วันจันทร์ที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Arranged marriages - are they?

Marriages are often unknown to this day and age where free men and women, a lot of ways, including the person who wants to spend her life with him are doing. However, arranged marriages are traditions that still exist in Asian countries and other parts of the world.

An arranged marriage is one in which one or both of the spouses do not have a choice as to their future spouse, as is their parents who choose their partners for their future marriage. Some Americansthink that arranged marriages occurred only during the Elizabethan era, but the practice is still alive and well at this time.

Muslim For Marriage

The custom of arranged marriages common in Asia, especially among the Indians and Muslims. There are also other Asian tribes that still follow this tradition. There are marriages where the bride and groom had promised each other when they were young, so they know what awaits them organized. However, there are also those who are strangers toTime of marriage.

Arranged marriages - are they?


Muslim For Marriage

The low divorce rate in India, the practice of arranged marriages has been attributed, but it does not mean that more and more couples in India are happily married. This tradition of placement marriages are so prevalent in India, which at least 95 percent of Indian marriages are said to have been arranged. There are several factors that are of Indian parents in choosing a spouse for their children. Among these there are caste and social status. While the dowry systemwas banned in India, there is still an important factor in marriages.


Arranged marriages were common during the Elizabethan age, whereas feminism and the women were not even born very submissive to their husbands and their parents. The women agree during this period, which plans to marry their parents have for them. They believe that men and women have higher flow rates below. Among the most common reasons for their compulsoryMarriages during that time is money and social status.

Jolo, Philippines

Arranged marriages are still among the Muslims in the Philippines and other countries is very popular. A Muslim man can choose his bride, if he (including his family) can increase the wealth of the bride. Otherwise it may be rejected by the family of the bride. But they have been for many Muslim men and women with higher education, not the practice of arranged marriages.

American women are happier becauseYou can choose who wants to spend his life with him. Arranged marriages never gained traction in America chooses to people, the liberality and taste for freedom, including freedom, his bride or groom.

Arranged marriages - are they?

