วันพุธที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Marriages can really?

It is religion that really matters when it comes to marriage? They may have two souls becoming one as well? It works for a Catholic and Islam? Most of the time, religion is one of the reasons why a relationship does not work.

Let's talk about love story of Annie and John. Catholic parents are Annie and John are a devotee of Islam. Both have strong beliefs about what they believe, and nobody wanted to renounce their faith. But for two cores with different faiths and beliefsto marry, how to do something really hard work to make it work.

Islam Marriage

How faith can make a big difference in every relationship? They have one or tear them apart? Let's see how differences in faith two souls can live in harmony.

Marriages can really?

Compared to their own opinion and I have two souls understand each other more than anything else. It was the fact that, despite religious differences, they still believe in an infinite force us to accept all tours. There are onlyThey call it different names yet his teachings are still the same, we do good things. Annie and John fully understand it. So it was easy for them, the fact that as long as they understand the language of love and life, things are quite ok to embrace. And I think they are right.

Islam Marriage

Loyalty to the other always works great for a relationship. We all know that Islam can marry who they want until they are able to preserve and sustaintheir wives. But John, that certainly is not in this practice. And 'to be married and in love with his wife. They married in two churches, but believed loyal to his wife, the marriage promise of love until the end of time.

Keep your promises, no matter what happens to your marriage. Life is not always rosy. There are beats, rhythm, there can be high or low. What makes this couple different from others is that they love andconstantly keep the love he has sown many years ago. You do not want to let go, if the low tide. There is no turning back for this pair. You will always find joy and happiness in the little things that come their way. I think it all boils down to a fact, love is all they have.

Annie and John, you can be your neighbors or people we meet every day in our lives. They are ordinary people, love is a great strength that we all need to take and you believedEmployment relationship. It's not a secret formula to continue to work on weddings. All you need is love in your heart.

Marriages can really?

