วันพุธที่ 31 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

A Greater Love

A Greater Love

When you stab the air with his sword, his bare torso muscles and sweat glistened fully tightened on the back nervous, Hrithik Roshan in his film version of Mughal Emperor Akbar Jalauddin breathe.

Gowariker film is located in the sixteenth century and 'trace the graph of a prince teenage confusion, but of consciousness, a crown that has imposed its head.Through initially squeamish about his bloody sword, has managed to become the emperor of Hindustanwins with relative ease, and through his achievements and actions of even the smallest letter of Akbar, the film follows the trajectory of Great.Simultaneously love story of Akbar's Rajput princess Jodhaa.Their flirtation with a move is politically motivated but has the charm of a true black-romance.

Marriage In Islam

Develop the first 20 minutes of the film is slow, because the plot and different characters slowly.But establish a Jodhaa-Akbar once the marriage is arranged, takes the magic of romanceRajput Princess Jodhaa held over.Interestingly (Aishwarya) is not too eager to give up the powerful Mughal emperor Akbar.And is in the relationship, defining the terms, not to convert to Islam, and also the demands of a temple in his indulgent corner of Akbar palaces.An be done for his queen wants to meet with great displeasure of the hardliners in his court.And even if it is liberal in thought agrees Jodhaa takes its sweet time heatuntil her Prince Charming.

Here-in lies the magic of love story.The fact that the couple did not consummate their marriage on the first night, the fact that most Aankhon Hi Aankhon romance from my playing adds a lot of color and character of this story. You do not receive this we-done-that romantic cliches.Obviously while the love story between Jodhaa Akbar and is the basis of the plot, there are many other dramatic moments provided by the sub-plots aroundFraud, conspiracy, murder and Anga jealously.Moham surrogate Akbar and his queen Jodha are locked in a battle of jealousy, and then there are the emperor's brother-in-law of newcomers Dheera Nikitin (Sharifuddin Hussain), the continuous production innumberable playing ground to overthrow Akbar.

Kiron Deohan cinematography is ostentatious.Gowarikar and short story writer Haider Ali Rahman offer competent screenplay.AR weaves magic with his mere Khwaja Khwaja Javed Akhtar Sufian and recorded theMagic mood perfectly .... Azeem-o-Shann on

As for performance, Hrithik Roshan brings to life the emperor Akbar in all its glory.The superb actor in moments of intense and charismatic romantic.Aishwarya Rai Bachchan plays the pictures look perfect and in tune with their shoes Jodhaa Queen content performance.But this company wholly owned by Ashutosh Gowarikar, who is with his great vision and sincerity that almost larger than life worthy of being a relative of experiencePrice of a multiplex ticket.

A Greater Love

วันอังคารที่ 30 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Marriage Compatibility Taurus with Aquarius

Marriage is a sacred bond that ties in his life. There are different stages in life where you tend to change, and marriage is the phase in which it faces a number of changes to the happiness of his life and gives a new meaning to his existence. After marriage, the priority of the displaced, and are more concerned with his family and a better future for their families. It is not necessary, since both the bride and groom are newbetween them and never gone through this phase, the same amount is required on both sides is the wedding even more success and more. Time is the most important factor that is required by the bride and groom, to understand. If they understand and know more kicks, then it would be easier for them to roll the wheels of their marriage.

Marriages in India have always been the best of relationships shared by a bride andthe groom. Indian families have an enormous faith in the covenant of marriage and believes that marriage is a bond, a bride and groom relationships not only to live, but seven lives. Therefore, the decision of marriage as a much sought after and brought with much thought and holds all important factors to consider. Prior to the completion of a marriage, a number of formalities and inspections are conducted to verify if the couple is able to lead a happy life together. Adaptation ofCompatibility horoscopes of the bride and groom is also one of the most important steps made by the families of the bride and groom take their children for the welfare and happiness. The tradition of matching horoscopes before marriage has been pursued for centuries in India, and is actually considered as the most important step towards the realization of a happily married life.

Muslim For Marriage

We move further on the meeting of compatibility between different zodiac horoscope sign is nowthe turn of the Taurus and Capricorn. Both are almost opposite each other and share a few things in common. They say that opposites attract, but that's just, when, where both the space and understand the report. The Taurus is a person who likes to be simple and not as changes in his life. On the other hand, loves the Aquarium a person who regularly change and break the rules of life, you simply can not keep pace to remain on the daily events of life. Aquarium believeplus the change in attitude of life and love, to adopt a progressive approach towards life. Aquarius likes to move with the times and lead to new ideas that sometimes leads to problems, as is the Tauride difficult to adapt to new situations. Both the bride and groom, in the case of the Taurus and Aquarius are very determined and believe in the fulfillment of the task when they thought of this. I am very dedicated to their work and are always happy to bring positiveChanges in their work and in society.

Marriage Compatibility Taurus with Aquarius

But sometimes Aquarius can be very unpredictable and acting strangely, causing problems in their married life. The bride and groom should make life easier for the other by a simple in their approach and the introduction of civil partners with their qualities and weaknesses. In addition, extra care and the nature of the possessive Taurus also irritate the Aquarium, that the margins in their married life. If bothkeep the Taurus and Aquarius, understand and support each other in different situations of life, then there is much more difficult for them to have a happy and fulfilling lives.

Muslim For Marriage

Marriage Compatibility Taurus with Aquarius

วันจันทร์ที่ 29 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Prayer for a family before the divorce

Prayer for a family before the divorce

Here is a prayer that the Lord gave me for some couples, who were before the divorce. My hope and prayer is that it is a blessing to you and others who know. I truly believe that prayer has the power to change things. Word of God says: "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." (James 5:16) I encourage you, dear brothers and sisters in Christ to be courageous and let your voice and like a fragrant incense, the prayers rose up in the same throne roomGod

Thank you, Father, who initiated the covenant of marriage. Father, Your Word says, as in Genesis, Matthew, Mark and Ephesians, that at the beginning of creation is as a husband and wife, and for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and cleaves to his wife and two will be one flesh. So they are no longer two but one. What God has joined together, let no man leave. And again in Malachi is written: "It is not the Lord made them one in?Flesh and spirit, which are for him. "It's also in 1 Corinthians that each place in life that the Lord has assigned to him and to whom God has called him. And you must still keep in Malachi is written in the mind alert and not to break the fidelity of the wife of your youth . you said that you get to hate divorce. Therefore, O Lord, we are against divorce.

Islam And Marriage

Your word says that whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.Therefore, we integrate the lies of the enemy coming against the spirit and the spirits of men and women of your church, Lord. We combine doubt and truth, we lose, we lose to avoid confusion and maintain a healthy mind, we have the rebellion and obedience and submission to you, O Lord, thy word. We combine all the roots of bitterness and forgiveness, we lose, we lose rejection and bind the spirit of adoption, bind the spirit of lust, and loyalty and you losePurity.

Father, we are against divorce in all respects. Help us to what you hate. Father, we realize that Satan is a defeated enemy. He is powerless. Jesus defeated him and opened a show for him, to humiliate him was above all our enemies. And we, as believers, all the power and authority over the enemy and his lies have given. For your word says that all power was given to you, and gave it to us. Your word says we are joint heirsJesus, and we sit together in heavenly places with Him. Beyond all power to come to Prince, the authorities and the heads of darkness in this world and into one. The enemy is under our feet. So we set all the demons of hell and Satan in time now that we are determined in the full authority of the name of Jesus, which was given to us and standing up (filling their quest to defeat the marriage of ___________________________________pray in space with the family name for you).

We take care of this marriage with the precious blood of Jesus, and I confess that this is a pure and holy marriage. The names of the couple _______________________( please) is actually a meat, is written in the word of God I appeal to the covenant relationship with the spouse that God has placed them with. They call up and say to their homes that do not break a covenant with the wife / husbandtheir youth. We break the hold that the enemy has in mind and bring all their thoughts captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ and the kingdom. I forgive them for things that are simple, beautiful, pure, honest, holy, and think of good reputation. If there is any virtue and if there be any praise, these are the things that she is mine.

We expose the lies of the enemy. You must know the truth and the truth will free them. Because it is for freedom that Christ died so thatare fixed and can not reload the yoke of slavery. Stand up and let you sleepers, for the glory of the Lord shines upon you. We call _______________________ (names of people who pray), to their right, ordained by God to take place in the family. Father, we pray that their will is a line with your will. We pray that their spirits will be raised in them to be pleasant to your eyes, Lord. Give them a burning desire to get closer to eachSo, she teaches obedience, Lord. Save them from themselves and from their enemies. Give them eyes to see and ears to hear what the Holy Spirit spoke to them. Their spouses and their families still in their minds and thoughts, always in front of their eyes. Let me think about it all day and when they go to sleep. Can their thoughts on them too well, and can be long and straight for them, Lord. Oh, may his heart at the thought, that separate them from the break-evenone more day.

Lord, the king's heart is in your hands, you judge it as a stream back to her husband and his family. Let them fend for themselves the love that binds them together in perfect unity. Father, agapao their love for each other. A love that men love their wives as Christ loves the Church, a love that enables a woman to be submissive to her husband, and that their eyes and heart and desire is always possible for her husband. A pure love, a lasting love.Father, at the beginning, you said, and he did. Your word tells us to have faith in God and to be imitators of God Your Word says that Your word will not return empty but will accomplish what they had done before them. Therefore, the things we discussed today, then. Were spoken into existence. Your word says that you say "yes" to all your promises And if two or more agree on anything, it should be done for us. Therefore, we confess these things asdone.

Now, Lord, for Your word says that we are caught up by what we say, are trapped, we are through the words of our mouth, we ask you to keep a watch on our mouth over the doors of our lips. see Do not let a word of doubt from the mouth. Help us words of life, faith and truth, to speak according to your word. Thank you, Lord, we pray and say all things in Jesus 'name' and 'Amen' to the glory of God

Prayer for a family before the divorce

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

American International vs. divorce rates

It is often said that the American divorce rate is highest in the world that half of all marriages in this country end in divorce. Some point to this number and say that suggests Americans have lost touch with family values ​​that we are not married, is more serious, and that we are careless when it comes to our relations. But how true is this assumption?

It 'true that the crude divorce rate is higher in the United States than in many other countries,is disproportionately higher than it has in more developed countries in the world. The generally accepted statistics are:

Islam And Marriage

Weddings are 2.5 times more likely to end in divorce, as they were in the mid-1980. They are four times more often end in divorce, as they were in the mid-1950. End somewhere between 40% and 60% of new marriages in divorce. About 20% of marriages within the first 5 years. Approximately 33% of marriages within the first10 years. The average duration of marriage in the United States is 11 years. These numbers are actually pretty depressing. But they tell only half the story. The negative statistics tend to be cited at a rate much higher, and are usually discussed without the context frame. When considering the divorce rate increasing, it is important to keep in mind:

American International vs. divorce rates

Until recently, divorce was frowned upon by society. Couples were more likely to put an unfortunateMarriage. Only in 1970, most states do not allow distinctions to be blamed. Previously, the couple wanted to show that divorce should be that one spouse had committed a transgression must divorce - namely a report. The divorce rate includes all new marriages, not all first marriages. Subsequent marriages are actually statistically more likely to end in divorce. A person who gets married and divorced three times the weightedas a person who has been married once. The Americans, on average, marry younger than Europeans - and later, a higher divorce rate. It means divorce laws more lenient than other countries that Americans are more likely to leave an unhappy marriage, while the divorce rate is a statistic for people who have more weight in marriages. With this information in hand, begin the first statistics on the new form.

Islam And Marriage

If you have questions about divorce law, please visit the WestPalm Beach divorce lawyers of Eric N. Klein & Associates, PA, today.

American International vs. divorce rates

วันเสาร์ที่ 27 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

A symbol is an essential need to know True Love

There are so many true love symbols in the world. Most of them are the symbol of love, but when it comes from someone who really loves you sent a true symbol of love. So if someone is a cupid it means that he or she loves you. A cupid is sometimes like a photo of a baby naked and blindfolded with wings displayed. It is called a cherub. It is said to be the son of the goddess of love. It has an arrow from a bow and a heart. If you want to tell someone of this symbol, simply means thatlove you and somehow you have made a mark in their hearts. Legend has it that when someone struck by Cupid's arrow falls in love without even wants. So if you're lucky to get hit by an arrow of Cupid, you're on track to fall in love with someone.

A heart is another symbol that represents the true love that someone loves you. A heart is very important to be human. Most people say that people love with all my heart. You never heard anyoneto say. "I love you with all my kidney or liver, but there is also very important There are funny people who say, however, that another group, they love everything they have, but lovingly say with all my heart remains The most popular of all. A heart is a symbol of love, and if someone strikes you on the heart icon, you must be sure to tell the person that they know will love you.

Muslim Dating

Another symbol of true love is the love knot. These love knots are often used today by manyPeople all over the world. If you happen to have a knot of love from someone, you should know that the person who loves you and that you should respond in a way. Long ago, women used to send messages through the knots of a carpet, for people who are interested in telling them. These messages were sent mostly by Muslim women, but many more people have accepted it. This is a very interesting way to tell someone how I love. Continue right and make a knot of love today and tell theLoved one who really love them.

A symbol is an essential need to know True Love

Butterflies are a symbol of true love that people send to their husbands and wives. However, there are people who still send them to their partners. This is because a butterfly is said to represent a 'soul and in the Asian culture, this means a happy marriage. It can not be a happy marriage when two people love each other. People who love and want to marry each other always send butterflies to signify that the loveeach other and have given their soul. Telling someone that you are today a symbol of true love. Have fun doing this.

Muslim Dating

A symbol is an essential need to know True Love

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The absolute best names for Muslim boys

The absolute best names for Muslim boys

Names, which are preferred names, the name and allowed the forbidden (haram called) are: In the Muslim tradition, the names are clearly divided into three categories. Each of these categories has its own rules, and each has different subcategories.

Topping the list for the best name for Muslim boys names are names that signify servitude to Allah. This is a tradition since the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and is supported in the Hadith (a recordthe acts and sayings of the Prophet (peace be upon him)).

Muslim Dating

So it is better for the faithful to their sons with the prefix: Abd-(meaning servant), together with the name of Allah. Each of the 99 sacred names. Some examples: Abdul Rahman, Abdul Aziz, Abdallateef and Abdelmajid Abdallah.

Note that the use of these names is strictly prohibited (haram) without designation of slavery. Just names as Al-Malik Al-Aziz Al-Ahad or wouldstrictly prohibited. However, some of these 99 high holy names as first names, though (that means:) the prefix "the" fallen. Thus, names such as: may Malik Ra'ouf, Hakeem and Majid are used.

It is worth mentioning that the preferred name other names of prophets, scholars, martyrs and great leaders included. So one of the most common names in the world, Muhammad, honors the prophet (peace be upon him) and very desirable, despite the fact that they are notthe category of names called servitude to Allah.

The absolute best names for Muslim boys

วันพุธที่ 24 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Why is a man as spiritual beings

Why is a man as spiritual beings

One of the fundamental questions that asked people who had since age is: "Who am I?" The answer to this question is very important because most of our identities are external and meaningless. Keep you informed of the change in our lives. For example, some people identify themselves as citizens of a nation that can not be said to be the correct description, since they can always change. You can also say: "I am an engineer or a scientist." Even this is not correct, as can beThe acquisition of another qualifying and change the description. If you do not know, but we can not know the purpose of your life and the purpose of your life. James Thurber said:

All men should strive to learn before you die
What are they running from, and, and why?

Man Islam

In Indian scriptures, is a man as a spiritual being, the soul or spirit, that is "Aham Brahmaasmi defined

(I am God). In the Bible, Jesus Christ said that man shall not live by bread alone, but to allWord that comes from the mouth of God. This demonstrates that distinguish people how special that is closest to God But most of us see ourselves as a physical being, as we found no evidence or reason to treat it as a spiritual being.

A spiritual person is someone who is not physically. This means that the person can not be defined by any physical parameter. A spiritual person can only be compared with other religions call God or Spirit and the Holy Spirit. God has certain attributes such asGoodness, kindness, justice, sacrifice, love, etc. These are the attributes that men only and not in other animals. E 'for this reason, man is said to be created in the image of God

There are different types of values ​​that are prevalent in all countries, and most of these values ​​seems to vary from place to place, and have changed over time. For example, in Hinduism, a marriage can shatter, while in Islam, can be broken in secondsthree times he uses the words "Talaq". All cultures and traditions of different cultures are different. The Indian people did not believe in values ​​such as people in America, Europe, Russia and Pakistan. To have values ​​within the same country has changed over time. However, there are some fundamental values ​​that had never changed and never change from every culture and civilization. These values ​​are the true representation of the people.

Consider a situation in whichYou will notice that a person gave his life to save the honor of a woman. If you find such a person, you will automatically develop respect for the person. This person has always been respected and are always respected, regardless of culture and tradition. Similarly, a man who lives only for selfish reasons, and will never use other respected in every culture. A person who is kind is always satisfied, while the rude people are always hated by the people. If you are a person whoOnly, you will automatically develop respect for the person, but you can not respect a person unjust.

Thus we find that there are certain desires that every human being that draws us towards the divine and makes us spiritual beings. Men tend to follow the call of their soul, even if his life is at stake, because man is basically a spiritual being.

Why is a man as spiritual beings

วันอังคารที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The woman is truly free?

No eyebrows are going to think a woman's capacity to work. Thanks to various organizations, feminist writers and critics who have struggled for the freedom of women. Many in words raised the idea of ​​equality between men and women.

Apparently, a woman is quite free to pursue his wishes.She dared, and was successful in all areas of knowledge. At the present state of society, the woman is walking the same steps on people. The position of women, bothinside and outside the home, has changed and increased tolerance of the position, what our grandmother and mother. But if the whole situation is under control, then a very different picture appears before us. In fact, we find that the position of women is not better than before.

Islam Marriage

Even in India is the birth of a child, a girl more joy for many parents. There are many such parents to spoil their children, depriving their daughtersbasic needs. It is believed that women are weak, both physically and mentally mentally.Though varies the strength of women, but the fact of female physical weakness can not be ruled out completely. The biological structure of the women had their hands tied. For men, she has always been an object of desire and longing. Its structure has forbidden women from many activities. A woman can not travel alone at night or can not go to unknown places. The woman is always at riskDefloration. Furthermore, to add to their suffering, there are several social stigma with the ignominy of a lady. While men have different ways to wash your hands clean any work degraded or nefarious. But not content with this supremacy, seeking men and women still sink lower. In many countries, women are paid less than men for equal work paid less.

The woman is truly free?

All women are taught together, the so-called quality of a woman as the susceptibility of the heart, the delicacy of sentiment and the acquisition ofRefinement of taste, which in turn is synonymous with epithets of weakness. It is expected that a girl was a goddess of gentleness and mercy. It is as if to excuse the duty of men and women for each of their crimes. In addition, the qualities of bravery, courage and impetuosity male hot. The girl formal lessons at home, she prepares to capture the femininity. Since time immemorial men have usurped the women. During their life remain slaves of the people.

Islam Marriage

In the life of a woman's marriageplays a crucial role.A many changes occur in their lives. They face a different situation in life. But only changes their slavery by her father to her husband. As a girl before marriage has to listen to his father, after marrying a good woman should listen to her husband. All important decisions in the house are always the male members of the family. Marriage is an institution of the same injury.

In many countries are still men and women unequal wagesfor equal work. If it is to see honest, we find that more women than men. In the case of women working, the problem is even worse. You must do all the work, both inside and outside the home. They also have the additional work of pregnancy, birth and raise her.

Women face different obstacles in their lives, but domestic violence, adding to their suffering. Domestic violence is widespread in the lower strata of the population. Women need to face the ultimate punishment. There arerespite from their torments.

There is a concept that women enhance the beauty of the house. Many women are also using this type of concept. You can imagine the joy of the queen actually house.But their activities are only the result of the will of her husband. Housewives are economically dependent on their husbands. Even women who work are not completely independent.
There is an end to the oppression of this life? As would be truly free? Unprejudicedand oppression?

The woman is truly free?

วันจันทร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The evolution of Malindi town

The evolution of Malindi town

Along the coast of Kenya, Indian Ocean, is a city that dates back to the 14 Century. The town of Malindi is one of the oldest cities in Kenya, with a rich historical, political and historical.

Malindi is a swahili settlement for hundreds of years. It 'was primarily as a port of various foreign powers that can be checked at any time. The Arabs and the Portuguese influence in this ancient city are still evident, as shown by the monuments, religion andBuildings.

Islam Dating

The population of Malindi is 120,000 people. The predominant religion is Islam, the Arabs who settled and ruled much of the East African coast as early as 12 th Century was introduced. The national language is Swahili, the dialect that develops from the interaction between the Arabs and the original inhabitants of the African coastal cities.

Malindi is now known for tourism, which is its main economic activity. It attracts a large number of touristsannually to the coast, both local and foreign. There are a number of attractions in this city. These include historic sites such as the Pillar of Vasco da Gama, one of the pillars of coral, the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama erected in 1498, the ruins of Gedi, and Juma Mosque. In addition to historic sites, Malindi Please also surrounded by a multitude of natural attractions. These include the Watamu Marine National Park, Marafa depression (popularly known as Hell's Kitchen), and the ArabukoSokoke Forest. Malindi is also a center for specific sports such as fishing, scuba diving and surfing.

Perhaps more than anything else, the hospitality and tranquility of the town of Malindi, Swahili and simplicity of the setting is always more and more people move to this ancient city to visit.

The evolution of Malindi town

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Squirt - the double standard in the bedroom

Squirt - the double standard in the bedroom

For over two centuries, the men maintained a tight control of medical and scientific community. During this period, the sexuality of men with a controlled environment. Free expression of sexuality only be left to professional women "prostitutes".

The women selected for the wives of powerful men in society expect too little of the true sexual desires were expressed. These expectations caused a crack in the progression of female sexuality. At the end of 1800,Women with sexual desires have been defined as a disease as "female hysteria". Hysteria is derived from the Greek word for womb, suffering in modern times would be "cool!" These women had to be that sexual gratification through "vaginal manipulation" to seek by their doctors. In 1869, he invented a physician, George Taylor, the first mechanical vaginal stimulator to reduce the effort of doctors during this long vaginal manipulations. The first turns on vibratorThe scene!

Marriage In Islam

I'm female ejaculation has been around for millennia, but was somehow lost in American history. We are from the Victorian culture, where women expect sex, in the interest of design and endure the preservation of marriage had not been for his own pleasure. In the forties, when Ernst Grafenberg feminine arousal study, has discovered the area over the G-spot in his honor. In my opinion, when Beverly Whipple, PhD, coined the phrase, has made a tragic mistake.What was really Gräfenberg identified '"area" of the tissue surrounding the urethra in the female vagina. This led to further confusion rather than clarity in an age in which female sexual arousal has been performed widely accepted.

Men who have an interest in the performance of their colleagues studied from this place, presumably the magic button, if they were activated should send their women into orgasmic ecstasy. This rarely occurs. It 'been like chasing a whaledollar store with a fishing rod. The Grafenberg area is that it is an area where it is synonymous with the base of the penis, the tissue that surrounds the urethra along its entire length. The problem here is men are easy to understand, as this explains in clear and simple terms. When Whipple explained this point, we have tried very confused men, described to find a place the size of a dime.

In the half century or so, American men began to come,recognize that sexual expression has been part of women is a good thing. But there was an imbalance in the bedroom. The men the expectation of sexual fulfillment in the final ejaculation accompanied by her orgasm. If ejaculation does not occur, there would be disappointment and hurt feelings. Expressions such as blue balls were hit, the women expressed how important it was for men ejaculation.

There is now incontrovertible proof that women in the same way as the seminal fluidMen. Over the past four years, I have everything I could get my hands examined in relation to this problem. It is not a myth, there is no connection with urination or incontinence of the bladder. Squirt is a watery clear liquid with a chemical composition very similar to that of the semen without sperm. Contains prostate specific antigen and sugar that are not present in the urine. When a female ejaculation with orgasm, is without doubt one of the most powerful sexualsatisfying sensation that never meet. Men and women are slowly discovering these realities, and research information on the subject. The Internet makes it increasingly easy to this information, that sexual frustration of many women can get right.

In explaining this concept I have to learn hundreds of enthusiastic men, met to make this happen. But there are many others who feel to be messy and not worth the time. There are some reasons for theirOpinions, except that they are happy their wives did not know they are capable of ejaculation. My desire is that all healthy women would be aware of your body and learn to see well enough with herself and her partner for the joy of female ejaculation!

Squirt - the double standard in the bedroom

วันเสาร์ที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

3 panacea to save a marriage

3 panacea to save a marriage

How do you think things are finally starting to go from bad to worse in their married life, sometimes you want to be part of the people caught in the annual divorce statistics. It can be frustrating and stressful when you know you thought so much for your wedding and I've never done anything changes. Maybe you do not have the so-called miracle cures for couples who are about to lose their love and devotion for another attempt. After a couplealmost ended in divorce, they were glad they tried it in three ways, and finally reconciled with his better half loved.

The reason why most couples break down slowly, but surely, because one of them and takes care of all the negative aspects of their better half, attitudes and behaviors that have not yet seen when they were still out. Consequently, they would believe, as they started living with a stranger. Marriage is a bond that goes beyond forever. And ifHe began to take the votes that will take your significant other, no matter what and who they really are. One of the miracles of healing to save your relationship is to learn to compromise. Also, if there is something that takes care of your husband or wife, tell them so pleasant, so that they can interfere with you.

Islam And Marriage

Although it is easier said than done, communication is still the best way to save a marriage. You'll never know what a little heart to heart talkcould bring. Even a simple question of how his day was, can make a big difference in your relationship. Would you be surprised to know that communication is considered the best solution for all the miracles of healing to save the weakening of marriage.

And finally, before you use your finger to point your better half, consider this first move - to reflect. Apart from the communication, which is reflected also considered as one of the best miracles of healing to save a marriage. A shaky marriageis not just a single person has led. You can also errors that you missed. It is not difficult to spend some 'time for yourself and think of all the arguments you had with your significant other. They soon realize that there is something you could have done, is only complicated by the conflict out, like to avoid that already. Accept your mistake and apologize not only with your husband or wife, but also themselves.

These are the first three magicRecommended by couples who went through almost the deposit and the signing of divorce papers and divorce lawyers setting.

3 panacea to save a marriage

วันศุกร์ที่ 19 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The importance of the period of courtship

Marriage is the best decision, it takes a couple to stay together for his career. And 'the point in life when a boy and a girl are charged with the responsibility to take care of themselves and their families. The bride and groom are very happy with their new relationship and then married life, are actually spending together with enthusiasm. The first ceremony, the bride and groom to the marriage commitment is the roka or engagement ceremony, which marksAs a first step towards the fear of marriage. The period between the last and the roka ceremony is called the period of courtship. And 'know that the most romantic and exciting for the couple. This is the moment when you know each other and a bond of sharing and understanding between them.

Period of courtship, in case of arranged marriages should be of great benefit, because the couple are no strangers to each other and this is the only timethe trip can make the trip from strangers to friends to lovers, and, finally, life partner. The ride is very important, and took every step to measure, because marriage is a very valuable relationship that needs extra care. The bond can be very strong and weak, so they must be provided, for which steps can be taken by both sides. From day one, the steps are as follows:

Muslim For Marriage

In the early days, the bride and groomcan devote more time to understand each other. Marriage not only brings two people, but there is a link between two different families. Therefore, the bride and groom must try to understand their cultures and practices of the family. We understand the character, behavior and attitudes towards different things is important. It 'very common for these couples to be on the phone for several hours or even all day. Indeed it is, the moreUnderstanding in a period of courtship, better and easier it becomes for them with their married life too

The importance of the period of courtship

Even if the understanding is a lifelong process, but after a while ', you get the bride and groom to understand the ups and downs of life partner you can her secrets with the bride or groom to share. This would take them closer emotionally and would be able to relate the various moments of her life with her boyfriend. This also helps in the formation of the common featuresbetween the spouses so that they appreciate the moments we spent together in a better way.

Muslim For Marriage

Go ahead, starting with the bride and groom each other with or without the consent of the parents, the more necessary for intimacy in their new report, which is very important to bring the relationship to grow. Small steps toward each other to reach the biggest step, ie weddings.

Also support each other and try to understand the lifestylehis life partner, can help achieve a sense of solidarity. Spouses are always asked to be loyal to each other and have a very strong bond that has no room for misunderstanding you had. Giving also a place suitable for life partner is important to instil the report to breathe properly. As a man wants to need oxygen to live the same way marriage to thrive and grow room for happiness in the way of married life. Therefore, a correctThe use of the period of courtship should be done by the bride and bridegroom a successful marriage.

The importance of the period of courtship

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

7 Confidence Building Issues Business Women Leaders must learn to succeed

7 Confidence Building Issues Business Women Leaders must learn to succeed

Women managers have the confidence to continue learning about the organizations and effective in their leadership qualities. Identify and obtain information about some of the questions is not always easy to find. But without such privileged information, women can find their confidence in leadership positions remains low when it comes to opportunity, a real power broker who will do things to do. This article presents seven working days, subject women in leadership positions need to know to build realConfidence as a leader.

Organization Development: Managers need to know the confidence to bring an organization together in order, can lead to all parts of the organization. To simplify this concept to think of an organization as a machine. You know that you can put gas in the tank when empty, but if you do not want to keep the oil clean and fill fluids your car does not work properly. The organization has not beenone unit. Knowing how the organization as a whole is true of organizational development. Many executives are unclear on this concept and find their organizations suffer as a result.

Islamic Women

Organizational Development: How to know how an organization is developed, it needs a leader to restore confidence to grow well, to have their organization. Organizational growth patterns vary for different types of organizations. It is important to develop methodsAnticipating the future needs of your organization or company to make the right decisions for growth. Leaders without the knowledge of how growth affects all aspects of the organization will find that some decisions rather than lead to functional disorders has increased.

Systems Concepts: Another concept that few leaders have great confidence in is to really understand the concepts systems. This lack of understanding is easy to see if a leader shows through what appears to be taken as sudden changeseconomy or society that adversely affect their business. While complex sounds, is the explanation of the basic systems in organizations, every organization or group that has existed for what is around him. Another concept is that what you do to a part of the development will affect the rest of the organization.

Questions of power: the female managers need to know to trust, how to use the Force to have to do things. The performance can be obtainedlocation or other necessary resources. A resource is your knowledge base and it's really the power in organizations. Means having the power to achieve the goals faster and easier than those without power. Gain power by being willing to use your leadership qualities to take on high-profile positions. Take your name and take calculated risks that you can gain visibility.

Policy activities: Acting takes a lot of political trust. It meansknowing when to speak and what to say when you speak. You need to understand and change the command, if one person over another in a business approach. How politically savvy is important for your career as a manager in advance. It 'important to understand the politics of business and be able to use your skills with others in a positive and effective influence.

Networking: Women managers need to have strong networks of influence decision makers, can do things. This is a part of the performanceand policy guidance. People who have the power, is a manufacturer of trust important for women to use in leadership positions to move forward. Go to the right meetings, where in the company of people who have contacts and information you need to achieve your goals. Be prepared from the crowd and make your mark as a risk taker to know.

The appearance: The appearance is a visual way to show your confidence as a leader. One must lookas a leader to be a leader. This means dressing the part at any time, and even a trip to the supermarket means to dress to impress. This does not mean that high heels all the time, but it means that even with a style that kept saying "professional". Take time to create a professional wardrobe that you can count on you to take every opportunity at any time of day.

Each of the topics mentioned above can be very complexNature. Some may take years to master if you try to do it alone. But the time to learn topics important to build trust in your organization a leader who will be things done efficiently. They feel less intimidated by others, are easier to move into the world of high performance leadership and your confidence will run strong in your role as more of a woman.

7 Confidence Building Issues Business Women Leaders must learn to succeed

วันพุธที่ 17 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The history of Malaysia in a Nutshell

The history of Malaysia in a Nutshell

History of Malaysia began largely in a place called Malacca when a fourteenth-century Palembang prince named Parameswara empayar Srivijayan fleeing, fled to the island now known as Singapore-Temas. There he established himself as the king of a local court and then the princess sought refuge in the Malay Peninsula. It 'was here that, while resting under a tree phenomenon Parameswara Melaka exceptionally bizarre experience before his eyes, he sawa deer mouse to outsmart your dog! So he took what he saw as a good omen and decided to build a kingdom called Malacca.

Other sources claim that the word "Malaya" actually arrived with Arab traders and the market has been derived from the word "Malachi" means. It 'was also told that Parameswara was indeed a descendant of Alexander the Great of Macedonia.

Islam Dating

Although their origin is the love story as the story, the fact is that Parameswara was a new citya point of immense strategic importance. Half way along the narrow linking China to India and the Middle East, Malacca was perfectly positioned as a center for maritime trade. The city grew rapidly, and within 50 years there was a rich and powerful center of international trade, with a population of just over 50,000. It 'was during this period of history Malacca that Islam was introduced in the Malay world, come with Gujarati traders from western India. In 1414 theAt age 70, converted from Hinduism to Islam after marrying Parameswara Malik ul Salih Pasai the Princess, and himself as Sultan Iskandar Shah MEGAT style.

Parameswara died in 1424 and was succeeded by his son.By in the first decade of the sixteenth century Malacca, a bustling, cosmopolitan port was, attracting hundreds of ships each year. Unfortunately, this call came at just the moment when Europe began to extend its power in the East, and Malacca was one of the firstCity stingy with his glasses. In 1511, the Portuguese led by Alfonso de Albuquerque arrived first in the city after a sustained bombardment. The Portuguese controlled the city for the next 150 years.

Surprisingly, the Portuguese rule ended abruptly. Our destiny is about to change again, if attacked in 1641, Malacca, the Dutch after eight months of siege and a fierce struggle. Malacca was finally his, but was in almost total ruin. Aboutthe next century and a half, the Dutch rebuilt the city and took control, primarily as a military base, with its strategic location on the Strait of Malacca to monopolize the region's economy.

In 1795, when Holland was captured by the French Revolutionary Army, Malacca was handed over by the British as trading for Bencoleen, Sumatra. From 1826 onwards, the city was ruled by the British East India Company in Calcutta and small base, we knew that the BritishImportance would grow and soon the entire region would come to a British colony. For years the British were only interested in protecting Malaysia for their ports and their trade routes, but the discovery of tin would have an incentive to move inland and eventually control the entire peninsula. Meanwhile, James Brooke, 'white-raja "and the British North Borneo Company, Sarawak and Sabah in each river was. And' during this period that the miners from China and India rubber tappers fromtaken in Malaysia, paving the way for a future multi-ethnic society.

Unfortunately, in 1942, reaching the effects of World War II, then beer, then the evil eye Asia powerful Japanese empire had turned to Malaysia with his conquest of his empire to enlarge. It was a dark period of history have so many innocent lives Malaysia have been lost. But the brutal Japanese occupation was not long, it ended as suddenly as it had begun. After three years of bloodshed, the back Japanesebecause of their defeat in the war and how the world has witnessed the fall of the Empire of Japan, the British returned once the rule, what their first.

In the next 10 years as a result of the increasing number of fighters for freedom and uninhibited intellectual inquiry, a series of events led to the harmony of the biggest races in Malaysia to achieve a common goal. INDEPENDENCE.

And in 1957, after the British have shown that we were willing and able to make reliable andMatters into their own hands, independence ... we have received.

But there was a period of instability due to an internal revolt and external communist "confrontation" with Indonesia. In 1963, the North Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak joined Malaysia in Singapore to jointly create and Malaysia.

And 'then that there was no hold for Malaysia, as developed and grew and prospered for what was perceived as a relatively short time, a youngNation is experiencing rapid growth, economically, politically and transformed from a mainly agricultural economy to a technology-oriented industrial hub.

Yes, make their way and Malaysia remains a paradox in today's modern dog-eat-dog world, being a multicultural nation of different race and religion could actually live in harmony and peace, to reach the pinnacle of success.

The history of Malaysia in a Nutshell

วันอังคารที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Brief history of women's clothing

Brief history of women's clothing

Women are like men in fashion. In most cases, this assumption is true, as women always worries about their appearance and clothes. The men take care of the other side, not on his appearance or the wardrobe for the most part. Against this general trend and the passion of women for their clothes closet and there are always some designs and costumes that make the attention of the ladies', they compete against each other were.

Given the history of women's clothingReturn to Roman and Egyptian dynasties. Cleopatra is like the first most beautiful women in the world with their style of clothing. Dresses, tiaras and other pieces of clothing from this period are attributed to Cleopatra. Also, Cleopatra was forced for their taste in clothes, looking for innovation in their clothes and accessories known.

Women Islam

After the fall of the Roman Empire took the women of the Persian dynasty of the growing sense of fashion and began wearing scarves novel,with some modifications. He also dresses with the desert heat this region is. This trend, when combined with the traditional Arabic dress has a colorful way of dressing, style and elegant in which women had their faces veiled, but the veil was a large exhibition of traditional crafts, among others.

Islamic empires established their own style of women's clothing that was inspired from the conquered countries, but also had elements of IslamicModesty. Mughal dynasty always stand out among Muslim kingdoms, as it combines the local women's clothing from India and Persia, Arab-style clothing and turkish women. The result was a fabulous mix of intricate designs that women's clothing, fashion clothing jewelry, gold and silver laced and the other great works of art, which contain built-in royalty worn by women.

Western clothes for women at that time was also a dynamic change. The women weretried to leave the clothes in the old style and Maxis and acceptance were shorter versions of these clothes. The emancipation of women during the Enlightenment gave them great opportunities to change their clothes.

Many women adopted male attire that is similar to, but with some added features. Pants, skirts and shirts were the norm, and women began copying men's clothing in their casual wear. That was the time when some women started wearing suits instead of sleeping mentheir nightgowns.

The situation has become much clearer now than women, old style of clothing may be appealed, but with some restraint. Dresses and tops are so new and many women are turning to skirts instead of pants. However, denim remains the most popular items of women's clothing, especially the younger ones.

Indian-style short jacket, called Kurtis also have a wide impact of women apparel industry in the United Kingdom. These shirts arerelatively higher than the European average by the shirt and short are embellished with large drawings and works of art.

Brief history of women's clothing

วันจันทร์ที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Pakistan Indian Fashion Clothing 2010

Pakistan Indian Fashion Clothing 2010

The clothes have a role to someone smart and attractive. This is our fundamental and important needs. You can even more interesting when you wear the clothes with some drawings. Dress well your personality. Make-up is not so important for you to be beautiful and attractive as are necessary for you nice clothes. The most beautiful design, use, elegant look that you get. Therefore, in all fashions, clothes, fashion is very important. Everyone is well awareabout the appearance and wants to become the center of all eyes. It is a reality for both sexes. If you go on the market and buy clothes, you might be confused to see a lot of different varieties of clothes. This creates a difficulty to choose matching colors, proper planning and printing. If you keep the shape of your body, your face shape and style of head gear, you can choose the best clothes from all these clothes, because these are the factors that playactual role, the clothes fit with your personality.

Indian Pakistani dress are a lot of number of light and dark colors, found several different design and prints. In addition to these dresses are found in various tissues. These are all important things that should be in your head for the purchase of clothes. The colors of the dresses are chosen according to skin color, because all colors can not completely satisfied with your skin color. Should be the color of the lightClothes if you have a dark complexion, and you should opt for the dark-colored clothing if you have a fair complexion. The women, who may have pale skin and beautiful appearance select, all kinds of colors. Designing clothes is also fully involved, so beautiful or ugly, because there are too strong for your age. Young people should take the light from the design of women should be fully used in designing clothing. Another thing that plays an important role in clothes is the type of substancesbecause there are hundreds of different types of clothing fabrics that are chosen by their choice. Remember, always for the purchase of clothing, as it looks natural, because the clothes you enter an appearance. You can use your impression, increasing the range and can cover all the best impression going to lose a little mistake. All of your beauty and fashion depends on your track for the purchase of clothes.

Islam Marriage


Dresses are a key part of yourPersonality. See all and attractive appearance for clothes, as clothing, beauty is more important than your other accessories such as makeup and jewelry. Therefore, you should choose the appropriate color and design clothes that fit your personality and natural appearance.

Pakistan Indian Fashion Clothing 2010

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Topics to be discussed marriage-7, a new pair

Topics to be discussed marriage-7, a new pair

Marriage is one of the largest and most important institutions of mankind. Yet, people spend more time planning the wedding then choosing their partners.

But how to choose a partner is not left to chance. If you are planning to get married 1 day to take the time to list what you want in a partner. Then the search begins for the person you have described.

Marriage In Islam

If time friend with your future companion will discuss important issues to consider. Do not waitAre already in escrow and find out you two are not compatible.

Here are seven questions to discuss a new pair before having to tie the knot.

1 Money

One of the biggest problems is a new pair is, how to manage the money agreed upon. It 'very important for a new pair a few to how they will budget, spend and save their money. If a person in marriage is one that spends and the other is a screen saver, there is definitely tension. The best way to facilitateThis tension is to agree on a plan in advance and stick to it. The couple must agree on a budget plan, a savings plan and how the money spent.

2 Faith

A couple does not need to wait until they are married to decide how to worship or worship at all. It 'very important to know if you agree on the basic beliefs and the differences when creating a problem when the children arrive. Couples need to discuss the theme of faith, the first time or will fall downthe union.

3 Children

How do you want your children back? One topic that will create many issues if they are not treated in the beginning. A couple needs discipline, education, faith and the education of their children agree. Many families have been destroyed because the parents are not the methods used to accept their children.

4 Sex

Believe it or not a couple needs to discuss sex. If a couple does not understand the need by others, then the marriageis doomed to failure. Sex is wonderful and integral part of marriage, but not all have the same concept, which includes sex. A couple need to discuss what they believe to be a satisfying sex life. If the problem is ignored someone is bound to be disappointed or shocked.

5 Career

A couple should discuss how they feel each other's career choices. You must be able to accept another career, and understand how they affect your career to the family. It 'important to agree on the roles of family and childThe breeding in relation to career choice. As long as the couple agrees on the role that there should be no problems.

6 Politics

Even if the policy easier with you, even if you do not agree to live, must still be discussed. You want to be sure what your future mate in view of something, what you can tolerate. Ideally you should have the same vision of life, but it is a must. Many couples have survived the political issue.


Last but not least, some better discuss the in-laws. There must be an agreement on how to go deal with the inclusion of in-laws. Parents can destroy a marriage faster than anything else, including adultery. The new couple must realize that now have a family and must live as one of them. The laws should be to advise and as an example, but not used as the last word. If not dealt with in the beginning, marriagedoomed to failure.

Do not be afraid to do lists, ask questions and discuss topics uncomfortable at first. It 'allows you to save time and prevent future problems. Now, take your time and put a little more effort in the search for Mr. or Mrs. Right, and you can find.

Topics to be discussed marriage-7, a new pair

วันเสาร์ที่ 13 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Punjabi wedding rituals

Punjabi wedding rituals

The tradition of marriage itself as the most sacred and religious ceremonies in Indian culture. The richness of Indian heritage was held in the different wedding customs that are observed in different states of India.

Marriage symbolizes the virtues of love and companionship of the best and the worst of times. The bride and groom take the double knot tied by vows to support each other in times of happiness and anguish.

Muslim For Marriage

The occasion of marriage bringsalong a bit of joy, laughter and joy. The collection of family relationships strengthens the bonds of love and affection. The party atmosphere reinforces the joys of the future bride and

The aura of serenity that surrounds a wedding is best illustrated by punjabi wedding rituals.

Punjab can be a land of big-hearted people who believe themselves to be defined in a life full of love, laughter and exuberance. Their enthusiasm andJoie de vivre shines through his personality and charisma. The charm of marriage is developed and punjabi beautiful costumes that are followed in the punjabi culture. Grace preserve the richness of its traditions, punjabi community increased exuberance and joy of marriage.

Punjabi wedding rituals consist of ostentatious and extravagant practices. The wedding ceremony begins with the Roka, the formal start of the relationship between themthe families of the bride and groom, the expression of their commitment to the process. This is a ceremony "Sagan", where the groom goes through a ritual practice of gifts and sweets, followed by the bride's family. The custom of "chunni Chadana 'is then accepted by the groom's family where there is the bride with a red sari, as a sign of acceptance in the groom's family has.

The ceremony of "Sangeet" follows, sung in traditional folk songsperformed dances and beautiful. As part of Kwara dhoti, the custom of 'Mehandi' is then performed.

The wedding rituals consist of 'Chud', 'Vatne', 'Ghara Ghardoli', 'sehrabandi', 'Chadni Ghoda', 'Milna', 'Varmala', 'Kanyadaan' and 'Pher'.

The ceremony of "Chud" with a cigar, or puja, the priest celebrated through a wire-band wrist of the bride. Chud, a series of red and cream ivory bangles are then turned and touched all those present at the wedding his blessingMarriage future life.

The custom of "Vatne ', then follows with a paste of turmeric and mustard oil is on the body of the bride and her beauty on the wedding day to improve. The ritual of" Ghara Ghardoli' is then to brothers and sisters of the bride or siblings of the spouses or female, visited the nearby temple and fill a pitcher with holy water. The bride is then bathed with holy water. The rituals and Vatne Ghara Ghardoli is observed in both husband and wifeFamily.

The custom Sehrabandi then follows, where the groom is given a turban after the gifts and cash tied up like a sign of happiness and love.

Chadni Ghoda is a ritual where the groom his horse led by his sisters. He gets up and then leaves the sea for the wedding.

Milna the ceremony is a tradition where the groom's family and relatives offered a warm welcome from the bride. Garlands and gifts are exchanged, after which the groom has taken to meethis bride.

The ritual Varmala then follows, where the bride and groom exchange garlands.

The highlight is when the marriage rituals of "Kanyadaan 'and' Pher 'are performed. The bride's father gives his daughter to the groom. The bride and groom then Punjabi seven rounds or" Saat Pher "around the sacred fire. These shifts are required by the chanting of mantras of the priests.

Punjabi weddings are therefore a great opportunity for lively andLaughter. The richness of customs and traditions of Punjabi are effective in expanding its wedding ceremonies, the intensification of the joyful occasion of the union of the bride and groom.

Punjabi wedding rituals

วันศุกร์ที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Babylon - The Wonder of the Ancient World

Babylon is one of the most famous of the story and the story of his rise and fall has been very interesting for historians. At a time in the history of Babylon was a center of production is very important. It 'was also the epicenter of trade between the West and the East.

Traders have been involved in the transport of goods by land and by sea. In the third millennium, Babylon was founded by a man named Nimrod. He was also known as Babylon. According to historical records, in 1790 BC, HammurabiDomain of Babylon. It 'was responsible for expanding the city and turned it into the capital of his empire. The company was founded on law and rules. Laws and rules have been inscribed on the pillars of the city.

Islam Dating

The city was taken by many governments as the Assyrians, Hittites, and then found the Nabopolassar Babylon. His son had been blamed for ensuring that the reputation of the city. He built huge palaces and temples, the city secured by building high walls. The architecture of theBabylon was complicated by the greek historian. They had a beautiful garden on the terrace and he also knew how to grow plants without soil. Therefore, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon are still popular today. The gardens were so beautiful that it became popular as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. There have been several other projects of Babylon, which were circulated in the course of history. The advanced architecture of Babylon never ceases to amaze many archaeologists and historians.

Babylon - The Wonder of the Ancient World

Islam Dating

Babylon - The Wonder of the Ancient World

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The traditions of men do nothing the commandments of God - Part 1

The traditions of men do nothing the commandments of God - Part 1

At first glance, this statement is a section thick enough to do. He has a great influence on who is involved in the scheme daily traditions. A holiday here is a lesson, here is a little ', there is a bit' all over a little 'more. Finally, it is too late to see the reality of all this. Tradition tends to stifle and conceal what is really true.

Christianity? These are the things that we really know what the Bible teaches us to do? When and where did all these thingsstart?

Man Islam

From the simple act of dressing in our clothes well, the real "cult" that we visit, there are hundreds of traditions blended into our lives every time you "go to church." These are just some of them.

The practice of "going to church," always dressed in began in the Middle Ages, when the rich were to inspire, to impress each other with the latest clothing of royalty. You can imagine the first century believers, in their latest clothing and deckingSandals, which has just taken "Camel Sportswear Shop"? These believers were simple people who lived a simple life. They could not care less what someone else had left only what was the last dress for the month. Probably sitting on the floor of someone's house (the dirt more than likely), or someone in the field near the farm. They had "to go to church" no idea, because they were the church. We know a dose of what Christians.

What is with this churchBuilding? They Biblical? Where did they get their start? I know. I will say that they have developed from the need for all believers who were saved, the right house? Wrong! Read the Bible. They were meeting "in the homes of the people" all for the first three centuries, and thousands were added to the church every year.

What has changed the model of this meeting spoke at home in the New Testament? It 'was a Roman emperor Constantine in the namethe year 324 AD. He and his mother, Empress Helena, the inventor of the construction of the church. Both were born and raised as a pagan. They were part of the elite of the empire. According to their position and political mores of the day in which he had often pagan temple erected in honor of various deities. After Constantine was converted, he continued the habit, with only the slightest deviation. Now the temple has been established "Christian". The temple "Christian" thought dead saints insteadpagans. The first of these temples were built in the command tinople Constantine in Rome, Jerusalem, Bethlehem and in the new city called Constantinople. All of them received the same year in order.

It 'was during this period, at the age of Constantine, the church was made part of the world. The church was ordered literally become part of the Roman Empire in the department of religion. This age group has seen politicians become ministers ... for one reason only: their property was exempt from taxation ifwere members of the clergy. (The term was taken from pagan temples priest of the clergy). There was a time when the emperor gave his silver soldiers to Christianity when the church became the official religion of the empire to convert if the department of religion, the power to impose taxes, was given when the church has lost its simplicity and has been in a corrupt political power. This was the time of the early church quietly slipped the pages of history and something like "Christianity", modeledStructure and, in practice, by the Roman Empire, took center stage. It was the time of construction of the church was invented, or, to be precise, was adopted from pagan temples.

Along with the "construction of the church", we once again thanks to the tradition, the Sunday school building or department. Around 1800, from the slums of Chicago, DL Moody began to enter into what we now call the Sunday School or Educational Institute to teach.

We may also mention here that children were an important part ofBelievers meeting, as seen in Acts. Remember the guy who crashed the window long dissertation on Paul? There is no Sunday school.

How about stained glass, steeples, pews, newsletters and choirs? All these traditional surprisingly well. The towers and windows from Century 12, from St. Denis of France Basis. The banks since 1500, the Reformation, the choir from the three four century pagan temple rituals, including songs, too.As for the bulletins and the order of worship, are very much a part of our "modern Christian society." Martin Luther is responsible for the clock 11.00 "worship" and the bulletin came out of 1500 in Wittenburg, Germany. Along with these came the invention of the hymnal and the plate supply.

Almost every Protestant denomination in the world, regardless of how they differ from each other in faith, follows almost exactly the same procedures of worship (listed here) ... everySunday morning.

And 'more or less goes like this:

Chant d '

Pastor prays

Three other songs


Offering meals past

Another song or some kind of special music


Closing Song

Closing prayer.

As you can see, this scheme is an integral part of the religious experience of people every week. But where are these practices in the Bible?

Please proceed to the next article, "The traditions of men make voidCommandments of God "Part 2

Some references for this article was derived ("The Early Church" by Gene Edwards, Christian books published by, Goleta, Calif. 93 017 Gene Edwards © 1974)

The traditions of men do nothing the commandments of God - Part 1

วันพุธที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The role of women in the Alliance

The role of women in the Alliance

One method, which interfered with the teachings of Paul on Women in the Church is used to find all the women love the Scriptures and call as a witness for his position. Well, I think I know these women well. I would ask them, on the other side for a while 'to testify. Let me show you that these women really were, and how they are from their modern counterparts.

In I Peter 3: 1-6, mentions the apostles, as God-fearing women of ancient faith in God, has not emphasized the inner and outer beauty,and were submissive to their husbands. These are the qualities you look for in their spiritual descendants, the women of the church.

Women Islam

Sarah is in Scripture as a woman who is her husband "lord", and could then see, in the reign of God lifted his spouse. No church leaders here!

Rebekkah after hearing the word of God for her and her husband, encouraged her son Jacob, and has done everything possible for him before, but never without a full submission to her husband.

There wasdisobedient women. Dinah went to his father's roof. Zipporah challenged the ways of God to Moses. Miriam spoke against Moses and the same has been punished severely.

The most important women of the Old Covenant is Deborah. If there is a woman who does not believe in the Bible, "women leaders" speak, is this amazing prophet. Yet, a careful examination of what the Bible records actually seems that the full scope of their work was the maintenance of GodWisdom through a miracle for the people who came to her when she "sat under the palm tree." This is the way in which "direct" the nation, through the wisdom of God, not the power arm of flesh.

This is not an exalted elder. Here is a simple servant of the Lord, and receive his messages. She is never seen in a meeting with the teaching on men.

When God called for the liberation of Israel from its enemies, as the prophet of a man to do the job. WithDeborah by his side, in respecting the word of prophecy had won the battle. Most of them claim for themselves in all this is that it is "a mother in Israel". (Judges 5:7)

The principle is well established in Deborah, not broken: in all visible ways, men need to lead the people of God Our Lady teaches us that women used it by revelation from God, received the prophecy, because sex it does not matter if the fullness of God is present.

This principle helps us understandPaul more fully apparent "contradiction" in I Corinthians 14 There are women commanded to stand in silence for all the normal functions of the church. But if God raises a woman to speak (Chapter 11) if it is indeed the spirit of Joel's prophecy comes his "henchmen" to pour, and prophesy the word of the Lord, and pray that authorized by the same spirit, we can not despise.

Also, remember that it is still possible that these prophecies, like Deborah, could be outside theAssembly, so it seems to be a woman raised in any way.

According to Deborah, and the judges rule the kings of Israel. No woman can be dominant view of the kingdom if not in serious disobedience. Jezebel is the dominant wife of Ahab, obsessed with their beauty and strength. Her daughter, Athaliah assumed the kingdom of Judah after the fact, killing all but one real heir. Both women have died a violent death for their arrogance.

Oh! The cut men is not good these days either. Evilruled the country. But the kingdom had the men had been given, to be exercised by men, and finally culminated in the man Jesus Christ will reign for ever and ever.

In the life of Jesus himself, because he lived and died under the Old Testament itself, is only with the more difficult slopes you see, every woman, also raised the mother 's "authorities", according to His command. The women give the money to his cause. Support their husbands, women apostles. The women tell the story of Jesus for themCompatriots.

The women weep and praise for Him, and the women they see and announce his resurrected body, but without rules or woman teaches all people in all the Gospels.

This model is not enough words in itself is the will of God for the church?

The role of women in the Alliance

วันอังคารที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The Protestant

Beginning in Britain in 1700, evangelicalism, which is Protestant Christian movement, followers believe they are "born again". This is a personal conversion, and focuses on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

As a "born again" means rebirth. It is a spiritual birth, Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. When we are born, which everyone understands is that the birth of the flesh. To be reborn spiritually, it could accept Christand will therefore be able to heaven when life is complete on this earth.

Islam Marriage

The term "evangelical" is a number of different uses, especially off-break from the Roman Catholic Church. The word itself derives from the Greek word for "gospel" or "good news". People who follow the evangelical faith and life are based on the principles of the New Testament, and so are the Christians.

The Protestant

Often, the Protestant religion is classified as a middle ground between the theology of religionLiberal and fundamentalist Christianity. This classification comes from seeing that the liberal parties, the values ​​of the world still have their fellow fundamentalists seem to give the Christ as the heart lost.

Islam Marriage

For those evangelicals in North America, their social views tend to be very conservative. We see this especially in the aspects of marriage between a man and a woman and also see their views against abortion is defined. Evangelicals against gay marriage and tend towould violate the laws permitting abortion.

The influence of evangelicals in political campaigns are great. There is always a big attraction of the Christian right in the red states, and seems to be a huge success when it comes to certain social agendas attractive. It is believed that Christianity was founded on a place in public life since the Untied States on the principles of freedom of religion. This does not mean that all evangelicals thinner than theconservative when it comes to politics. There are members on both sides.

The Protestant

วันจันทร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Polygamy in Islam - the deep wisdom behind it and its many benefits

Polygyny is the practice of running more than one wife, and unfortunately is a taboo subject for many people. Even if Muslims, including those in the Middle East, are allowed to take more than a woman, this may be a "phenomenon", are less than 1% of marriages are polygamous. Although polygamy is rare in the world accepts the idea behind making this practice is that which brings people together rather than separating them. In fact, save marriages, and providesthat there are no divorce, business, and bad luck.

First, it is in the Qur'an (or Koran) in sura (chapter) al-Nisa, verse 3 reads: "And if you marry any reason to fear that you might not do justice have become orphans, then [other] women the way which allowed you - [to] two or three, or four: but if there is no reason to fear that may not be able to deal with the same fairness, then [only] - or [to] where you have be right. This ismake it more likely that deviate from the right path. "This verse says that men can have up to four wives, or any number of less than four. It is also noted that if a man does not treat his wives fairly, one must maintain. The term" deviations from the correct path "indicates that a man treat all his wives with equality, spend money, time with them, giving them what they ask, etc., and if not, then only one more. That's right, the woman andhanding the man to take irrational decisions in relation to marriage.

Islamic Women

After the foundation of evidence that polygamy is allowed, look at the wisdom of looking behind. Polygyny allows more children were born, which in turn increases the size of the Ummah (community). The Ummah, with a large population, many workers, soldiers, teachers, etc. have substantially corresponds to more people more prosperous, the spread of Islam, and a better defense of the Ummah.

Polygamy in Islam - the deep wisdom behind it and its many benefits

The man, after his fitrah(Natural disposition), is full of lust and sex is the only halal (permitted) valve for these desires. Some men have more desire than others, and so a woman can not satisfy. If polygamy is not allowed, could have a relationship and at the end of his already wounded his wife and happy marriage. How many times an incident like this has been seen on television, read newspapers or heard about through friends and relatives? When people in many countries can have as many girlfriends as you wish, andsexual intercourse with them, why are people so on that face women? Girlfriends are not allowed in Islam, but the concept remains - more than a sexual relationship with a partner is normal, so that more than one wife is fine.

Islamic Women

Proportionately, there are more women than men, and the Koran says that by the end of time there are fifty women to one man. If plural marriage is not allowed, how many women without men there would appear. EWartime is the man and go fight, so that their wives behind. This reduces the number of men, and if polygamy is not allowed, there would be many lonely widows.

According to the fitrah of women have, they desire less than men, and therefore did not need sex as much as a man does. In addition, if a woman should have more than one husband, she did not know who the father of her child. And men are naturally more violent and protective clothing when it comes to women, so many fightsoccur when a woman was more than a man to have. And 'the responsibility of men to take care of his wives equally, which is another part of the fitrah of people to take.

Finally, there are many benefits of polygyny had. The idea is foreign to a lot of people, but if they pass on cultural barriers, religious and social polygyny may prevent them from large to you, there would be fewer divorces, unhappy marriages and affairs. Because polygamy isperformed properly and in accordance with the Koran, the marriage would have been more stable, there would be no happier wives and husbands, and Muslims are under the direction of their holy book and the example of Prophet Muhammad (Peace), in line several women.

Polygamy in Islam - the deep wisdom behind it and its many benefits

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Muslim Wedding Rituals - Muslim Wedding

Muslim Nikaah or wedding is celebrated in grand style for a period of five days. Muslim marriage can be done at any time when there is no concept of auspicious time. The Nikah ceremony can be either the bride or groom to his residence or in a place convenient for both parties.

Pre-Wedding Rituals:

Islamic Women

Here is a brief description of the typical pre-wedding rituals in a Muslim Nikah is followed.

Muslim Wedding Rituals - Muslim Wedding

or Legan Chir: after the wedding dateCash is available to be sent to the father of the bride from the groom's father.

Islamic Women

Manjhi or ceremony: The ceremony takes place the third day Manjhi. The future bride is sitting on a table provided square and anointed with haldi (turmeric) from the boy's family.

or Mehndi Ceremony: The Mehndi ceremony held in the bride's house the night before the wedding, or a few days before. Following the tradition of anointing the bride's relations with its turmeric pastebring the shine in their complexion.

Wedding rituals:

Muslims observe a unique set of rituals, at the time of their marriage. Please read on to find as a Muslim Nikah is performed.

Welcoming the baraat or: The groom arrives at the wedding venue with a wedding or baraat composed of relatives and friends.

or Nikah: Held on the fourth day of actual Muslim Nikaah or wedding ceremony. Nikah possible in the home of the bride or groom are led, orin another suitable place. In orthodox Muslim communities, men and women are separated in zenana (for women) and Mardaana (for men) session. The Maulvi reads selected verses from the Quran and the Nikaah is after IJAB-and-Qubul (proposal and acceptance) is complete.

Is signed after the Nikah Nama, the Qazi called khutba offers a sermon, composed of verses were recited from the Koran, which was by the prophets and the special emphasis on the obligations for women. The Qaziexplains the meaning of these verses the public with an explanation of the mutual rights and duties of spouses.

Blessing or Bridegroom: After the ceremony the groom receives blessings from the older women and offers them his salaam.

or dinner, prayers and Aarsimashaf: Dinner is a sumptuous spread. Usually the women and the men dine separately. After dinner, the bride and groom sit together for the first time. Their heads are covered by a dupatta while they readPrayer led by Maulvi (priest). The Quran is placed between the couple and allowed them to see each other only through mirrors.

Post-wedding rituals:

Post-wedding rituals followed in Muslim Nikah similar to what we see in other Indian marriages. However, here are the customs followed by different names and some cultural differences can be observed.

Ruksat or: the bride's family says goodbye in tears before leaving for her husbandHouse.

or Welcoming the Bride: A house of the groom, the groom's mother holds the Islamic holy book the Koran on the head of his newly married daughter-in-law as she enters her new home for the first time

or Chauthi: Chauthi the fourth day after the wedding. E 'for the bride to visit his parents' house that day is usual. The bride received a joyous welcome on this day.

or Valimah: The Valimah is the sumptuous reception that the groom's family hosts after the Nikaah.It is a joyous occasion that brings the two families, their relatives and friends.

Muslim Wedding Rituals - Muslim Wedding

วันเสาร์ที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

He made the 2012 Mayan Prophecies predict the end of time?

It 'important if we want to stop in relation to the Mayan prophecy that we must first understand what is actually considered the end time. They are important both for the three branches of the Abrahamic religions (which is Islam, Christianity and Judaism) and others that the apocalyptic events in the vicinity, to believe in Armageddon soon take place.

For many cultures, this is a time to announce the beginning of a lot of trouble. There will be wars and largeDestruction, or return before the final coming of the Messiah. The identity of the Messiah changes of culture and faith, but his return is a shepherd to his chosen people back to an era of peace, as he once again finds his position as ruler.

Islam Dating

Many predicted the sign of the end times, of many religions, have witnessed and continue to this day based on these religions. But look how the Maya in 2012?

He made the 2012 Mayan Prophecies predict the end of time?

We see that the events that happen Maya was expelled after that date,does not seem to believe that there must be the end of the world. But times have been made obscure references, and a god of war, he would return to this point, and this could lead to major changes, including wars and suffering. That reference to the events of recent times shows that they do not believe that this will destroy everything, but presumably to change it. This fits with the ideas surrounding the end of time.

Islam Dating

The time is approaching, that the Mayans in progressLong Count Calendar is up to the end and this is the time, events are set to begin. Although we do not know for sure is, until it happens, the Mayan prophecies seem to some to predict the end of time, but what exactly is it coming to us and the goal remains to be seen.

He made the 2012 Mayan Prophecies predict the end of time?

วันศุกร์ที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Dating Muslim Women

Find your way around the online dating arena-Muslim can be a very special job. This appreciation will help you navigate the appropriate direction for your perfect date a Muslim.

There are many typical scenarios, the online daters Muslim experience, one day, and they all seem like a huge block obstacle blocks the path to a happy love life, brighter. Almost all Islamic sites dating offers you the opportunity to create a free profile dating.

Muslim Dating

And most dating sites isoffer the possibility of using all the available men and women looking for dates free of charge, it is only when you actually want to reach someone, you're on the dating site that would have to pay to be able to stamp the date to contact you is concerned is very rare that contact person have to pay is, in general, you pay one low monthly fee or even and you can contact as many people as often. need

Dating Muslim Women

And 'imperative that if youFirst set up a profile on a dating site that gives you all the information about you that you can! Be honest, sincere and remember many Islamic dating sites use this information to help you get your ideal partner. So if you like music in particular about the type of music you like. Are you a smoker? Do you like animals? They are always a lot of poll questions asking the first addition of your profile a Muslim dating site. The information provided, the more likelyYou will find true friendship, companionship, love or romance.

Muslim Dating

In this day and age where people work with, better accommodation and only a general standard of living to move, they are less sleazy dating sites and in fact one of the best places to make new friends and knowledge in new areas. meet

So have signed up to create your free profile dating and are ready to conquer the Muslim world of online dating by storm. One might be tempted to contact a large numberMuslims in one fell swoop, but to get the most out of a Muslim dating site, then you really have to be more conservative about the number of people approaching. It 's always better to choose between 5 and 6 profiles, for example, Muslim men or Muslim women who make you happy for a first contact. Remember the scene dating back to you and may even new, different, and do not want to scare people too much by too many "one liners" as "want to date".

Anyone reallyInterested parties can send an answer to your first contact in a few days, sometimes hours. Therefore, it is easier, initially, only five or six people looking for a date, and Muslims of this agreement you are able to monitor your answer is much simpler. Remember, there is racing against time to really study the profiles, photos and things that your date with you. After all this could be the new love of your life, so take your time and findthe perfect complement.

Take notes, this is a good way to manage contacts, it should be done about dating a Muslim, you do not want your thoughts contacts you have hundreds of Muslims, Muslim Dating in your inbox. Just reading some of the instant messages or e-mail address is very common for Muslims, like all other emotional people feel that they have met their true soul mate and life partner. Every word you read will strike a chord romantic and you will never have a single error inRead only by the fact that an Arial font, you believed, you have found your ideal partner. But please do not build your expectations too high, it has really just begun. After the first exchange of e-mail or instant messages, you must have the courage to pick up the phone and start conversations with a few friendly phone. Get to know your partner at the intellectual future of Muslims, you can quickly discover that what you thought was a perfect complement, notmeet your expectations or you are part of the framework is part of your mind, this could save a lot of wasted energy and anxiety.

Meeting in person should not be something you are looking for 3 or 4 weeks. Building a good relationship by phone and e-mail and if all goes well, then you should agree to meet in person.

With the popularity of online dating a Muslim, it is common for Muslims to work all his life, marriage, partnership, friendship or maybe just find someone to shareoccasional e-mail or phone call. That is always there for you, there are thousands and thousands of single men and women all Muslims out there desperate for someone like you.

For more advice on how to find your ideal Muslim dating and Muslim dating profile visit http://datingmuslims.co.cc/ and free for you from this article.

Dating Muslim Women

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

What would you say to your husband when he lost his job

What would you say to your husband when he lost his job

How do you treat your man, if he loses his job? A very serious matter. If all goes well, people rarely, what his family when the primary wage earner lost their job. Most of the time, a mother wants to go home with the children to stay as the husband is the one who loses his job. Upon completion set for these events is absolutely crucial and will help a lot. But even with savings, can your husband's self-esteem can be severely damaged, and hemay not recover for some time.

Tell your husband that the care and respect is obviously easier said than done. And if your husband feels in your mouth, you might think, yeah, yeah, that's what you have to say. Couples who take the time to deter a crisis in advance, a thousand times better prepared than those who did not. If you and your husband about where you're going to eat, every time you go when you fight, you've probablydefinitely need to work on your communication skills. And, like everything in life, procrastination just makes things worse.

Islam And Marriage

Things are just outside the short term will save much time and energy is what happens when you do anything. If you do not know how to work better with small problems now, you'll never be able to face serious financial problems. It will be impossible, your marriage will collapse as well as everything that does not get the constant maintenance.

What would you say to your husband when he lost his job

วันพุธที่ 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Once Upon A Time: Prophet, psychopathic oversexed, Muhammad, Islam teaches Veronique No circumcision!

Once Upon A Time: Prophet, psychopathic oversexed, Muhammad, Islam teaches Veronique No circumcision!

There once was a man who has suffered a psychotic manic and manipulative control was deliriously oversexed. To control the people around him, formed a new religious sect. He created his own writing and his declared himself a prophet to speak the words of the true God

His writings were written down and control his followers, he ordered them to spend their time memorizing word for word, and prays to his God five times a day. Athe other, the members of this sect to be honest with the threat of the death penalty, but with people of other faiths, they may lie, cheat, steal and cheat. Each member is killed, which remained on the track, or has been converted to another religion, too.

Man Islam

He explained that women were property of men. They were just there to meet people's needs, sexual and physical, to have children and spend their lives catering to the man who belongs to them. To ensure that they never lost,He commanded them to cover their bodies and faces, and could not the benefits of training, but were allowed to leave their homes must be accompanied by a male family member. Worse, some of these women Veronique circumcision, a painful experience, they are able to enjoy sex and torture suffered at birth were subjected to left.

He also said that his God be with all men, four women meet and hide their lust. As men and womenare similar in many born, had to meet the problem of a surplus of young people are not capable of their sexual urges. For this, he told them to go into a holy war against all peoples who have not followed his new cult.

These young warriors formed its mandate to capture more territory to steal the wealth of their inhabitants, and if the people who live there do not convert to his sect, beheaded men, women and children. Later he realized thatto kill all the people who are not converted to his sect would be counterproductive, and so left some of them live on their land continues until they pay high taxes to him or were his slaves and concubines women. Life became so miserable for these people who have joined many of his sect in despair.

He controlled his followers so that they spread throughout the region to conquer lands and killing continue, convert, or oppression of the inhabitants, until their numberclimbed into the millions. To persuade young men to fight in his name, promised them that if they had fought for his God is dead, they would enter Paradise, where he was seventy virgins waiting to be rewarded - thus providing an incentive for young people very sexual. How ridiculous! The body is spiritual, incorporeal and incapable of sexual activity.

This man's name was Mohammed, the name of his sect of Islam, the name of his followers, the Muslims, the name of hisScripture, the Koran. How long dead, his legacy and teachings are still practiced today in the world with the aim of converting the world to this pernicious sect, where the laws to replace the set in his writings in each country a constitutional right.

Imagine that his followers succeeded, and turned the entire world's population to Islam. Not only will your grandchildren would become Muslims, it would be good for your grandchildren and three quartersGrandchildren would live in perpetual sexual frustration. That alone tells you that this theory is wrong from the beginning. Do not be fooled, but not Islam a religion of peace, is one of the war. If you do not want to believe that, read the Koran for themselves. Once you know that the greatest threat to world peace, Islam and the politicians are afraid of losing their positions so that the apparent power is a policy of appeasement of the practice, just likeChamberlain did to appease Hitler.

Like Hitler, the Muslim leader to recognize the weakness of the West. Just like Hitler, which will force a war against the world and there is more than likely that the first beat to beat them is with Israel, particularly in the areas their scriptures to them, "kill the Jews and the people of the book (the Bible) ". now with Iran possessing nuclear weapons, as long as you are, we have to wait before you do it?

Convert Iraq into aDemocracy? You're kidding. Trying to do, only what the Muslims are trying to do in the West, but without the religious fervor and conviction of the children of "Allah" (capital omitted). Thousands of Americans and hundreds of young British and others have given their lives in a war that can never be won, but it served only for the fervor of the Muslim community to encourage and engage young children in focus to violence against the hot-headed ' West.

How do it for theat least for my children, so I do. Love thy neighbor as thyself unto others as you would do to you. For God and my neighbor. Thou shalt not kill. These are concepts foreign to the text of the Koran and Islamic beliefs convoluted. As Christianity continued to be a force to die in the world, Islam is growing to replace them.

You have been warned by Barbara Day and Rascal Russ Miles

Once Upon A Time: Prophet, psychopathic oversexed, Muhammad, Islam teaches Veronique No circumcision!