วันพุธที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Bedouin wedding

Arabian Desert, 600 AD: A man goes to the tent of his wife. Long braided hair swinging around her shoulder, and coal has been coated to protect the eyes from the sun. The sun is hard, and he can not wait in the shade of the tent and the company of his wife. But when he reached the tent, he stops and looks with astonishment. The tent was shot, so that the receipt be turned away - a clear sign that his wife wants to divorce him. Fixed brieflyThen he turns and walks away.

Today the Bedouin marriage follows the Islamic tradition. Marriage is typically arranged, even though according to Islam, women have the right of first refusal. Is it acceptable for men to have more than one wife, but a woman can have only one man, a man "can divorce his wife with the words I 'deny you three times. While a woman can divorce her husband, the process usually is much longer and harder. Before the time of Muhammad,However, things were very different.

Islam And Marriage

Bedouin tribes were often polygamous - and not just for men. Women might also several men, but remain living in their tent. If a woman is a tired man, would take place around the tent, so that the entrance facing her husband. When the parents of the father was insecure, wealth was often held and managed by women.

Bedouin wedding

This practice is contrary to the beliefs and values ​​of Islam, converted to Islam and how the Bedouinthe tradition was lost. Currently, almost all Muslims, Bedouins, and the right to marry more than one of the people alone.

Islam And Marriage

Bedouin wedding

