วันอังคารที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

My date with a soldier

As the title suggests, I recently had an appointment with a soldier. Well, it was not originally intended to be a date, but until the end of the night was clear that there is actually a date. This was not just a soldier, this was a friend I have ever since the seventh class are known. We went to school together at the end of school and has always had a special place in my heart. After graduating from Florida Atlantic University, he enlisted in the army. We lost touch, but I had heard at some pointhe was sent to Iraq. This absolutely broke my heart.

Whenever the news would break the story of a local soldier was injured or killed overseas, I breathe until I heard the name and then live a double joy and emotion than his name, which was found read and sadness for the family of the person whose name was. As I learned later, he went to Iraq not once but twice. He stationed in several other countriesaround the world. Some in combat zones and others do not. Fortunately, every time you safely home to his family and friends. On one of his trips back to South Florida, called me and we had our appointment. We have had 12 years to catch up on so there was much to tell .... and has also turned into a real date to the end. This is another article though.

Islam Dating

With Veterans Day November 11, I thought very important to stop and thank all of our soldiers risk their livesline. Whether it's helicopters (like my friend does), flying, doctors, cooks, or anything in between, is the fact that we need them. I heard my friend told me the stories of places that has been to some of the things that he has had to endure, and I can only imagine what he saw. While back at home here in South Florida, it was a really bad day when I have frizzy hair and the shoes I wanted in my size, a bad day for him when he died, had low or if a friend of hisdone.

My date with a soldier

He told me that there was a time that going to a funeral, once a week and that he only wanted to marry someone, so it is a reason happy to wear his uniform would be. In the midst of all this has also had a responsibility to ensure his children as best he could, that his father would come home to them no matter what happens. I have already promised me that he would have to go abroad, he will give me an address so I can send care packages, but somehow, that onlydo not seem sufficient.

Islam Dating

Military families lead lives very different and very difficult. Spouses can not be me all the details of their beloved workplace, or sometimes, even if they are for rent. Families can always get a new base to be moved. It's not really important if you want to go or not. The dates are odd and tension which leads to a couple huge. Some marriages are stronger because the commitment and some do not survive. All this is voluntary, so we didhave the freedom to say that we are with our government, or that we do not agree just do not like the current president, without fear of being tortured and killed.

Fortunately, technology is far more advanced than it was in previous wars so that soldiers do their best to keep in touch with their families and friends when possible. But no one really knows when. When I was in college I had roommates, whose boyfriend was flying Black Hawk helicoptersDesert Storm. I always dreaded the times when he would be able to call and it was not at home. He would know for days, saying that she missed the call and the '. What if the sink then this is the reality for those who love a soldier for true love is a sacrifice worth it, though, because it's so rare to find someone who really and truly love.

We all have our different opinions on the war in Iraq. Some agree, some disagree, some are even worse and just do not care.No matter what your view, but we all need to support the troops. The war is a necessary evil at times. As I said, without them we would not have the freedom to speak our opinions out loud to no avail. Our military is voluntary. Men and women are aware that they live and which are largely responsible for people who have never met. My friend actually the explanation to me is that sometimes wonders if he lives to 40.

This scares me, because I do not wantto let go of him and his children need. I appreciate my friends and my boyfriend, I love him with all my heart. I want to be sure, and I am grateful that both times went on, he came back alive and unharmed. There were thousands so far that is not the same said about them, though. For every person who is injured or killed, people who suffer with them grows exponentially. Their families and friends will always miss him and always have a void without it. We have aThe responsibility to support our troops, not just those who wear the uniform when you meet them.

You will not see my friend's dog tags when on holiday, he knows not to go around in uniform and the odds are good if you ask him what he does, you never know. However, give him a shot of tequila and ask him to do the toast and the victorious death and he will name his friends, with whom he served and lost, and you will see tears in their eyes. There areMillions of people out there just like him and we all have to thank them. So, Doug, here is the dead victorious ... They gave their lives for people like me, and I am eternally grateful. To all veterans and active soldiers out there, thanks for protecting us all.

My date with a soldier

