วันเสาร์ที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

John the Baptist - Forerunner of Jesus

John the Baptist - Forerunner of Jesus

Born in the hills of Palestine, is John the Baptist as the last of the prophets of the Old Testament and what was known the way for the coming of Jesus John was born to a priest of the temple, said Zachary and his wife Elizabeth, who only elderly but also to be sterile. The birth of John, Zechariah, the angel Gabriel announced, and the priest has lost the ability to speak until the birth and naming of the child. By many accounts, Elizabeth was a cousin of the Virgin Mary. TheGospel of Luke tells us that Jesus was conceived, when Elizabeth was six months pregnant. What about Mary, her cousin came the news of the baby in the womb, leapt for joy in Elizabeth's womb.

There is little history of childhood Johns. As a young monaco and prophet, he may have been a hermit, or may have a member of the Essene monastic community. Strictly lived, ate locusts and wild honey called sinful rulers and preached repentance. John also announced the arrival ofthe Messiah, his followers. The baptism in the Jordan River has performed as a purification ritual to repent of their sins. John in a time of great conflict and unrest in the fields of politics, religion and social morays of the time preaching.

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When Jesus came to John for baptism, it should be noted that John plans to do so because he recognized Jesus as the Messiah rejected. However, he insisted that Jesus gave to his baptism, there is a descent of the Holy Spirit andThe mission of Jesus' started. Located in the Old Testament to see the coming of John prepare the way for Jesus and John are like a reincarnation of the prophet Elijah. In the New Testament book of Matthew, Jesus confirms this prediction. Some of the followers of John the Baptist went on to become disciples of Jesus

John the Baptist was the ruler of the criticism thrown illegal and incestuous marriage with his niece, Herodias, Herod, Herod imprisoned. When his daughter Salome pleased the kingHard dance in her birthday, Herod granted her every request they wanted. At the instigation of his mother, the head of John the Baptist was asked, and he ran faster. His head was Salome, who presented to his mother passed. There are many legends and title above the head of John the Baptist, but have not been verified.

John the Baptist is celebrated not only in Christianity but also Islam, the Baha'i religion, Gnosticism, the Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints and the Unification Church. St. John is the patron saint of Puerto Rico in San Juan and its capital is his name. He is also the patron of Jordan, French Canada and Newfoundland. In many countries of the Mediterranean, is the summer solstice in San Giovanni and many churches, monasteries and cathedrals dedicated to bear his name.

John the Baptist - Forerunner of Jesus

