วันอาทิตย์ที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Squirt - the double standard in the bedroom

Squirt - the double standard in the bedroom

For over two centuries, the men maintained a tight control of medical and scientific community. During this period, the sexuality of men with a controlled environment. Free expression of sexuality only be left to professional women "prostitutes".

The women selected for the wives of powerful men in society expect too little of the true sexual desires were expressed. These expectations caused a crack in the progression of female sexuality. At the end of 1800,Women with sexual desires have been defined as a disease as "female hysteria". Hysteria is derived from the Greek word for womb, suffering in modern times would be "cool!" These women had to be that sexual gratification through "vaginal manipulation" to seek by their doctors. In 1869, he invented a physician, George Taylor, the first mechanical vaginal stimulator to reduce the effort of doctors during this long vaginal manipulations. The first turns on vibratorThe scene!

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I'm female ejaculation has been around for millennia, but was somehow lost in American history. We are from the Victorian culture, where women expect sex, in the interest of design and endure the preservation of marriage had not been for his own pleasure. In the forties, when Ernst Grafenberg feminine arousal study, has discovered the area over the G-spot in his honor. In my opinion, when Beverly Whipple, PhD, coined the phrase, has made a tragic mistake.What was really Gräfenberg identified '"area" of the tissue surrounding the urethra in the female vagina. This led to further confusion rather than clarity in an age in which female sexual arousal has been performed widely accepted.

Men who have an interest in the performance of their colleagues studied from this place, presumably the magic button, if they were activated should send their women into orgasmic ecstasy. This rarely occurs. It 'been like chasing a whaledollar store with a fishing rod. The Grafenberg area is that it is an area where it is synonymous with the base of the penis, the tissue that surrounds the urethra along its entire length. The problem here is men are easy to understand, as this explains in clear and simple terms. When Whipple explained this point, we have tried very confused men, described to find a place the size of a dime.

In the half century or so, American men began to come,recognize that sexual expression has been part of women is a good thing. But there was an imbalance in the bedroom. The men the expectation of sexual fulfillment in the final ejaculation accompanied by her orgasm. If ejaculation does not occur, there would be disappointment and hurt feelings. Expressions such as blue balls were hit, the women expressed how important it was for men ejaculation.

There is now incontrovertible proof that women in the same way as the seminal fluidMen. Over the past four years, I have everything I could get my hands examined in relation to this problem. It is not a myth, there is no connection with urination or incontinence of the bladder. Squirt is a watery clear liquid with a chemical composition very similar to that of the semen without sperm. Contains prostate specific antigen and sugar that are not present in the urine. When a female ejaculation with orgasm, is without doubt one of the most powerful sexualsatisfying sensation that never meet. Men and women are slowly discovering these realities, and research information on the subject. The Internet makes it increasingly easy to this information, that sexual frustration of many women can get right.

In explaining this concept I have to learn hundreds of enthusiastic men, met to make this happen. But there are many others who feel to be messy and not worth the time. There are some reasons for theirOpinions, except that they are happy their wives did not know they are capable of ejaculation. My desire is that all healthy women would be aware of your body and learn to see well enough with herself and her partner for the joy of female ejaculation!

Squirt - the double standard in the bedroom

