วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

The Rise of Mohammad and Islam

The Rise of Mohammad and Islam

Mohammad (who was a prophet), was established in Arabia, was born in the city of Mecca in 570 AD. He came from a prominent family rich and respected. Mohammed said to the people who listen to him, he had visions chosen. In these visions he was told that last and only revealed to the Prophet of Truth. Muhammad did not deny other prophets like Moses or Jesus Christ, but that was the key for him was the last prophet, and only able to demonstrate,Truth.

The religion which Mohammed preached was simple and accessible: a belief in a god with no severe complications that Christianity is necessary - do not live in the flesh, but after the Spirit. Islam teaches a straight forward one ritual, which was similar to that associated with the Jews, the cleanliness and hygiene is practiced. The focus of the fundamental virtues such as courage, love and hospitality. Above all, believers are promised that those who fell in love with potential,his religion went straight to Heaven, which describes the holy book of Islam, the Koran in detail, and seems to enjoy confrontation with the Christians go to heaven.

Women Islam

For example, in Islam, if a person dies, he will be virgins in paradise, to which he can do whatever he likes them. For all the time on earth a Muslim man can marry a lot of women. If you want Islam to pit Christianity, one can say that Islam is the religion of the flesh - carnal passions.

Combinedby military force, the message of Islam has proved very powerful indeed. In the ten years before his death in 632, Muhammad had all the warring factions united divided tribes and cities of Arabia. With the 644, is that 12 years after his death, Egypt and Libya, had fallen to Islam as well as Syria, Iraq and Persia. It ended with the time of the end of the century in 700 AD the Arab armies had overthrown the Persian empire was on the left, then laid siege to Constantinople - capital of the Roman Empire, where thethrown of Emperor Constantine was. And within another 15 years Islam has spread from India to Spain. Part of the secret of their success was that they were not backward and uncivilized as they seemed in appearance.

Arabia had long been a long route for trade in spices, perfumes and slaves. Mohammed himself was a merchant in Mecca before he thought of himself as a prophet. Mecca was the great merchant town and Mohammed found his first support of his claims as prophet in Medina, another merchant town. Mohammed also knew a great deal about Christianity and Judaism. He was once depicted by his diehards in a drawing riding on a donkey next to Jesus Christ.

Another part of Arab's success was that they were Semites speaking a Semitic language which was close to Aramaic, a language spoken by common people from Iraq to Palestine.

Perhaps the most crucial fact that made them successful was their religious tolerance. Muslims in their wars of conquests did not try to exterminate those who believed in Judaism, Christianity or anything else. They simply asserted a higher revelation which made them appear as a chosen people entitled to special privileges on earth and exclusive access to heaven. This left non Muslims second class citizens - tolerated but a bit despised. And further Muslims did not have to pay taxes only non Muslims paid taxes and this was a strong argument for conversion and a strong argument for Muslims to tolerate non Muslims.

The Rise of Mohammad and Islam

