วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Loving the Sahara

Sahara with 3.5 million square kilometers, with 2.5 million people is one of the lowest populated places on earth. History shows that more people than the Sahara, inhabited a number of artifacts found.

Most people live in the Sahara Desert are nomads. This means that they are from one region to another depending on the conditions of life to move. They have no permanent homes.

Islamic Women

Different groups of people in the region, but lived separately. They exchange trade in goods, if necessary.He later led to the success of foreign trade with other countries and continents.

Loving the Sahara

The main ethnic groups in the Sahara belong

Islamic Women

or Tuareg

This group lives in the central Sahara. They came from the Berber group. They settled in the air and the Ahaggar highlands. They move from Central to Western Sahara.

They are popularly known as "blue men of the desert", known for their blue robes. The face veil is different styles of men and the state of the maleSex. On the other hand, women wear the veil to reveal their status.

You are in the northern areas of Mali near Timbuktu and Kidal in Niger, Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Senegal. The most valuable asset they have is the sword. Women are responsible for the duties of food and clothing. Men are responsible for the sale of products.

In terms of arts and crafts, are also known for its jewelry and carved masks. They serve as guides for Western tourists and adventureOil operations. And 'the political instability in the region. The official language is Temajeg or Tamachek. Practice divination and healing Koran.

or Sahrawi
The group is composed of the Sunni sect and race are Bedouins. It is a mixture of Berbers and Arabs. They are found in Western Sahara.

In terms of art and culture, are known for their curious craft. They use two tools: Create Tbal (drum) and Tidnit (stringed instrument) to the desertMusic. Its economy depends on breeding flock of sheep, camels and goats. They also do fishing, handicrafts and iron / phosphate mining. They are among the Moroccan government. Islam is the official religion.

or Tibu (Tebu)
This group has dominated the Tibesti massif, desert mountains and high plains of the region. They are also known as Toubou. They live in northern Chad, Libya, Niger and Sudan. From this point, with a population of over 350,000 inhabitants. Some are nomadic, while otherssemi-nomadic. We practice clan society with its own set of oases, pastures and wells.

They believed in the importance of family camping and the great practical link between them. They believed that the Clan is one of the most stable institutions. Their main source of income is an alternative source of livestock and grain and keep appointments. Teda and Daza: They are divided into two parts. These two groups are of common origin still speak two different languages. Daza group are largerNumber from Gaza.

or Negroid
Forest Negroid, Nilotic Negroid, Negritogroup: They are also known as Negroid. Negroid forest have dark skin, his face prominent, broad, flat nose, wide hips and arms and legs unequal. Nilotic Negroid from Sudan and have black skin, abnormal size and a long nose, narrow face plate. They are also known for building thin. Negritogroup Pygmies have low or high, medium brown skin, hair blacks vague.

Loving the Sahara

