วันอังคารที่ 13 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Islamic marriage traditions

Islamic marriage traditions

There is a huge cultural diversity within the Islamic world. This diversity is also reflected in the wedding ceremonies that reflect vary from region to region and sect to sect. My goal here is to common themes in Muslim marriages as practiced today.

The Islamic marriage is a nikah, which, incidentally, is to "unite" the Arabic word for AKD known. Marriage in the Islamic faith is not just a social convention, but also a legal contract. This implies a "sterile"perhaps ceremony "cold". This is not true. Beyond the actual paperwork that must be met, Muslim marriages are actually very festive.

Islam And Marriage

It was the first thing I wanted to learn what an Islamic marriage in office since Islam has no official clergy. I was surprised to learn that every Muslim has a thorough knowledge of Islamic tradition, the ceremony to take place. Many, however, choose to include the services of a register called Qazi commit. He acts asSupervisor of marriage.

The formality of the wedding, there are three reasons for this, given by the proposal, the mahr and nikaah

The proposal is often about the man asks the woman her hand in marriage, it also extends to their family. Islam is not so necessary, but it is an act of respect for the woman and her family and is highly recommended.

The mahr is, in its simplest form, a gift, freely given to the bride by her husband. Contrary to the suggestionThis is the mandate from the Qur'an in Surah 4.04. I quote from the translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali English: "And give women (on marriage) their dowry as a gift, but if for their good will, but it puts a portion of it to you, take a good mood and enjoy with the Law. "Obviously, this is a gift to the bride. During my research I found conflicting traditions, which was the gift that the bride's family has suggested. Dowry, by definition, is a gift of the bridegroom to the bride. Ithat these are cultural differences, but they are below the line, as gifts for the family is not prescribed in the Koran. The more it is assumed that a kind of insurance, to provide the financial security of the bride in case of death of husband or divorce. The couple, not the parents, must agree more. The bride is the right one, as explained in the Qur'an, and is a gift, freely given and not the bride price.

The ceremony nikaah, the equivalent of votes, it is verysimple and straightforward. The bride says, I gave myself away in Nikah to you, on the agreed Mahr. "The husband quickly replied:" I have accepted the Nikah. "The marriage contract is signed, and become husband and wife.

In some cultures, the marriage will last five days. The first day of the dinner with the family of the girl on the second day with dinner in the family of the boy. The third day is the Mehendi ceremony, which is for the bride and her friends. The ceremony usually takesPlace in the bride's home. Mehendi (henna) patterns are used to decorate the bride's hands and feet. On the fourth day, the nikah ceremony real. Five days feeding, the couple with the parents of the bride and the groom's family hosts a festival (Valimah) for friends and relatives.

Islamic marriage traditions

