If not dealt with in the beginning, marriagedoomed to failure.

Do not be afraid to do lists, ask questions and discuss topics uncomfortable at first. It 'allows you to save time and prevent future problems. Now, take your time and put a little more effort in the search for Mr. or Mrs. Right, and you can find.

Topics to be discussed marriage-7, a new pair

