วันศุกร์ที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Free Christian Dating Sites: A Gateway To Find Your Companion

A large number of Free Christian dating sites have come up over the last few years. The reason behind the growing number of free Christian dating sites is the preference of Christian youngsters for a companion who believes in the same values as them. In absence of these websites, Christians find it very difficult to find other deserving Christian singles. They only have access to a select group of Christians whom they already know.

Significance Of Christian Sites

Marriage In Islam

Free Christian dating sites are a perfect platform for young boys and girls to get familiar with each other and plan a meeting in near future if their likes and dislikes are similar. The free Christian dating sites are exceptional, as they give enough possibility for the members to take pleasure in dating. Most of the people opting for free Christian dating sites want to stick to their religious values. They want their partner to respect their feelings and hold similar beliefs and follow a certain code of conduct during the courtship period.

Free Christian Dating Sites: A Gateway To Find Your Companion

Process To Find A Date

Marriage In Islam

Free Christian dating sites do not charge for access. Their earnings come from the advertisements posted on the site. The interested people sign-up to become members and are required to provide some basic information about them. They can also post a picture of theirs. Their information is accessible to other members and likewise, they can access the information provided by other people. If they feel interested in each other they can initiate conversation through e-mails or phone calls and ultimately decide to meet.

Special Features

Free Christian dating sites offer free counsel for Christians to date within the realms of Christianity. These websites also contain anecdotes from experienced people regarding their dating experience on subjects like marriage or staying single. You can also find analysis of books on the subject. Some of the free Christian dating sites also provide space for chatting, web-blogs, instant messaging etc., so that people can get to know each other very well.

However, some people mistake these sites for live chat sites and visit these for the sole purpose of chatting. One should understand that the chat feature is provided at these sites to help the members know each other better.

Free Christian dating sites are a great source of getting to know and meet your prospective life-partner. Keeping the basic Christian guidelines in mind will surely result in a memorable and happy experience in which you will take pleasure all your life.

Free Christian Dating Sites: A Gateway To Find Your Companion

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

The Rise of Mohammad and Islam

The Rise of Mohammad and Islam

Mohammad (who was a prophet), was established in Arabia, was born in the city of Mecca in 570 AD. He came from a prominent family rich and respected. Mohammed said to the people who listen to him, he had visions chosen. In these visions he was told that last and only revealed to the Prophet of Truth. Muhammad did not deny other prophets like Moses or Jesus Christ, but that was the key for him was the last prophet, and only able to demonstrate,Truth.

The religion which Mohammed preached was simple and accessible: a belief in a god with no severe complications that Christianity is necessary - do not live in the flesh, but after the Spirit. Islam teaches a straight forward one ritual, which was similar to that associated with the Jews, the cleanliness and hygiene is practiced. The focus of the fundamental virtues such as courage, love and hospitality. Above all, believers are promised that those who fell in love with potential,his religion went straight to Heaven, which describes the holy book of Islam, the Koran in detail, and seems to enjoy confrontation with the Christians go to heaven.

Women Islam

For example, in Islam, if a person dies, he will be virgins in paradise, to which he can do whatever he likes them. For all the time on earth a Muslim man can marry a lot of women. If you want Islam to pit Christianity, one can say that Islam is the religion of the flesh - carnal passions.

Combinedby military force, the message of Islam has proved very powerful indeed. In the ten years before his death in 632, Muhammad had all the warring factions united divided tribes and cities of Arabia. With the 644, is that 12 years after his death, Egypt and Libya, had fallen to Islam as well as Syria, Iraq and Persia. It ended with the time of the end of the century in 700 AD the Arab armies had overthrown the Persian empire was on the left, then laid siege to Constantinople - capital of the Roman Empire, where thethrown of Emperor Constantine was. And within another 15 years Islam has spread from India to Spain. Part of the secret of their success was that they were not backward and uncivilized as they seemed in appearance.

Arabia had long been a long route for trade in spices, perfumes and slaves. Mohammed himself was a merchant in Mecca before he thought of himself as a prophet. Mecca was the great merchant town and Mohammed found his first support of his claims as prophet in Medina, another merchant town. Mohammed also knew a great deal about Christianity and Judaism. He was once depicted by his diehards in a drawing riding on a donkey next to Jesus Christ.

Another part of Arab's success was that they were Semites speaking a Semitic language which was close to Aramaic, a language spoken by common people from Iraq to Palestine.

Perhaps the most crucial fact that made them successful was their religious tolerance. Muslims in their wars of conquests did not try to exterminate those who believed in Judaism, Christianity or anything else. They simply asserted a higher revelation which made them appear as a chosen people entitled to special privileges on earth and exclusive access to heaven. This left non Muslims second class citizens - tolerated but a bit despised. And further Muslims did not have to pay taxes only non Muslims paid taxes and this was a strong argument for conversion and a strong argument for Muslims to tolerate non Muslims.

The Rise of Mohammad and Islam

วันพุธที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 Review

Tiger Woods seems to have the perfect lifestyle. A drop dead beautiful wife, supermodel Sweden, a huge building, fame, money, on Forbes list of celebrities, an adorable daughter, close friends with Charles Barkley, thirteen major championships behind him, and his very own videogame.

Tiger Woods 2008 is the next iteration of the series of video games long enough to be Tiger Woods. If you are an avid fan of the games are Tiger Woods, will feel at home with the very latestRate. Electronic Arts were making an appeal to Tiger Woods golf video game arcade to casual gamers know, but the year seems different. Unrealistic values ​​(like 50 under par) are virtually impossible to reach this time. The gameplay is similar to previous games is that it keeps the player immersed in the golf course. A new feature is to place a revised system with the line of trajectory that the golf ball can be expected in a green journey.Although not as useful as Tiger Vision (which was introduced in Tiger Woods 2005), still helps to line up putts. There is a limit to how many times you can use this function should be able, so do not expect the players that other players putting their abuse. Their skills and level of difficulty to determine how often you use the putt preview.

Islam Dating

Another element of the game that might turn off some players, golf swing mechanics. The analog sticks are not used to beatthe golf ball, but the keys are used. This change may be due to the lack of challenge with hitting the golf ball with the analog stick. The new way to make contact with the ball, press the button three times (ala Madden kicking field goals). After starting on the swing, twice to start your downswing, and a third time for accuracy. If it seems too complicated, it really is very intuitive. Madden fans can certainly be a smooth transition of these mechanics. Photoface is yet another new feature of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008. It gives gamers the opportunity to generate their own face and put it in the game. This feature appears to be exclusive to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 Review

Electronics Arts has not corroborated a Photo face feature for the Nintendo Wii. Sorry Nintendo Wii owners. The create a golfer aspect is back, and it has the usual things you would expect. You can create a golfer as skeleton-like as Nicole Richie, or as putrid as Rosie O'Donnell. It is all up to the gamer. All of the mini-games remain intact in Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008. The visuals in the game are brilliant. Everything from the beautiful golf courses to Tiger Woods' millions dollar smile will appease anyone. Shot Confidence is another original aspect of the game. In a nutshell, playing well gives you confidence. Playing poorly lowers your confidence. Many will be dissatisfied with Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008, but other will be elated. Overall, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 is a solid improvement over Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007.

Islam Dating

Final verdict 8 out of 10

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 Review

วันอังคารที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Men are hard to shop!

It 'was a beautiful, fresh, cool and windy day for us here in Florida. At only 67 degrees this morning. I have seen so many walking and jogging along the street when I went to my local park. What better day to finally get out and some necessary purchases. I found myself watching a singing Christmas tree. My God, it is not even Thanksgiving yet, and it's Christmas all around me!

The people were all up and down the aisles looking set of decorations, lights and gifts. I suspect that it isgood place to start early and beat the crowd, if you think about it. My mother-in-law seems to have done all her Christmas shopping by Thanksgiving! I am one of those people who, if I find something that someone noticed between September and December as get things here and there. It 'also less painful for your wallet, as if all at once.

Man Islam

I think that most of my purchases on the Internet. There is nothing worse than standing in a line wide and noticed that the box officeno hurry to shorten it! I swear, I am sooo spoiled! You can only use the shopping cart and check-out at any time, to save time and gas. I think men have the hardest, must buy for. It's easier when you know something they collect. Many men want to collect knives. Even if they are not collectible knives if they get one of these puppies as gifts, they will want to be sure.

Men are hard to shop!

My father has always had a pocket knife on him. I can not tell you how many times the knife came in handy!Especially when we were traveling on vacation or traveling. I used a knife to my father for Christmas. I think he's the biggest kick out of the pen knife. This is a really nice knife. It looks like a pen with the fantasy that clips directly on the bag, and if you ever forced into a situation, it is an anonymous self-defense mechanism. Nobody would have thought it was a knife in disguise! These ingenious Knife love.

Man Islam

Yours in safety,
Regina Jacques

Men are hard to shop!

วันจันทร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Mobile Rudeness

The other day I was sitting in the office of my doctor, waiting to be called, with a headache so painful that I prayed for unconsciousness. Suddenly, this lady brings me to the waiting room with his cell phone and makes a call.

Migraine aside when he spoke, he spoke so loud, like a whole team of professional football to tap danced on my head. I wanted to die and take them with me. What exactly was this lady thinking? I was sitting in a doctor's office, in a grimacePain. How the hell could I be interested in a conversation on his third could not find a dress in her size for a party?

Islam Dating

This is the world coming to? Mobile Rudeness? Yes, the new phones were created for convenience, but convenience does not mean that you inconvenience other people the appearance of your conversations.

Mobile Rudeness

Good manners dictate that you go out, if possible, when using the phone. If there is somethingprevents you from having a graceful exit, but quiet, then you should speak quietly to end the receiver and the call as soon as possible. Unfortunately, many people are not able to follow mobile etiquette.

Islam Dating

They are something worse than being in a movie, have waited long to see, disturbed only by the best monologue by George Clooney from a ringtone Ludacris. I love Luda as much as the next person, but if I wanted to hear, I'd like to stay at home and listened to my I-Pod. Aromantic dinner in a cozy restaurant is also the place of a phone conversation with a loud voice, or the interruption of a ring fort.

Despite rumors to the contrary, cell phones off or to vibrate. No need, the fact that you have a cell phone, talking loudly to advertise in them. Everyone has a cell phone these days, even a couple of kindergartners. Heck, some people also have two mobile phones. Show good manners and know when your application.

Mobile Rudeness

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Christian Marriage Without License and Common Law Marriage: What's the Difference?

Christian Marriage Without License and Common Law Marriage: What's the Difference?

A Christian couple who get married without a state license recognizes partners to marry is a valid and legitimate marriage, that even if the rule conditions are met.

While most states no longer recognize common law marriages if it is done in order to claim child custody and property, after the couple ended the relationship ... This legal situation has occurred in relatively recent times.

Islam Marriage

Common-law relationships were still in many states in the late twentieth century, recognizedthe infamous food suits brought by celebrities, among others.

Foods in a suit, a couple who live together in a relationship occurred for a significant number of years, had legal claims on their property when the relationship ended. Judicial involvement in the decision of such claims indirectly confirms the validity of common law marriage. Most states simply can not recognize the requested food.

In a Christian marriage without a license, the situation isdifferent.

In common law marriage, the couple had only upon the agreement to live as husband and wife performed live. And that was it. After several years in such a relationship, property rights acquired some 'legal weight.

In a Christian marriage without a license, the couple agrees to live as husband and wife, but unlike the common law marriage, which is a private contract, the Christian couple to celebrate the marriage in public, in front of witnesses. And that makes theDifference.

The marriage is then recorded, along with the names of witnesses, in the family Bible.

A family Bible is a legally acceptable document to verify the facts in the record.

If the marriage from the public attended and recorded in a legal jurisdiction is completed, the award recognizes the state without a marriage license status.

The law of marriage is not necessarily experienced or recorded anywhere.

A state license to marry, creates aprivilege that does not exist in unlicensed marriages.

In common law marriage and Christian marriage without license, there are only TWO parties to the marriage. In a state licensed marriage, there are THREE parties to the marriage contract; the two spouses and the state along with all relevant statutes and regulations.

The state law controls the couple's relationship, the education of any children, and the acquisition and disposition of any property the couple acquires or divests. For Christians such state control may at times be in serious conflict with God's law and would therefore replace God's law with man-made law.

You can learn more about the interface between church and state and how they are at times incompatible at the link below.

Christian Marriage Without License and Common Law Marriage: What's the Difference?

วันเสาร์ที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Marriage Compatibility of Taurus with Leo

The custom of marriage has always been the most important ritual of the Indian culture has been practiced. People in India are strongly influenced by the marriage and believed together on the tape. There have been many changes in the traditions of marriage changes in time, but the real meaning of marriage, that is the crux of the lives of two people have been time remains the same. The sanctity of marriage and depth has always been considered sacred in Indian culture, theThe responsibility in the hands of the Indians. There are different religions practiced by people in India, but will remain for all of them the importance and value of marriage are the same. Different traditions and rituals are performed under the marriage ritual in various religions of the country remains the primary goal of all religions are equal, ie, the two souls of the bride and groom in one, that is to avoid marriage.

Of all the rites and ceremoniesdifferent religions for the wedding, one thing that remains is the most common matching horoscope. There are several sun-sign, the identity of the various individuals that must be decided based on the date of birth and month of each. There are certain characteristics and qualities of all these sun signs, the different be done in their own way. Based on this sun is singing and various other factors, the horoscope chart of individuals is developed. VoteThis astrological charts of two individuals, it is assumed that it is very important in almost all Indian weddings. If you consider this important factor, I started writing about the compatibility of sun signs other than marriage. We go forward with the Article compatibility now comes the turn of the adjustment compatibility of Taurus with Leo marriage.

Muslim For Marriage

Tori and Leo have the commonality that their position more rigid. Both are very dedicated and devotion totheir responsibility. They possess the characteristics of performance of a task, with all their efforts and give the best shot. If you have decided that they would certainly make it to the end. This resistance, if it can be achieved for their marriage relationship are the most strong bonds of marriage. During the confidential nature of the Taurus and the prevailing attitude of Leo, may cause some problems in the marriage between the two. Both are very optimistic, but Taurus loves to socializeonly those with its closed, while the Lion and the public's attention and establish contact with more and more.

Marriage Compatibility of Taurus with Leo

The stubborn attitude of the two can lead to problems in their married life. Therefore, the Bull and Leo the couple to understand the importance of compromise and must learn to sacrifice for the good luck and prosperity. In all the weddings, the bride and groom should never be granted to each other, as well as in the case of this couple. Both have to try to meetall other requirements and bring a little 'excitement for their marriage by the taste of the fun and fame. The couple mutually pleasant surprise with moments of rolling on his way to leave the marriage without a hitch.

Muslim For Marriage

The elements of romance and passion are at their peak in the bull and a lion. Because of love and enjoy each other company of a marriage strong and durable. Marriages in India are to be governed by the partner,For this couple, and Leo the Lion rules Taurus and its relationship with nature by making it convenient and increase the zeal for the love in their marriage.

Marriage Compatibility of Taurus with Leo

วันศุกร์ที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Current Malaysian Malay Moslem Women Fashion Trends VS Islam!

Current Malaysian Malay Moslem Women Fashion Trends VS Islam!

I came across a very interesting publication by online readers HarakahDaily Dot Net is easily identified by the pseudonym Bekas Budak UKM. Well, Bekas Budak UKM raised some sensitive issues Malaysian Malay women now, and I hope that someone reading this today would eat everything I am about to share here with an open mind.

Bekas Budak UKM cited some concerns, but they are only interested in the first three mentioned above. For the non-Malays and non-Muslims who are reading this today, you must first understand that the majority (+90%) of women born Malaysian Malays are Muslims. Muslim women are forced to every part of his body except his coverFace and hands (the tips of his fingers, wrists) when they reach puberty. Muslim women are forbidden to wear clothes that reveal their shape and curves. To wear transparent clothes or thin is strictly prohibited in Islam.

Women Islam

In a sense, Bekas Budak UKM writing presented only an eye opener. I am a Muslim holy man and I have to say, that the trends of Malaysian Malay women of today are not following theBecause Islam. It is a worrying trend, and I think my concerns on this issue to share with many other Muslims interested in Malaysia. Please do not ask me why the Malaysian Malay Muslim women who were born, he acts and dresses in a way, because I really did not answer. By law, all Muslims born here in Malaysia subjected to a sort of basic Islamic education, when they were young. Many were sent to all schools and religious teachings have been taught about the Islamic way of lifethere.

I just wonder how in the world have the Malaysian Malay Muslim women in this type of disorder in the first place. They were the mass media as TV shows, movies and so on affect in any way?

We could not find the answers alone. I really hope that Malaysian Malay women would come forward and their views on this matter. We all ask ourselves, and only you can give us the answers you need. If you have any comments or feedback on this topic, pleasehis voice-overs of Malay women in Malaysia Blog. Thank you.

Current Malaysian Malay Moslem Women Fashion Trends VS Islam!

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Scroll wedding invitations - Majestic Scroll Wedding Cards

Want to see your wedding card, an invitation to look real? Your wedding is a unique festival to make it special. Go with the royal wedding of your card and choose to scroll wedding card design. There can be no better way to start the festival as something so special and exquisite as the real cards wedding scroll.

The Indian wedding cards, browse the "Farman" Re invitation shows class and style. Scroll wedding cards to make them individuallyHindu, Sikh or Muslim wedding card. These cards celebrate the value of marriage in a religion or caste. So there is something or the other for everyone.

Muslim For Marriage

Scroll wedding cards reflects a historical style and is very fashionable these days. Some of the most important things you should keep that one must have a wedding card when shopping for a roll:
Quality of the material for the production of paper used The color of the fabric A thread is usually used to wrap the cloth. It should also compliment theTexture and color of the fabric You can browse the card as attractive as you want doing and zari laces

Scroll wedding invitations - Majestic Scroll Wedding Cards

Types of cards wedding leaves:

Muslim For Marriage

There are many types available. You can make your selection according to your tastes and preferences. The leaves are different types of cards:
Aesthetically crafted royal scroll wedding cards Indian Wedding Cards Scroll Designer wedding cards scroll Roll of paper hand-made paper, parchment paper or velvet

There are manyBrowse shops in the market to sell the cards wedding. You can select and order his collection. You can also send, but also your business to them so unique and special as possible.

How to scroll wedding cards online:

There are sites that sell cards, scroll wedding online. You can spend your time saving any of these sites and shops for the card sits comfortably at home with just one mouse click. These are the steps you must follow the orderTickets online:
Browse the online gallery and choose the card of your choice Get the price range for the card you wish to order Add to shopping cart Your order by filling in forms Make payments online / offline

Scroll wedding invitations - Majestic Scroll Wedding Cards

วันพุธที่ 21 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Women earn beads Vs Women earn money from home

Women earn beads Vs Women earn money from home

Let me clarify first: I love Mardi Gras. I like the fun, festivities and good old good times. What I hate most these days is that every woman needs to lose weight for a medium of exchange, whether it feels in cash, gems or attention.

Like it or not, "Show us your tits!" is a common cry at Mardi Gras. Girls Gone Wild has built a business on the record of the event each year.

Women Islam

This state prevails despite the fact that the public indecency in NewOrleans jail and a fine of up to $ 1000 lead. Apparently not enough to deter the behavior.

Vicki Mayer, Tulane professor of communications has been busy this social dilemma in detail. He notes that some women have an uncontrollable desire for attention, when "all naked."

Dr. Mayer said that the male response: "(They) do not judge women only verbally, but also the control of pearls, distributing alms, based on what they get satisfaction."

SomeThe women break into streams of tears, unless they obtain a cordon count is high enough for their alleged self-esteem.

This is the 21 Century! I understand that some people want the limit, ask the norm, get wild challenge by social rules, and the outlook hypocritical about femininity. But what message do we send our daughters, if this need is so public and ... well, cheap? The message of this exhibition is that the men who control the media, the beads (orthat the money) have the power to control others. So archaic. So tired.

The proposal for a well-known "Bead Whore" that you can maintain your dignity by flashing with a mask on the base is definitely in my opinion. No woman should live a lie.

This leads to my point: Women have more options today. Even the woman who does not want marriage and children may be found worthy through other outlets.

The Internet is the great equalizer hours. Women can establish themselves at homeCompanies without a leader or someone to control their self-esteem. Women with the best of them and he deserves to be honest, without wearing a mask.

After gaebler.com. "There are 9.1 million women conducted in the United States, and together employ 27.5 million people, the women wear make-over 3,600 billion to the economy every year."

No economy can ignore this type of potential and opportunity. The skills to build a business aregender neutral and to be able to bridge the income gap between the sexes and for all.

The exchange of pearls is an insult. And 'to everyone, even in fun. The arrival of the 21 Century and all that it offers the technology should mean that the pearls are just in the jewelry industry.

Beads or in cash, legally acquired? Women should not earn the bare skin in exchange for dollars, but honestly. No mask, no excuses.

Women earn beads Vs Women earn money from home

วันอังคารที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

My date with a soldier

As the title suggests, I recently had an appointment with a soldier. Well, it was not originally intended to be a date, but until the end of the night was clear that there is actually a date. This was not just a soldier, this was a friend I have ever since the seventh class are known. We went to school together at the end of school and has always had a special place in my heart. After graduating from Florida Atlantic University, he enlisted in the army. We lost touch, but I had heard at some pointhe was sent to Iraq. This absolutely broke my heart.

Whenever the news would break the story of a local soldier was injured or killed overseas, I breathe until I heard the name and then live a double joy and emotion than his name, which was found read and sadness for the family of the person whose name was. As I learned later, he went to Iraq not once but twice. He stationed in several other countriesaround the world. Some in combat zones and others do not. Fortunately, every time you safely home to his family and friends. On one of his trips back to South Florida, called me and we had our appointment. We have had 12 years to catch up on so there was much to tell .... and has also turned into a real date to the end. This is another article though.

Islam Dating

With Veterans Day November 11, I thought very important to stop and thank all of our soldiers risk their livesline. Whether it's helicopters (like my friend does), flying, doctors, cooks, or anything in between, is the fact that we need them. I heard my friend told me the stories of places that has been to some of the things that he has had to endure, and I can only imagine what he saw. While back at home here in South Florida, it was a really bad day when I have frizzy hair and the shoes I wanted in my size, a bad day for him when he died, had low or if a friend of hisdone.

My date with a soldier

He told me that there was a time that going to a funeral, once a week and that he only wanted to marry someone, so it is a reason happy to wear his uniform would be. In the midst of all this has also had a responsibility to ensure his children as best he could, that his father would come home to them no matter what happens. I have already promised me that he would have to go abroad, he will give me an address so I can send care packages, but somehow, that onlydo not seem sufficient.

Islam Dating

Military families lead lives very different and very difficult. Spouses can not be me all the details of their beloved workplace, or sometimes, even if they are for rent. Families can always get a new base to be moved. It's not really important if you want to go or not. The dates are odd and tension which leads to a couple huge. Some marriages are stronger because the commitment and some do not survive. All this is voluntary, so we didhave the freedom to say that we are with our government, or that we do not agree just do not like the current president, without fear of being tortured and killed.

Fortunately, technology is far more advanced than it was in previous wars so that soldiers do their best to keep in touch with their families and friends when possible. But no one really knows when. When I was in college I had roommates, whose boyfriend was flying Black Hawk helicoptersDesert Storm. I always dreaded the times when he would be able to call and it was not at home. He would know for days, saying that she missed the call and the '. What if the sink then this is the reality for those who love a soldier for true love is a sacrifice worth it, though, because it's so rare to find someone who really and truly love.

We all have our different opinions on the war in Iraq. Some agree, some disagree, some are even worse and just do not care.No matter what your view, but we all need to support the troops. The war is a necessary evil at times. As I said, without them we would not have the freedom to speak our opinions out loud to no avail. Our military is voluntary. Men and women are aware that they live and which are largely responsible for people who have never met. My friend actually the explanation to me is that sometimes wonders if he lives to 40.

This scares me, because I do not wantto let go of him and his children need. I appreciate my friends and my boyfriend, I love him with all my heart. I want to be sure, and I am grateful that both times went on, he came back alive and unharmed. There were thousands so far that is not the same said about them, though. For every person who is injured or killed, people who suffer with them grows exponentially. Their families and friends will always miss him and always have a void without it. We have aThe responsibility to support our troops, not just those who wear the uniform when you meet them.

You will not see my friend's dog tags when on holiday, he knows not to go around in uniform and the odds are good if you ask him what he does, you never know. However, give him a shot of tequila and ask him to do the toast and the victorious death and he will name his friends, with whom he served and lost, and you will see tears in their eyes. There areMillions of people out there just like him and we all have to thank them. So, Doug, here is the dead victorious ... They gave their lives for people like me, and I am eternally grateful. To all veterans and active soldiers out there, thanks for protecting us all.

My date with a soldier

วันจันทร์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Divorce in India

Divorce in India

The word Divorce is not a happy word, but it is word that is omnipresent. It is very much a part of family life. Divorce means that a man and a woman who have married under any law, would like to split from each other. Divorce is accepted as a norm and a part of human behavior in most societies in the world. However the Catholic religion which believes in the concept of marriage as a sacred bond does not recognize a divorce.

All other religions like Islam and Hinduism recognize the right of divorce and accordingly the laws are framed and followed. However Muslim personal law that has its own connotation of divorce is generally not tampered with in most societies. In India the Hindu marriage act recognizes divorce under certain stipulations, but there is no law for followers of Islam who are governed by their own personal law. Thus the contentious triple 'Talak' is very march a part of Muslim society and law, however unfair it may be to a woman.

Islam And Marriage

In India the Divorce law is so structured that its is weighed in favor of the woman. Also in case one of the parties does not want to go in for a divorce, then getting a divorce can be difficult. Some time back a friend of mine file a divorce case in the court. The case dragged on for 12 years and so exasperated my friend thought it better to forget about divorce and make up with his wife. Thus getting a divorce in India is not easy. The only option for a somewhat easy divorce is one by mutual consent. Then the wheels of the courts move faster.

Thus in India there is no quick fire divorce like in some places in the USA. Divorce is generally discouraged, but trends are changing a divorce by mutual consent is fast catching on. Another aspect in Indian law is the issue of maintenance for the divorced wife. This has been addressed by the Indian courts and Supreme Court has ruled that even in the case of a live in relationship some maintenance can be asked by the live in partner.

The Hindu marriage act is applicable to Sikhs, Jains, Parsis and Hindus. However India does not have a uniform civil code though it is one of the directive principles of the constitution. But political expediency and an attempt to appease the Muslim community has resulted in this common personal law not being enacted for all Indians. However it is worthwhile to learn that in Goa which was under Portuguese rule, a common civil code is enacted and is applicable to Muslims as well.

The Divorce law in India is a far reaching enactment and people of all religions are divorcing. But the state has put desirable breaks that need to be appreciated.

Divorce in India

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

The importance of Blessings your parents' first marriage

The importance of Blessings your parents' first marriage

The Quran emphasizes the duty of parents in such difficult conditions, mentioned immediately after the worship of Allah. Allah says: "Your Lord has decreed that no one will need, but him who should be easy and convenient for your parents, if either or both to an old age, then they are not shy and not say." . Uff 'to them to speak with a speech noble Lower the wing of humility, compassion for them Speak: .. Our Lord, have mercy on themSo he had compassion on me when I was little. (See P. Israa 23-24): "These ayat us that God wants us to recognize the role of parents in our lives, even when they are old, that even after reaching maturity and knowledge and are now a Location We still need to treat them friendly advice;. is not always one of us to avoid them, they tear around, or despise This is an ordeal for many people in today's world, because people feel today.if they are independent and perceive themselves to overcome the idea that nothing can be a person other than himself. We must be extremely careful and make sure to save us from falling into this category shameful, and make sure that the waters of life so that saves us from "drowning" to go into its dark depths.

First nikkah or marriage, is the individual privilege between the two people who want to marry and live their livestogether, without external coercion. The problem of compatibility between husband and wife then, and not between the two groups of relatives. As such, men and women between nikkah technically valid, even if the parents agree. But even if the nikkah is still valid, will be blessed? This is the most important question.

Islam Dating

A man once asked the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, "Whom shall I be kind?" The Prophet replied: "Your mother." The man then asked: "SoWho? "The Prophet replied again:" Your mother. "The man then asked a third time and got the same response after the fourth time the Prophet said." Your father. "This hadith refers to the representation of compassion and moral support, his mother at all times. Words can not begin to describe the commitment of a mother for her child's conception, labor, delivery, the baby with milk, is the weaning and early childhood education, the mother has no doubt gone through difficult experiences. Allahcalls in these situations several times in the Koran, to be sure you remember what our mothers went through and experience to our well-being.

The Prophet also said: "The joy is the joy of God the Father, and the displeasure of Allah is in the displeasure of the Father." From this Hadith we see that the father plays an important role in the Islamic psyche of a Muslim. A Muslim who goes through life thinking that it is not mandatory in order to please his father, it is urgentwrong direction. Pleasant your father is pleasing to Allah. It is therefore necessary for us to show more compassion and concern for our mother, and to ensure that our Father is always happy with us (within the limits of the Shariah). Given the noble figure of parents to support their children, it is illogical to think that all those who search for the blessing of her parents at the time of marriage is not necessary.

Even if the marriage between two partners without the explicit blessing of the parents isis still technically valid, the spouses themselves seriously do a great disservice. Parents play an important role in the psychological and spiritual lives of their children, and for every bride and groom looking to avoid the blessing of the parents of the pair will rob a result, a huge gift, the only impact on the future leadership in their lives and in the lives of their children, the initial joy of the newlyweds can actuallyvery short life.

With that being said, many parents today have problems with the choices their children make when choosing a spouse. Unfortunately, many of these "reasons" fundamentally baseless, as "his nose is crooked, or your eyes are not big enough, which is not of this clan or family, or who do not cook it or can not do it, and etc. , etc., etc. "And 'the duty of everyone to understand that the main reason why you should marry to avoid sin. Asas when a couple love each other, must say it openly to their parents so that parents understand and realize that if their boy or girl marries them (the parents) shall be guilty of sin, to facilitate their child, ie fornification . In this context, the Prophet told his parents: "For two people in love, I've never seen anything like nikkah". This means that if one loves his son, parents must recognize that this is now beyond all logic and rationalExplanation, parents must ask themselves: "If we stop this nikkah is a possibility that our son is zina (adultery), the sin that is committed to rest on our heads?" If parents do not agree with marriage, which must be able to say and offer alternatives. It works both ways, children have the blessing of their parents, and parents should be reasonable and are willing to provide their children with their blessing (without having to keep their sons and daughters emotionally hostageevery "blackmail tactics").

The direct impact of the research is astronomical and the blessing of her parents' extends far beyond our own lives. We must ensure the welfare of our children. If our parents have denied their blessing, then they stole our children, especially grandparents. Even if our parents did not bless our marriage, there is a chance that our brothers and sisters bless our marriage because it "did not meet our mother andP. .. "And now our children are also aunts, uncles, and cousins ​​will be denied and 'a proven fact, immediate family members play a big part of the psyche of a person and development do not accept that you can count on you or your family in order to develop in a vacuum isolated from close relatives. Your children need their cousins, aunts and uncles to come for Eid, Ramadan for Iftar, and all other "good stuff" in life, and them to each other saying "Assalamu alaikum" and "HowYou? "Put your family and children in a difficult situation in which they are isolated from close family interaction is synonymous with injustice or zulm.

After the start of nikkah have, do the mother and father right in the relationship between man and woman-interference in the marriage relationship is actually one of the greatest of sins great. At the same time interfere with the need to understand men and women who need to support their parents andBlessings in their lives. So it is advisable for Muslim couples to ensure that their parents on board to participate with their marriage, and that parents nikkah the ceremony, and that both families get along. This has always been part of Muslim civilization. This is the path of Sunnah.

The numbers and the principles of Sharia law in this article by Sheikh Qasim Amin was Kholwadia Darul tested for compliance with Islamic law and tradition. In addition, Sheikh Amin or even KholwadiaDarul Qasim has no financial or managerial involvement in misterNmisses.com or its subsidiaries.

The importance of Blessings your parents' first marriage

วันเสาร์ที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Visitation rights for non custodial Fathers

Visitation rights for non custodial Fathers

Dissolution of marriage is not an easy decision to make. Despite the inharmonious circumstances, both parties tend to analyze the situation in every possible way before the end of the report. The trauma of this separation of responsibility and the right decision increases if it were a child.

These days, the father and mother, both are equally entitled to apply for custody of the child, in most cases the mother, the rights granted. TheFather usually has to be satisfied with visiting rights.

Islam Dating

The legal terminology of visit or contact the authorized or appointed mere residence in contact with the child, but no case is the party that this privilege be claimed. During the night, weekend visits and holidays are at the head of the law allows. An overnight stay is usually in cases where parents do not live in the same cities. The dates and times arecompleted by the judge who observed the mother, or their own housing can fall into danger.

According to U.S. law regarding custody if the child has attained the age of 13 years, he or she has the right to choose the parent with whom they want to live with it. The right of residence may be with the father in this case, even though his life be granted by the respective State. Although the legal rights provided that the State, not in many cases, GuardianFathers have the right to information on child and health care professionals to provide. In addition, the mother is not legally authorized to deny the father visitation rights.

Visitation rights for non custodial Fathers

วันศุกร์ที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Independence Day Thought For Indian Magician

Freedom is a determination, but not a permit. Freedom gives us the ability to act as needed, but do not allow us to act as we want. For Indians, this is a point of thinking now about how the country's Independence Day is fast approaching. Imagine that the word freedom in its true meaning. There is a determination to work, to express and live for a better future - for us as well as others.

And 'in this sense, the words of Albert Einstein to prove to an eternal truth. "Everything isreally great and inspiring person, the job is created in freedom, "the great scientist once said.

Women Islam

Look back. We are with the freedom to realize the model of Einstein "really great and inspiring" goals? We must work to produce our great art? Time and Tide wait forever. Pace with the rapid withdrawal of time and work for a better future. Find all possibilities to find that "great and inspiring 'results.

Independence Day Thought For Indian Magician

In an independent country like India,also shines as the largest democracy in the world, we are happy to be in a sea of ​​freedom. We use all areas of success and freedom.

Women Islam

Magic is an art, is the existence, exercised only by the efforts of the artists. With science and technology are the backbone of the intimidating art does not withstand the test of time, if we are not magicians "of labor in freedom." As for freedom in life in fact, this year, Independence Day resolutionus.

Independence Day Thought For Indian Magician

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Loving the Sahara

Sahara with 3.5 million square kilometers, with 2.5 million people is one of the lowest populated places on earth. History shows that more people than the Sahara, inhabited a number of artifacts found.

Most people live in the Sahara Desert are nomads. This means that they are from one region to another depending on the conditions of life to move. They have no permanent homes.

Islamic Women

Different groups of people in the region, but lived separately. They exchange trade in goods, if necessary.He later led to the success of foreign trade with other countries and continents.

Loving the Sahara

The main ethnic groups in the Sahara belong

Islamic Women

or Tuareg

This group lives in the central Sahara. They came from the Berber group. They settled in the air and the Ahaggar highlands. They move from Central to Western Sahara.

They are popularly known as "blue men of the desert", known for their blue robes. The face veil is different styles of men and the state of the maleSex. On the other hand, women wear the veil to reveal their status.

You are in the northern areas of Mali near Timbuktu and Kidal in Niger, Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Senegal. The most valuable asset they have is the sword. Women are responsible for the duties of food and clothing. Men are responsible for the sale of products.

In terms of arts and crafts, are also known for its jewelry and carved masks. They serve as guides for Western tourists and adventureOil operations. And 'the political instability in the region. The official language is Temajeg or Tamachek. Practice divination and healing Koran.

or Sahrawi
The group is composed of the Sunni sect and race are Bedouins. It is a mixture of Berbers and Arabs. They are found in Western Sahara.

In terms of art and culture, are known for their curious craft. They use two tools: Create Tbal (drum) and Tidnit (stringed instrument) to the desertMusic. Its economy depends on breeding flock of sheep, camels and goats. They also do fishing, handicrafts and iron / phosphate mining. They are among the Moroccan government. Islam is the official religion.

or Tibu (Tebu)
This group has dominated the Tibesti massif, desert mountains and high plains of the region. They are also known as Toubou. They live in northern Chad, Libya, Niger and Sudan. From this point, with a population of over 350,000 inhabitants. Some are nomadic, while otherssemi-nomadic. We practice clan society with its own set of oases, pastures and wells.

They believed in the importance of family camping and the great practical link between them. They believed that the Clan is one of the most stable institutions. Their main source of income is an alternative source of livestock and grain and keep appointments. Teda and Daza: They are divided into two parts. These two groups are of common origin still speak two different languages. Daza group are largerNumber from Gaza.

or Negroid
Forest Negroid, Nilotic Negroid, Negritogroup: They are also known as Negroid. Negroid forest have dark skin, his face prominent, broad, flat nose, wide hips and arms and legs unequal. Nilotic Negroid from Sudan and have black skin, abnormal size and a long nose, narrow face plate. They are also known for building thin. Negritogroup Pygmies have low or high, medium brown skin, hair blacks vague.

Loving the Sahara

วันพุธที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Marriages can really?

It is religion that really matters when it comes to marriage? They may have two souls becoming one as well? It works for a Catholic and Islam? Most of the time, religion is one of the reasons why a relationship does not work.

Let's talk about love story of Annie and John. Catholic parents are Annie and John are a devotee of Islam. Both have strong beliefs about what they believe, and nobody wanted to renounce their faith. But for two cores with different faiths and beliefsto marry, how to do something really hard work to make it work.

Islam Marriage

How faith can make a big difference in every relationship? They have one or tear them apart? Let's see how differences in faith two souls can live in harmony.

Marriages can really?

Compared to their own opinion and I have two souls understand each other more than anything else. It was the fact that, despite religious differences, they still believe in an infinite force us to accept all tours. There are onlyThey call it different names yet his teachings are still the same, we do good things. Annie and John fully understand it. So it was easy for them, the fact that as long as they understand the language of love and life, things are quite ok to embrace. And I think they are right.

Islam Marriage

Loyalty to the other always works great for a relationship. We all know that Islam can marry who they want until they are able to preserve and sustaintheir wives. But John, that certainly is not in this practice. And 'to be married and in love with his wife. They married in two churches, but believed loyal to his wife, the marriage promise of love until the end of time.

Keep your promises, no matter what happens to your marriage. Life is not always rosy. There are beats, rhythm, there can be high or low. What makes this couple different from others is that they love andconstantly keep the love he has sown many years ago. You do not want to let go, if the low tide. There is no turning back for this pair. You will always find joy and happiness in the little things that come their way. I think it all boils down to a fact, love is all they have.

Annie and John, you can be your neighbors or people we meet every day in our lives. They are ordinary people, love is a great strength that we all need to take and you believedEmployment relationship. It's not a secret formula to continue to work on weddings. All you need is love in your heart.

Marriages can really?

วันอังคารที่ 13 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Islamic marriage traditions

Islamic marriage traditions

There is a huge cultural diversity within the Islamic world. This diversity is also reflected in the wedding ceremonies that reflect vary from region to region and sect to sect. My goal here is to common themes in Muslim marriages as practiced today.

The Islamic marriage is a nikah, which, incidentally, is to "unite" the Arabic word for AKD known. Marriage in the Islamic faith is not just a social convention, but also a legal contract. This implies a "sterile"perhaps ceremony "cold". This is not true. Beyond the actual paperwork that must be met, Muslim marriages are actually very festive.

Islam And Marriage

It was the first thing I wanted to learn what an Islamic marriage in office since Islam has no official clergy. I was surprised to learn that every Muslim has a thorough knowledge of Islamic tradition, the ceremony to take place. Many, however, choose to include the services of a register called Qazi commit. He acts asSupervisor of marriage.

The formality of the wedding, there are three reasons for this, given by the proposal, the mahr and nikaah

The proposal is often about the man asks the woman her hand in marriage, it also extends to their family. Islam is not so necessary, but it is an act of respect for the woman and her family and is highly recommended.

The mahr is, in its simplest form, a gift, freely given to the bride by her husband. Contrary to the suggestionThis is the mandate from the Qur'an in Surah 4.04. I quote from the translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali English: "And give women (on marriage) their dowry as a gift, but if for their good will, but it puts a portion of it to you, take a good mood and enjoy with the Law. "Obviously, this is a gift to the bride. During my research I found conflicting traditions, which was the gift that the bride's family has suggested. Dowry, by definition, is a gift of the bridegroom to the bride. Ithat these are cultural differences, but they are below the line, as gifts for the family is not prescribed in the Koran. The more it is assumed that a kind of insurance, to provide the financial security of the bride in case of death of husband or divorce. The couple, not the parents, must agree more. The bride is the right one, as explained in the Qur'an, and is a gift, freely given and not the bride price.

The ceremony nikaah, the equivalent of votes, it is verysimple and straightforward. The bride says, I gave myself away in Nikah to you, on the agreed Mahr. "The husband quickly replied:" I have accepted the Nikah. "The marriage contract is signed, and become husband and wife.

In some cultures, the marriage will last five days. The first day of the dinner with the family of the girl on the second day with dinner in the family of the boy. The third day is the Mehendi ceremony, which is for the bride and her friends. The ceremony usually takesPlace in the bride's home. Mehendi (henna) patterns are used to decorate the bride's hands and feet. On the fourth day, the nikah ceremony real. Five days feeding, the couple with the parents of the bride and the groom's family hosts a festival (Valimah) for friends and relatives.

Islamic marriage traditions

วันจันทร์ที่ 12 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

The inner teaching of Islam

The inner teaching of Islam

In all religions there is an external and internal training of teachers. Since the beginning of the path of the inner teachings, like the tree of life ("Etz Chaim) is known, has been hidden (Genesis 3:24). We (the lover of God) are obliged to seek this path (Ecclesiastes 1:13), by the end of it eternal life (Genesis 3:22) is.

The inner teaching is communicated to us by the symbols of the language of the mind. The symbol for Islam is the sun, moon and stars. The sun,Moon and stars representing the man on foot Trinity, which is created in the image and likeness of God.

Man Islam

Usually only the crescent and a five-pointed star is to be represented, but the presence of the sun is indicated, because the moon gets its light from the sun. The sun (God in us) is omnipresent, even if we did not actually see, otherwise we would not be able to see anything, because it is our sun, that vision is possible.

The sun, the moon and the star is a symbol ofFamily: husband, wife and son. In the Bible and Quran Majid Al, Joseph is a vision of the sun, moon and eleven stars paying tribute to him as before. (Genesis 37:9, 12:04 AQM) The sun, moon and stars represented his father Joseph in a vision of Joseph, his mother and brothers, and this has caused his brothers to him, envy and plot against him.

The only strengthens our own Milky Way and the man takes his family. The man is likened to the sun, because it was the supplier of the light (spiritualKnowledge and advice) to his family about the woman (Moon), which in turn reflects their wisdom to the children.

"... Wisdom is justified of her children [the note]." (Matthew 11:19)

Since ancient times, the moon is used as a symbol of the woman. The Moon-Earth only natural satellite - is a symbol of the creative forces and the female psyche or spirit. The cycle of the moon around the Earth is about 29 days and falls with the woman's menstrual cycle.

The moonrepresents the physical body (the lower self). The moon, as our body is constantly in motion. The moon is not always existed. How does the human body came from the earth.

The moon has two faces, but only one side is seen. The moon is two periods of growth and decay to say the vicissitudes of life. This is the importance of posture in salads. The deflection (Ruku '), to symbolize the meeting (Jalsa) and prostration (Sajda) the periods of gain and loss, and opulencePoverty, wealth and poverty, intelligence and ignorance.

The Crescent is the womb and the child is the star. Each of us is a star, like all of us came into this world through the womb of our mother. The Star seems to push out the head, fighting for the head is born first in the world. The star is a man born perfect, but imperfect.

"If we consider the human ego and how it is made and how that should be met with moral defectsand with the knowledge of God! To reach a happy state, in fact, that [car] that led to grow in purity, and really lost is the one who buries [the darkness] "(" The Sun ", Sura 91:7-10;. AQM, M Asad Translation)

The inner teaching of Islam

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Marriage and divorce records vital available online

Marriage and divorce records vital available online

Divorce records and marriage records are two of the most searched public records, which go hand in hand. You can find the records and divorce document for more information about a particular person through his marriage. So the record called divorce records marriage and dissolution of this term can be useful when searching for someone to background divorce.

The state of California is known that a huge population with different counties. Thoughhave commercial databases that are linked and passed on a network that basically makes the search for California divorce records a very easy task for people to do today. That's why more and more people are now turning to commercial suppliers, rather than to the state archives, which are not interconnected.

Islam And Marriage

The Freedom of Information Act 1966 has prescribed the availability of such records to any member of the public. Divorce records are undoubtedly one of the Statecategories range of public records search now. It shows a lot of information on someone, often personal, divorce parties, and data about their children, the place and time of divorce, the number, alimony, child custody decree of final visit and the accommodation, certificate and other relevant information.

People have a lot of things to take advantage of research for the State of California Divorce Records. First on the list for divorcedwho wants to remarry in order to further verify if someone has a previous marriage had been annulled. Other common reasons to find a report for review on a background of someone in search of biological relationship, and research genealogy. Although these data are public, some restrictions should in any person seeking information about others involved are applied.

In the search for records in California, the divorce can be performed in different ways byvarious sources. First, there is the government free-of-charge service provides for this purpose. However, it was said that the search through them is a test of patience in the sense that you should wait for some time in order to be able to get the information they need, and you also have a lot of records, before digging to see the situation, what you're looking for. The second way is through the help of these providers to register the business practices that are online. This approach is simplerfaster and more convenient, since you only need the computer has Internet connection and start the search from there. Because it offers one more service for what you get from the government, a small fee will be charged.

For some, divorce records public free from the state authorities is quite rewarding. However, we must recognize that there are also quite difficult, especially when searching for California divorce documents with the office of vital files of California. TheChoice, now do according to the main purpose for the research and the importance of this to get results for you and your family.

Marriage and divorce records vital available online

วันเสาร์ที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

John the Baptist - Forerunner of Jesus

John the Baptist - Forerunner of Jesus

Born in the hills of Palestine, is John the Baptist as the last of the prophets of the Old Testament and what was known the way for the coming of Jesus John was born to a priest of the temple, said Zachary and his wife Elizabeth, who only elderly but also to be sterile. The birth of John, Zechariah, the angel Gabriel announced, and the priest has lost the ability to speak until the birth and naming of the child. By many accounts, Elizabeth was a cousin of the Virgin Mary. TheGospel of Luke tells us that Jesus was conceived, when Elizabeth was six months pregnant. What about Mary, her cousin came the news of the baby in the womb, leapt for joy in Elizabeth's womb.

There is little history of childhood Johns. As a young monaco and prophet, he may have been a hermit, or may have a member of the Essene monastic community. Strictly lived, ate locusts and wild honey called sinful rulers and preached repentance. John also announced the arrival ofthe Messiah, his followers. The baptism in the Jordan River has performed as a purification ritual to repent of their sins. John in a time of great conflict and unrest in the fields of politics, religion and social morays of the time preaching.

Marriage In Islam

When Jesus came to John for baptism, it should be noted that John plans to do so because he recognized Jesus as the Messiah rejected. However, he insisted that Jesus gave to his baptism, there is a descent of the Holy Spirit andThe mission of Jesus' started. Located in the Old Testament to see the coming of John prepare the way for Jesus and John are like a reincarnation of the prophet Elijah. In the New Testament book of Matthew, Jesus confirms this prediction. Some of the followers of John the Baptist went on to become disciples of Jesus

John the Baptist was the ruler of the criticism thrown illegal and incestuous marriage with his niece, Herodias, Herod, Herod imprisoned. When his daughter Salome pleased the kingHard dance in her birthday, Herod granted her every request they wanted. At the instigation of his mother, the head of John the Baptist was asked, and he ran faster. His head was Salome, who presented to his mother passed. There are many legends and title above the head of John the Baptist, but have not been verified.

John the Baptist is celebrated not only in Christianity but also Islam, the Baha'i religion, Gnosticism, the Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints and the Unification Church. St. John is the patron saint of Puerto Rico in San Juan and its capital is his name. He is also the patron of Jordan, French Canada and Newfoundland. In many countries of the Mediterranean, is the summer solstice in San Giovanni and many churches, monasteries and cathedrals dedicated to bear his name.

John the Baptist - Forerunner of Jesus

วันศุกร์ที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Our generation is Screwed royally

Our generation is Screwed royally

WARNING: this will tend to make you very happy with the depression of the world.

I came to the conclusion that we, my friends are doomed to failure. Our generation is screwed royal. What was the last really good thing that has happened in the world as a whole? Because I sure as hell is nothing to remember.

Marriage In Islam

There is so much to go wrong at this time. Global warming, for example, a question that is thrown about too often to be taken too seriously. But it should be takenseriously - the consequences are disastrous. Ago I read an article a while times2 '(I'm not an intellectual?) Described some of them. Now I knew that the situation was bad, but I had no idea how bad. An increase in temperature a few degrees can this planet in about the tenth circle of hell to turn. Even a small change to make huge sections were uninhabitable. Deserts. In the absence, under the water. This is a lose-lose.

A few days ago there were reports of a caroutside of a large and popular bars in London. This in itself is depressing, and also, to some, annoying. But the next day, a car bomb was driven into the doors at Glasgow Airport, setting themselves on fire and its occupants. The intent was to drive to the airport itself, before it exploded. Think of the damage it would cause. A Saturday at the start of the holiday season. Hundreds of dead or injured.

And these are not isolated incidents. Worldwide, people are blowingin the name of a cause. Who could forget 9 / 11? Muslim radicals to give others a bad name. I was talking with a Muslim girl the other day that in a more or less all other Muslims would never dream of saying such an act is. The very word Islam means "peace" (Prost, RE why my teacher did). While there is a jihad - but this is only accurate under certain circumstances, for example, when Islam is attacked, and civilians were wounded. So why does this happen?

E 'who do not get to hear their views? Maybe. And 'who believe that such acts of mass murder is rewarded? Maybe. It is true that they are, in fact, completely insane? Maybe.

Well, then. Generation of our parents' - what have they achieved? CND. The end of apartheid. Free love. A small but exquisite range of experimental chemistry. What have we achieved? The greenhouse, the terrorism, chavs and the holes in the ozone layer. This is obviously a very black and white of it - usDo not forget, Thatcher, or the IRA or the Iron Curtain. But all that this was advertised in the past for (peace, the end of prejudice, equality) has failed. There is no peace in the world. Can he say a simple glance at any newspaper is known to Iraq. Iran. Israel and Palestine. This Spates of terrorism. There are certainly still bias (look at page three of some of the cheaper newspapers will tell you that), and help the fanatics do not know that and there are stillcompletely equal. A woman recently lost his job after becoming pregnant. How is that fair?

Another example? The school shootings in America a few months ago. Again, it is not an isolated case. And the fact that these students will be so completely confused and no one notices it is exhausting. Having someone to go to college and shoot their classmates in cold blood and that shocked everyone, because "well, it's just always weird," his.

And I'll be honest with you -the way the world headed seriously scares the hell out of me. There are global problems, of course. But we are confused on a national level, local level. There is something in the way we live today. So inconsiderate. How could they not give a damn how other people feel.

I admit - what you read does not make sense. Completely useless. Unless everyone - everyone - to change their way of life, there is nothing we can do. Sure, you can recycle. Pick up trash. Give an oldLadies, your place on the bus. Campaign as it was, my friends, because nobody cares about you. The PR-trained politicians in their expensive clothes, the disinterested passers-by, as are distributed in the city - do you feel? How the hell do. You will be taken into account when of course, but they come home, crank the heat, an angry look on the next step black person they see, pollute the skies and fields and rivers with their chemicals, inspire racial hatred ,ignore the people who do something crazy because I've always been so. The selfishness and irresponsibility is quite deeply rooted in today's society. And our generation is that which is due to his suffering. Just this fatalistic attitude, you know? The total apathy also thought to act against it seems strange. And who is trying to make a difference ripped off. This is the way it is, this is the way it always was. And that is whynobody is trying to do something. Because they know that they have no hope in hell. And to know in comparison, that ignorance is bliss. As the saying goes.

Our generation is Screwed royally

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Religious symbols and their meanings

Religious symbols and their meanings

There are many religions in the world. Every religion has different symbols, which contain a special meaning in that religion. These symbols may be in the form of works of art, actions, events and natural phenomena. Religious symbols have a history of more than 100,000 years. The study of these symbols are either all over the world, or are certain limits that depend on the nature of religion.

Christianity has basically three symbols. These symbols areIchthys (fish), the Christian cross and the patriarchal cross. Ichthys is an ancient Greek word for fish. It means "Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Savior." Jesus compares God's judgment on the go to heaven and who will go to the end of this world of cataloging the fishermen catch more fish to keep and throw back the fish in the sea terrible hell. The Christian cross is a religious symbol known all over the world. The cross is not that a kind of cross,The body of Jesus'. During the first two centuries, the people of the cross as a symbol of reverence. They used the fish symbol. There are many types of crosses such as Andrew Cross, Anthony Cross, Canterbury Cross, etc. The patriarchal cross is very similar to the Christian cross. It 'very similar to the Latin cross, which has a small cross bar at the top of the most important.

Muslim Dating

The three basic symbols of Hinduism are Omkar, lotus flower and a swastika. The syllable "Aum" for the first timedescribed in the Hindu holy books called the Upanishads. The word "Omkar" is the opening of many Hindu holy book, I find. The symbol of the lotus is a symbol of God in the Asian community. It is a virtue and sexual purity. In Hindu, Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi are repeatedly presented with a pink lotus flower. Goddess Saraswati is depicted with the white lotus. The word swastika is derived from Sanskrit. And 'considered as an object of luck. This character has done on various thingsfor good luck.

In Islam, there are basically four basic symbols. The names are Rub el Hizb, star and crescent, which is also known as the symbol name of Allah and Ottoman Kalima / Shahadah. Rub el Hizb is a symbol of Islam, which is located on different flags and emblems. It was originally used in the Koran. Rub el Hizb can be seen in the current arms Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The symbol of the star and crescent is a symbol of Islam in general use today. Many Muslim countries such asPakistan, Turkey and Algeria use of this symbol in their flags. The name of Allah is a common word of God According to the Arab Muslim culture, the true name of God is Allah. Shahada is the declaration that Muslims believe in one God. It also shows that they accept as their prophet Muhammad.

So in this way, each religion has its symbols and their meanings. It has a deeper meaning in their religion. People use these symbols as a means of connection with God

Religious symbols and their meanings

วันพุธที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Bedouin wedding

Arabian Desert, 600 AD: A man goes to the tent of his wife. Long braided hair swinging around her shoulder, and coal has been coated to protect the eyes from the sun. The sun is hard, and he can not wait in the shade of the tent and the company of his wife. But when he reached the tent, he stops and looks with astonishment. The tent was shot, so that the receipt be turned away - a clear sign that his wife wants to divorce him. Fixed brieflyThen he turns and walks away.

Today the Bedouin marriage follows the Islamic tradition. Marriage is typically arranged, even though according to Islam, women have the right of first refusal. Is it acceptable for men to have more than one wife, but a woman can have only one man, a man "can divorce his wife with the words I 'deny you three times. While a woman can divorce her husband, the process usually is much longer and harder. Before the time of Muhammad,However, things were very different.

Islam And Marriage

Bedouin tribes were often polygamous - and not just for men. Women might also several men, but remain living in their tent. If a woman is a tired man, would take place around the tent, so that the entrance facing her husband. When the parents of the father was insecure, wealth was often held and managed by women.

Bedouin wedding

This practice is contrary to the beliefs and values ​​of Islam, converted to Islam and how the Bedouinthe tradition was lost. Currently, almost all Muslims, Bedouins, and the right to marry more than one of the people alone.

Islam And Marriage

Bedouin wedding

วันอังคารที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Egypt - Uprising reasons religious or spiritual?

Egypt - Uprising reasons religious or spiritual?

There are many concerned that Egypt was able to jump from the frying pan into the fire policy. Quit claims of democracy can, as a settlement of an Iranian-style theocracy. Both the head of the Egyptians and where you can now get more of something that another set of rules in the shadow of dictatorship.

Egyptians are controlled and dominated by and say 'no' to all placed in their future. It 'a spiritual fact that all people are motivated to seekAnd the freedom to determine the direction of their lives. To do so means having the freedom of religion, culture, employment and movement. This requires two things - a political regime that respects and supports individual choices for the prosperity and resources that can make decisions. Makes currently rampant political corruption and social and / or apathy, which is impossible.

Muslim Dating

Egypt currently has no active policy support the principle of encouraging individualsto create real wealth, nor the means to do so. But just as most Muslim countries. There are no truly democratic country in the world ruled by an Islamic party. And 'because religions always pursue their own objectives, which are not true democracies religious parties voted into power. The separation of church and state is a fundamental principle in most democracies, as well as the separation between the state and the judiciary, this is the only way thatpossible without the interference of their incestuous by the function.

What happens when the Egyptians to vote? First, to be most of the Muslim Brotherhood, that the separation of church and state, which are mentioned in the Constitution is written. This Brotherhood to power legitimately, then the result will be a theocracy than it is in Iran after the overthrow of the Shah and his authoritarian regime.

When Egyptians set for a true democracy, they mustCreate a constitution that all legitimate freedom of expression and personal empowerment - politically and socially. This is a great job, even if the Muslim religion does not allow this. If Shia law is the law of the country is Egypt in more rules and laws that limit freedom of expression, and remove the motivation to work on a personal level to go down to Egypt is a better country.

True spirituality not only allows freedom of religionExpression, but also for the freedom of human expression that do not hurt others. This includes the possibility of its partners, professional written and oral expression, sexual expression, the pursuit of interests, sources of knowledge select few. True spirituality is the fullest expression of who you are, its passions, loves, interests, needs and values. This can only occur in an atmosphere of true spiritual openness will fight the Egyptians, Iranians, and to createSo far there have not been able to provide.

Genuine intellectual freedom as genuine political freedom is rare in the Muslim world, as it was rare in Britain and ruled as king had to say in total, about how the Church and its members would behave. True democracies in the world with Muslim majorities have fought hard, usually with a clear distinction between the role of the state and religions.

So, a warning for Egypt is to ensure that their hard-won freedoms will not disappear asnew sovereign dictatorship in place of those who have been displaced. It 'not easy to know what you want and fight hard to get out of this and how to identify the direction of his dreams. But in general, in politics as in life, there are too few with the vision of the Promised Land and how to get there, but many who focus on what is desired.

Egyptians are forced to know exactly what their dreams are asked of them, and fight just as hard to get the Constitutionthat is guaranteed, since in a way, no escape. It is much easier on the run from what does not work, as at work, what works. If the spiritual needs and motivations are not well known, are probably lost in the din of discordant voices.

Intellectual freedom requires decisions about who you are, you want to do and being passionate and being. It requires the ability to express themselves without the constraint of a guard dog. If this happens, the dominant religioustakes over.

Egypt - Uprising reasons religious or spiritual?

วันจันทร์ที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Arranged marriages - are they?

Marriages are often unknown to this day and age where free men and women, a lot of ways, including the person who wants to spend her life with him are doing. However, arranged marriages are traditions that still exist in Asian countries and other parts of the world.

An arranged marriage is one in which one or both of the spouses do not have a choice as to their future spouse, as is their parents who choose their partners for their future marriage. Some Americansthink that arranged marriages occurred only during the Elizabethan era, but the practice is still alive and well at this time.

Muslim For Marriage

The custom of arranged marriages common in Asia, especially among the Indians and Muslims. There are also other Asian tribes that still follow this tradition. There are marriages where the bride and groom had promised each other when they were young, so they know what awaits them organized. However, there are also those who are strangers toTime of marriage.

Arranged marriages - are they?


Muslim For Marriage

The low divorce rate in India, the practice of arranged marriages has been attributed, but it does not mean that more and more couples in India are happily married. This tradition of placement marriages are so prevalent in India, which at least 95 percent of Indian marriages are said to have been arranged. There are several factors that are of Indian parents in choosing a spouse for their children. Among these there are caste and social status. While the dowry systemwas banned in India, there is still an important factor in marriages.


Arranged marriages were common during the Elizabethan age, whereas feminism and the women were not even born very submissive to their husbands and their parents. The women agree during this period, which plans to marry their parents have for them. They believe that men and women have higher flow rates below. Among the most common reasons for their compulsoryMarriages during that time is money and social status.

Jolo, Philippines

Arranged marriages are still among the Muslims in the Philippines and other countries is very popular. A Muslim man can choose his bride, if he (including his family) can increase the wealth of the bride. Otherwise it may be rejected by the family of the bride. But they have been for many Muslim men and women with higher education, not the practice of arranged marriages.

American women are happier becauseYou can choose who wants to spend his life with him. Arranged marriages never gained traction in America chooses to people, the liberality and taste for freedom, including freedom, his bride or groom.

Arranged marriages - are they?

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Cheap Dog Poop bags

I love dogs. I love cats so well and for that matter, not a furry four-legged animal. I love to cuddle, play with them and tease them. I just want to see how they run around the house, from one corner of the house to the other, just out for a bit annoying that the light from a flashlight, but only that they hate so much. What really makes my day, except, of course, picking up his hut, after they end.

There are lots of cheap bags of dog waste, which ison the market today. They come in different sizes and colors. You will be surprised, because if the shit bags are available in one color, black and thought, I'm not up-to-date with the latest news was the care of animals. Now, to renew, that pet magazine subscription now be outdated or left.

Islam Dating

Poop bags now available in various colors and sizes. There are poop bags in shades of blue, yellow, red, pink, white and green. They also have different sizes, depending on the size to comeYour dog. Big dogs need big pockets and toy dogs need smaller bags. What color and size you want, I'm sure your friendly neighborhood pet store would be one for you.

Cheap Dog Poop bags

For those dog owners who want to buy cheap bags of dog feces in the comfort of your home, will not be a problem. The Internet can be anything that you access. Just type in the word "cheap bags of dog waste," and there would be a long list of suppliersTaste carefully aft baggage.

Islam Dating

As the owner of a pet manager you should always have a bag of poop is available at your fingertips. Whether it's in your bag, your car or home, it is always important to be readily available to bring those breasts. Poo poo bags make shooting safe and hygienic. You always make sure that your hands do not touch when cleaning infected waste if an application.

Dog waste container is placed in its own way, responsible for a petOwners. Not only cleans the environment, but also ensures that people are safe from infectious diseases that have the decomposition of the faeces in the countryside, where flies and other pests easy access to the spread of germs and diseases to the things that touch on the left.

Poop bags are really the best thing that ever happened in the life of a pet owner. Not only they can pick up your dog droppings, but they can pick up trash as well. Finally, the bestI like that about them now is that not only are biodegradable, they must also be more bright and colorful.

Cheap Dog Poop bags

วันเสาร์ที่ 3 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Islamic view of marriage and women

Islamic view of marriage and women

Marriage is a union of souls in the deepest sense. God unites these two souls, in order to enjoy peace and stability in a marital home with the grace of true love and compassion filled. In Islam, the woman is seen as just one of the joys of life and a great blessing for a man, that he returns home to her relaxed and after which the struggles of life and finds its incomparable tranquility, comfort and pleasure. The world is only a temporary advantage andcomfort in this world is a virtuous woman. Islam regards marriage as a high level and look for femininity as something to care for and maintain.

Based on this vision of marriage and the woman has not passed through the Muslim attitude of some girls dressed are empty now. Rather, he is attracted by a sound Muslim personality, and he takes his time in the choice of life partner. Looking for a partner who has the right characteristics that make for a stable Islamic andhappy married life. Therefore, it is not in the superficial physical beauty, grace and elegance, the only concern of young people to run empty they are interested. While he does not ignore the physical aspect, it also looks strong religious beliefs and practices, intelligence and good manners.

Women Islam

While we are looking for a religious woman, does not mean that he ignores his preferences regarding physical beauty. And 'advisable that the woman provides for the completion of marriagethat a Muslim can not be in a marriage with a woman he finds attractive captured.

Islamic view of marriage and women

วันศุกร์ที่ 2 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Blessings of the Quran in Hadith O Daughters - The Status of Women in Islam

Blessings of the Quran in Hadith O Daughters - The Status of Women in Islam

The daughters are a blessing, because Allah (SWT) is a place in Paradise (Jannah) has promised to raise. The person who has three daughters, sisters, daughters, sisters, and he takes them well, and fear Allah (SWT) about their rights, then paradise is obligatory upon him. In some hadith, the Prophet (SAW) the blessings of education, three daughters or sisters said, someone asked: "And if someone has one daughter," The Prophet (SAW) in the sameGood price for him so, so a place in heaven. Heaven would never be mandatory for these people had daughters blessing of Allah (SWT) were.

This fact shows that daughters are a source of blessing from Allah (SWT), so if a daughter is born in a house, not to be sad about this, but should rejoice and give thanks to Allah (SWT) for this blessing. As can be lower if a place is the paradise promised them? Get through the painBirth of daughters, the practice of non-believers (kuffar) because it was before the Prophet (SAW) came, took the kuffar that too sad for the birth of daughters and used to consider them as a burden, as they would need to find someone to marry their daughters. They were like animals, they are burying their innocent daughters alive.

Islamic Women

And 'this blessed daughters, that the appropriations for the existence of mankind, as it can be a curse, this is not the plot ofBelievers. The Prophet (SAW) described a woman blessed, the first child is a daughter. So happy and smile when you hear about the birth of their daughters and see them as a blessing for you.

Islam has a very high priority given to the daughters, in order to be considered a great blessing of Allah (SWT). These are the daughters of the saints (Auliya Allah) were born and especially our beloved prophet (SAW), for whom this world was created, his family and descendants continuedby his daughter. If daughters were not a blessing from Allah (SWT) would never have chosen to carry on the lineage of his beloved Prophet (SAW). This shows that the daughters are really a great blessing, so do not consider them inferior. Sons and daughters, daughters bring bring Son in Law. Sometimes, the child is so obedient that he excels in the service of his daughters-in-law.

However, to make dua children is not prohibited, you can do. Ask Allah (SWT) forChildren with the intention that it would Aalim, Hafiz, so that would take care of our religious institutions (madrasas) and then an Sadqa Jaariya become for us.

Blessings of the Quran in Hadith O Daughters - The Status of Women in Islam

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Indian Grooms

Spouses of India to be known in order to better support future husbands for their wives. Throughout the world, married Indian husbands are marked as shown best because of the level of understanding of them. Indian weddings are full of traditions and cultures, rituals and practices that continue to do everything, even after marriage. We always talk about the importance of wives in marriage, but when we see nurses play an equally important role in marriage. A marriage is simply not possiblewhen the groom is not a part of it. Marriage is a union of bride and groom for the rest of their lives.

We have seen a common expression that arises whenever the subject of marriage, filled with a soft corner of our hearts and happiness for the bride wannabe Indian. Due to the fact that the girls have left their homes after the wedding, and start a new life together with a new family, the ceremony of marriage is more favorable than for the Indian bride. Very fewValue is given to the emotions guys, what are your ideas, opinions, feelings are irrelevant in most cases a lot to society.

Muslim Dating

Always heard boys, their feelings are not appreciated, are considered the biggest party in society, but we need to understand the fact that the heart and can also feel happiness and sadness at times. You are always those who can not obtain directly be affected, disturbed by nothing less, all aroundWorries and tensions. But if we look deeply, to get kids involved, they also have feelings that are associated with small and large changes in their lives. Marriage as the happiest time in the school life of a girl is just as important for the groom. Indian nurses are more responsible and meaningful for her wedding because of the dependence of their family about it.

Indian Grooms

The dress and the groom wedding dresses in India, according to religion, region, or the customsthe groom's family. Similarly, marriage is different depending on the community or religion to which the groom belongs. Indian groom has all the qualities that describe and Indians believe in them. Responsibility and understanding are the two main advantages of the groom in India. The cultures and values ​​used in them from birth, which helps an eligible husband.

Muslim Dating

Even if today the duties and obligations of the husband of the woman are equallydivided, but until now their husbands should be the leader of the ruling family, therefore, is of Indian nurses to engage, in their marriages on the safety and security of their families. The best age to marry a man is 25-28, because this is the usual time, with whom he has met and get a sense of understanding of society, its functioning and its role in his married life. A well settled, handsome, understanding, intelligent, cooperative, husbandis the dream of every bride and the question whether Indian or foreigners from another country.

The look, dress-up, hairstyle, or the Indian groom should also have the same personality of the groom, because as Indian bride, but also the D-day of his life. In fact, there are many functions in Indian marriages that are meant only for the Indian groom that mark their individuality, their charm and celebrated their good fortune. And 'the day when the bride and groom both the headtogether into a new life, so that any possible contribution to lead a happy and satisfied married life.

Indian Grooms