วันเสาร์ที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

He made the 2012 Mayan Prophecies predict the end of time?

It 'important if we want to stop in relation to the Mayan prophecy that we must first understand what is actually considered the end time. They are important both for the three branches of the Abrahamic religions (which is Islam, Christianity and Judaism) and others that the apocalyptic events in the vicinity, to believe in Armageddon soon take place.

For many cultures, this is a time to announce the beginning of a lot of trouble. There will be wars and largeDestruction, or return before the final coming of the Messiah. The identity of the Messiah changes of culture and faith, but his return is a shepherd to his chosen people back to an era of peace, as he once again finds his position as ruler.

Islam Dating

Many predicted the sign of the end times, of many religions, have witnessed and continue to this day based on these religions. But look how the Maya in 2012?

He made the 2012 Mayan Prophecies predict the end of time?

We see that the events that happen Maya was expelled after that date,does not seem to believe that there must be the end of the world. But times have been made obscure references, and a god of war, he would return to this point, and this could lead to major changes, including wars and suffering. That reference to the events of recent times shows that they do not believe that this will destroy everything, but presumably to change it. This fits with the ideas surrounding the end of time.

Islam Dating

The time is approaching, that the Mayans in progressLong Count Calendar is up to the end and this is the time, events are set to begin. Although we do not know for sure is, until it happens, the Mayan prophecies seem to some to predict the end of time, but what exactly is it coming to us and the goal remains to be seen.

He made the 2012 Mayan Prophecies predict the end of time?

