วันจันทร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Mobile Rudeness

The other day I was sitting in the office of my doctor, waiting to be called, with a headache so painful that I prayed for unconsciousness. Suddenly, this lady brings me to the waiting room with his cell phone and makes a call.

Migraine aside when he spoke, he spoke so loud, like a whole team of professional football to tap danced on my head. I wanted to die and take them with me. What exactly was this lady thinking? I was sitting in a doctor's office, in a grimacePain. How the hell could I be interested in a conversation on his third could not find a dress in her size for a party?

Islam Dating

This is the world coming to? Mobile Rudeness? Yes, the new phones were created for convenience, but convenience does not mean that you inconvenience other people the appearance of your conversations.

Mobile Rudeness

Good manners dictate that you go out, if possible, when using the phone. If there is somethingprevents you from having a graceful exit, but quiet, then you should speak quietly to end the receiver and the call as soon as possible. Unfortunately, many people are not able to follow mobile etiquette.

Islam Dating

They are something worse than being in a movie, have waited long to see, disturbed only by the best monologue by George Clooney from a ringtone Ludacris. I love Luda as much as the next person, but if I wanted to hear, I'd like to stay at home and listened to my I-Pod. Aromantic dinner in a cozy restaurant is also the place of a phone conversation with a loud voice, or the interruption of a ring fort.

Despite rumors to the contrary, cell phones off or to vibrate. No need, the fact that you have a cell phone, talking loudly to advertise in them. Everyone has a cell phone these days, even a couple of kindergartners. Heck, some people also have two mobile phones. Show good manners and know when your application.

Mobile Rudeness

