วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

The importance of Blessings your parents' first marriage

The importance of Blessings your parents' first marriage

The Quran emphasizes the duty of parents in such difficult conditions, mentioned immediately after the worship of Allah. Allah says: "Your Lord has decreed that no one will need, but him who should be easy and convenient for your parents, if either or both to an old age, then they are not shy and not say." . Uff 'to them to speak with a speech noble Lower the wing of humility, compassion for them Speak: .. Our Lord, have mercy on themSo he had compassion on me when I was little. (See P. Israa 23-24): "These ayat us that God wants us to recognize the role of parents in our lives, even when they are old, that even after reaching maturity and knowledge and are now a Location We still need to treat them friendly advice;. is not always one of us to avoid them, they tear around, or despise This is an ordeal for many people in today's world, because people feel today.if they are independent and perceive themselves to overcome the idea that nothing can be a person other than himself. We must be extremely careful and make sure to save us from falling into this category shameful, and make sure that the waters of life so that saves us from "drowning" to go into its dark depths.

First nikkah or marriage, is the individual privilege between the two people who want to marry and live their livestogether, without external coercion. The problem of compatibility between husband and wife then, and not between the two groups of relatives. As such, men and women between nikkah technically valid, even if the parents agree. But even if the nikkah is still valid, will be blessed? This is the most important question.

Islam Dating

A man once asked the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, "Whom shall I be kind?" The Prophet replied: "Your mother." The man then asked: "SoWho? "The Prophet replied again:" Your mother. "The man then asked a third time and got the same response after the fourth time the Prophet said." Your father. "This hadith refers to the representation of compassion and moral support, his mother at all times. Words can not begin to describe the commitment of a mother for her child's conception, labor, delivery, the baby with milk, is the weaning and early childhood education, the mother has no doubt gone through difficult experiences. Allahcalls in these situations several times in the Koran, to be sure you remember what our mothers went through and experience to our well-being.

The Prophet also said: "The joy is the joy of God the Father, and the displeasure of Allah is in the displeasure of the Father." From this Hadith we see that the father plays an important role in the Islamic psyche of a Muslim. A Muslim who goes through life thinking that it is not mandatory in order to please his father, it is urgentwrong direction. Pleasant your father is pleasing to Allah. It is therefore necessary for us to show more compassion and concern for our mother, and to ensure that our Father is always happy with us (within the limits of the Shariah). Given the noble figure of parents to support their children, it is illogical to think that all those who search for the blessing of her parents at the time of marriage is not necessary.

Even if the marriage between two partners without the explicit blessing of the parents isis still technically valid, the spouses themselves seriously do a great disservice. Parents play an important role in the psychological and spiritual lives of their children, and for every bride and groom looking to avoid the blessing of the parents of the pair will rob a result, a huge gift, the only impact on the future leadership in their lives and in the lives of their children, the initial joy of the newlyweds can actuallyvery short life.

With that being said, many parents today have problems with the choices their children make when choosing a spouse. Unfortunately, many of these "reasons" fundamentally baseless, as "his nose is crooked, or your eyes are not big enough, which is not of this clan or family, or who do not cook it or can not do it, and etc. , etc., etc. "And 'the duty of everyone to understand that the main reason why you should marry to avoid sin. Asas when a couple love each other, must say it openly to their parents so that parents understand and realize that if their boy or girl marries them (the parents) shall be guilty of sin, to facilitate their child, ie fornification . In this context, the Prophet told his parents: "For two people in love, I've never seen anything like nikkah". This means that if one loves his son, parents must recognize that this is now beyond all logic and rationalExplanation, parents must ask themselves: "If we stop this nikkah is a possibility that our son is zina (adultery), the sin that is committed to rest on our heads?" If parents do not agree with marriage, which must be able to say and offer alternatives. It works both ways, children have the blessing of their parents, and parents should be reasonable and are willing to provide their children with their blessing (without having to keep their sons and daughters emotionally hostageevery "blackmail tactics").

The direct impact of the research is astronomical and the blessing of her parents' extends far beyond our own lives. We must ensure the welfare of our children. If our parents have denied their blessing, then they stole our children, especially grandparents. Even if our parents did not bless our marriage, there is a chance that our brothers and sisters bless our marriage because it "did not meet our mother andP. .. "And now our children are also aunts, uncles, and cousins ​​will be denied and 'a proven fact, immediate family members play a big part of the psyche of a person and development do not accept that you can count on you or your family in order to develop in a vacuum isolated from close relatives. Your children need their cousins, aunts and uncles to come for Eid, Ramadan for Iftar, and all other "good stuff" in life, and them to each other saying "Assalamu alaikum" and "HowYou? "Put your family and children in a difficult situation in which they are isolated from close family interaction is synonymous with injustice or zulm.

After the start of nikkah have, do the mother and father right in the relationship between man and woman-interference in the marriage relationship is actually one of the greatest of sins great. At the same time interfere with the need to understand men and women who need to support their parents andBlessings in their lives. So it is advisable for Muslim couples to ensure that their parents on board to participate with their marriage, and that parents nikkah the ceremony, and that both families get along. This has always been part of Muslim civilization. This is the path of Sunnah.

The numbers and the principles of Sharia law in this article by Sheikh Qasim Amin was Kholwadia Darul tested for compliance with Islamic law and tradition. In addition, Sheikh Amin or even KholwadiaDarul Qasim has no financial or managerial involvement in misterNmisses.com or its subsidiaries.

The importance of Blessings your parents' first marriage

