วันศุกร์ที่ 2 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Blessings of the Quran in Hadith O Daughters - The Status of Women in Islam

Blessings of the Quran in Hadith O Daughters - The Status of Women in Islam

The daughters are a blessing, because Allah (SWT) is a place in Paradise (Jannah) has promised to raise. The person who has three daughters, sisters, daughters, sisters, and he takes them well, and fear Allah (SWT) about their rights, then paradise is obligatory upon him. In some hadith, the Prophet (SAW) the blessings of education, three daughters or sisters said, someone asked: "And if someone has one daughter," The Prophet (SAW) in the sameGood price for him so, so a place in heaven. Heaven would never be mandatory for these people had daughters blessing of Allah (SWT) were.

This fact shows that daughters are a source of blessing from Allah (SWT), so if a daughter is born in a house, not to be sad about this, but should rejoice and give thanks to Allah (SWT) for this blessing. As can be lower if a place is the paradise promised them? Get through the painBirth of daughters, the practice of non-believers (kuffar) because it was before the Prophet (SAW) came, took the kuffar that too sad for the birth of daughters and used to consider them as a burden, as they would need to find someone to marry their daughters. They were like animals, they are burying their innocent daughters alive.

Islamic Women

And 'this blessed daughters, that the appropriations for the existence of mankind, as it can be a curse, this is not the plot ofBelievers. The Prophet (SAW) described a woman blessed, the first child is a daughter. So happy and smile when you hear about the birth of their daughters and see them as a blessing for you.

Islam has a very high priority given to the daughters, in order to be considered a great blessing of Allah (SWT). These are the daughters of the saints (Auliya Allah) were born and especially our beloved prophet (SAW), for whom this world was created, his family and descendants continuedby his daughter. If daughters were not a blessing from Allah (SWT) would never have chosen to carry on the lineage of his beloved Prophet (SAW). This shows that the daughters are really a great blessing, so do not consider them inferior. Sons and daughters, daughters bring bring Son in Law. Sometimes, the child is so obedient that he excels in the service of his daughters-in-law.

However, to make dua children is not prohibited, you can do. Ask Allah (SWT) forChildren with the intention that it would Aalim, Hafiz, so that would take care of our religious institutions (madrasas) and then an Sadqa Jaariya become for us.

Blessings of the Quran in Hadith O Daughters - The Status of Women in Islam

