วันอังคารที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Muslim Single Women Challenging the Old Ways

Muslim Single Women Challenging the Old Ways

Islamic single women who are living in the US have to face many difficulties when looking for single men who can become good life partners. Interacting with Muslim men is not an easy task as many single girls abide by the strict Islamic values which do not look favorably upon men meeting women freely. Dating in Ism is still a new concept and while modern Muslim single females are very much interested in finding the perfect matrimonial match through Muslim social networking websites as it gives them a lot of freedom and choice to select Muslim single men after interacting with them over a long period of time.

Muslim single ladies who do not come from modern families are still having a lot of trouble in finding the Muslim match if their choice. Most of the Muslim women have to fall back on the traditional Muslim matchmaking procedures where the parent chose the Muslim man they feel is good for their daughter. After the match has been finalized, Muslim women and men can interact in order to develop some understanding before the marriage. However as these settings are quite contrary to the natural order of things, most of the arranged marriages are unsuccessful ending in divorce. Owing to the high rate of unsuccessful arranged marriages, many Muslim single women are now opting to turn to online Muslim dating and Muslim matchmaking websites as an alternative.

Muslim Dating

There are many Muslim single women who have had successful marriages by meeting the perfect Muslim match at these Muslim social networking websites. The Muslim matchmaking websites give them the opportunity to have relatively free interaction with the other person. Over the years there has been tremendous increase in the number of Muslim social networking websites as more educated and independent Muslim single women decide to choose their match on their own rather than settling for an arranged marriage.

It is a fact that an arranged marriage is a big risk but it does not mean that all matches made via Muslim matchmaking websites are successful. It is rightly said that marriage is a gamble and no one can completely forecast the end results but by choosing the Muslim men who have similar tastes, cultural affiliations and school of thought, Muslim single women are bound to increase the chances of a successful life to quite an extent.

Muslim Single Women Challenging the Old Ways

