วันอังคารที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Egypt - Uprising reasons religious or spiritual?

Egypt - Uprising reasons religious or spiritual?

There are many concerned that Egypt was able to jump from the frying pan into the fire policy. Quit claims of democracy can, as a settlement of an Iranian-style theocracy. Both the head of the Egyptians and where you can now get more of something that another set of rules in the shadow of dictatorship.

Egyptians are controlled and dominated by and say 'no' to all placed in their future. It 'a spiritual fact that all people are motivated to seekAnd the freedom to determine the direction of their lives. To do so means having the freedom of religion, culture, employment and movement. This requires two things - a political regime that respects and supports individual choices for the prosperity and resources that can make decisions. Makes currently rampant political corruption and social and / or apathy, which is impossible.

Muslim Dating

Egypt currently has no active policy support the principle of encouraging individualsto create real wealth, nor the means to do so. But just as most Muslim countries. There are no truly democratic country in the world ruled by an Islamic party. And 'because religions always pursue their own objectives, which are not true democracies religious parties voted into power. The separation of church and state is a fundamental principle in most democracies, as well as the separation between the state and the judiciary, this is the only way thatpossible without the interference of their incestuous by the function.

What happens when the Egyptians to vote? First, to be most of the Muslim Brotherhood, that the separation of church and state, which are mentioned in the Constitution is written. This Brotherhood to power legitimately, then the result will be a theocracy than it is in Iran after the overthrow of the Shah and his authoritarian regime.

When Egyptians set for a true democracy, they mustCreate a constitution that all legitimate freedom of expression and personal empowerment - politically and socially. This is a great job, even if the Muslim religion does not allow this. If Shia law is the law of the country is Egypt in more rules and laws that limit freedom of expression, and remove the motivation to work on a personal level to go down to Egypt is a better country.

True spirituality not only allows freedom of religionExpression, but also for the freedom of human expression that do not hurt others. This includes the possibility of its partners, professional written and oral expression, sexual expression, the pursuit of interests, sources of knowledge select few. True spirituality is the fullest expression of who you are, its passions, loves, interests, needs and values. This can only occur in an atmosphere of true spiritual openness will fight the Egyptians, Iranians, and to createSo far there have not been able to provide.

Genuine intellectual freedom as genuine political freedom is rare in the Muslim world, as it was rare in Britain and ruled as king had to say in total, about how the Church and its members would behave. True democracies in the world with Muslim majorities have fought hard, usually with a clear distinction between the role of the state and religions.

So, a warning for Egypt is to ensure that their hard-won freedoms will not disappear asnew sovereign dictatorship in place of those who have been displaced. It 'not easy to know what you want and fight hard to get out of this and how to identify the direction of his dreams. But in general, in politics as in life, there are too few with the vision of the Promised Land and how to get there, but many who focus on what is desired.

Egyptians are forced to know exactly what their dreams are asked of them, and fight just as hard to get the Constitutionthat is guaranteed, since in a way, no escape. It is much easier on the run from what does not work, as at work, what works. If the spiritual needs and motivations are not well known, are probably lost in the din of discordant voices.

Intellectual freedom requires decisions about who you are, you want to do and being passionate and being. It requires the ability to express themselves without the constraint of a guard dog. If this happens, the dominant religioustakes over.

Egypt - Uprising reasons religious or spiritual?

