วันศุกร์ที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Our generation is Screwed royally

Our generation is Screwed royally

WARNING: this will tend to make you very happy with the depression of the world.

I came to the conclusion that we, my friends are doomed to failure. Our generation is screwed royal. What was the last really good thing that has happened in the world as a whole? Because I sure as hell is nothing to remember.

Marriage In Islam

There is so much to go wrong at this time. Global warming, for example, a question that is thrown about too often to be taken too seriously. But it should be takenseriously - the consequences are disastrous. Ago I read an article a while times2 '(I'm not an intellectual?) Described some of them. Now I knew that the situation was bad, but I had no idea how bad. An increase in temperature a few degrees can this planet in about the tenth circle of hell to turn. Even a small change to make huge sections were uninhabitable. Deserts. In the absence, under the water. This is a lose-lose.

A few days ago there were reports of a caroutside of a large and popular bars in London. This in itself is depressing, and also, to some, annoying. But the next day, a car bomb was driven into the doors at Glasgow Airport, setting themselves on fire and its occupants. The intent was to drive to the airport itself, before it exploded. Think of the damage it would cause. A Saturday at the start of the holiday season. Hundreds of dead or injured.

And these are not isolated incidents. Worldwide, people are blowingin the name of a cause. Who could forget 9 / 11? Muslim radicals to give others a bad name. I was talking with a Muslim girl the other day that in a more or less all other Muslims would never dream of saying such an act is. The very word Islam means "peace" (Prost, RE why my teacher did). While there is a jihad - but this is only accurate under certain circumstances, for example, when Islam is attacked, and civilians were wounded. So why does this happen?

E 'who do not get to hear their views? Maybe. And 'who believe that such acts of mass murder is rewarded? Maybe. It is true that they are, in fact, completely insane? Maybe.

Well, then. Generation of our parents' - what have they achieved? CND. The end of apartheid. Free love. A small but exquisite range of experimental chemistry. What have we achieved? The greenhouse, the terrorism, chavs and the holes in the ozone layer. This is obviously a very black and white of it - usDo not forget, Thatcher, or the IRA or the Iron Curtain. But all that this was advertised in the past for (peace, the end of prejudice, equality) has failed. There is no peace in the world. Can he say a simple glance at any newspaper is known to Iraq. Iran. Israel and Palestine. This Spates of terrorism. There are certainly still bias (look at page three of some of the cheaper newspapers will tell you that), and help the fanatics do not know that and there are stillcompletely equal. A woman recently lost his job after becoming pregnant. How is that fair?

Another example? The school shootings in America a few months ago. Again, it is not an isolated case. And the fact that these students will be so completely confused and no one notices it is exhausting. Having someone to go to college and shoot their classmates in cold blood and that shocked everyone, because "well, it's just always weird," his.

And I'll be honest with you -the way the world headed seriously scares the hell out of me. There are global problems, of course. But we are confused on a national level, local level. There is something in the way we live today. So inconsiderate. How could they not give a damn how other people feel.

I admit - what you read does not make sense. Completely useless. Unless everyone - everyone - to change their way of life, there is nothing we can do. Sure, you can recycle. Pick up trash. Give an oldLadies, your place on the bus. Campaign as it was, my friends, because nobody cares about you. The PR-trained politicians in their expensive clothes, the disinterested passers-by, as are distributed in the city - do you feel? How the hell do. You will be taken into account when of course, but they come home, crank the heat, an angry look on the next step black person they see, pollute the skies and fields and rivers with their chemicals, inspire racial hatred ,ignore the people who do something crazy because I've always been so. The selfishness and irresponsibility is quite deeply rooted in today's society. And our generation is that which is due to his suffering. Just this fatalistic attitude, you know? The total apathy also thought to act against it seems strange. And who is trying to make a difference ripped off. This is the way it is, this is the way it always was. And that is whynobody is trying to do something. Because they know that they have no hope in hell. And to know in comparison, that ignorance is bliss. As the saying goes.

Our generation is Screwed royally

