วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Man's Search For God - History of the World! (In Rhyme)

Facultied one - in the spirit, imagination, fear, felt, felt hope and scholars say - found the deification of the terrible forces in his life as a response to his need for help for his commitment to the forces that make the case. And so he prayed to the Sun, and Storm, Earthquake and deities, and gave his best for them to appease their anger.

They multiplied and prospered, most established companies in search of purpose in his life and devotion significant, sought after for such ideals worth fighting forObjectives, for the hope, so he created the gods reign with powerful forces and scope, as Thor and Zeus and Jupiter, and less well Gods, and gave them human-like qualities, the mountains to dwell on those. Then the man of culture, art and myths inspired features designed with the accepting of the human form, some with human companions and children demigod procreation. Myths, heroic deeds, to worship as the Greeks and Romans, this is filling the needs of humanity.

Man Islam

And then the Israelites came with their mono-Godconcept, invisible "Yahweh", his ten commandments to be kept uplifting Man and God. No idols! No slayings! Revere: God; parents; neighbors; life. Abhor evil! Be good. Severe these changes from the brutish world: the Torah; Creation; Noah's flood; patriarchs; Moses! And Laws for a just nation. But fierce was Yahweh's anger if there would be transgression, so to pagan idol worship there'd be no regression. Thus centuries passed - Jews worshipped God, dwelling in their land. The surrounding heathen cultures they were able to withstand.

Man's Search For God - History of the World! (In Rhyme)

Then elsewhere rose great teachers, who, their goals of Life pursued with selflessness and Golden Rule, their peoples they imbued. In India was the Buddha - six centuries B.C. In China was Confucious - the following century. Meditation and serenity inspired their devotees. Two great religions grew, in time, from these philosophies.

Man Islam

Meanwhile, across the world, marched the mighty Roman legions, dominating, ruthless, yet permitting conquered regions their own religious rites. But Rome's political restrictions quickly crushed all revolt-threats through their leader's crucifixions. But revolt in Israel brewed. And Christ was born and died. And thirty years thereafter, Rome completed genocide of the Jews at Massada - slaying all not taken slaves, except the few who fled and hid in desert sand and caves.

And all the western world was under Roman might and rule. Its citizens had full freedom, but life for slaves was cruel. Hard labor, torture, misery - their lives had little worth. But hopeful whispers then were heard - a new religion's birth. From newly captured slaves, tales of wonder, of "Life to Come" to those with faith in Jesus Christ and his millennium. A man called Paul preached of this Christ - of love, faith, charity, and of the Gospels - testament of Christianity.

Thus centuries passed, slaves turned Christian, faith their sole comfort. But Rome fed Christians to the lions, blood-thirsty in their sport, in their genocide attempt - as before against the Jew -to abolish one-God faiths. Still Christianity grew in all the Roman empire and beyond. And with Christ tales, his sermons and his miracles, and virgin-birth details Son-of-God beliefs were inspiring idealogy to heathen-converts steeped in god-on-earth mythology. From firstly secret gatherings, through many generations, Christ's story and his teachings spread across the many nations, till finally the emperors of Rome themselves embraced the Christian faith. But then, the story of Christ's death transplaced all blame - four hundred years before - from Roman rulers - to the group to which his followers plus Christ belonged - the Jew! Thus was established pogrom-hate-base for millennia. From children-mind implantings of - "Jews killed our Christ" idea, came hatred of the Jew, to run amok throughout the ages: Crusaders, Inquisition, and the Holocaust rampages.

First Rome became the center of the spreading Christendom, established rites, canons and doctrinal compendium, preachings from Christ's teachings of his sublime divinity, and introducing Father-Son-and-Spirit trinity, with one Commandment changed - for prayer to statued Christ and Saints. But with Church growth, divisions grew, first questions then complaints. And Luther rose, and led his Protestant Reformation from mother Catholic Church, effecting separation. Then was the Pope's authority by English King defied, Detaching Church of England, to wed his forbidden bride. But Mohammed of Mecca, in sixth century A.D. Envisioned Lord God Allah as the world's sole diety, banned girl-slayings, idol-worship; preached brotherhood of man, Islamic precepts, the Koran. Thus Moslem faith began.

Centuries passed - and man progressed - and Christian power grew. By thirteen-hundred, all Europe - was: Christian, dead or Jew -through sword and Bible. Then came the Crusades - the Holy Land to be recaptured. Ethnic hatreds, uncontrolled, were fanned. First, killing all of Europe's Jews, unluckily in their path, then slaughtering a million Greeks, next victims of their wrath though Catholic all! Thus, the Holy Land was sanctified with blood of Jews and Muslims who futilely fought and died.

Two major events then occurred in fourteen-ninety-two, Spain launched its Inquisition to convert or expel the Jew. One-third, several hundred thousand, accepted Catholicism; another third did also, but, practiced, in private, Judiasm. The rest, although for centuries they'd made their home in Spain, fled anywhere and everywhere, their religion to maintain.

Discovered also then, was the great New World - manifold its bounty, teeming with simple, naked natives - its gold soon taken. The conversion to Catholicism was swift, the Conquistadors offering their own God Christ as "gift". A trade - Christ for gold - enslaved natives being forced to mine, whilst their pagan gods were changed to the Spanish God, divine. But scores of millions of natives, from white man's germs did die, while tons of gold were taken from them, Spain to glorify.

Then Man's Industrial progress became a "Revolution", ending endless toil for food - through technical evolution. But Man now lived in cities, less at mercy of Nature's whim, and therefore less inclined to pray to "Powers" beyond him. Then Man expanded culturally, studied Science and Art, Philosophy, Government - Democracy had its start. With the masses taking power, came revolt against the Czar, while worshiping of "god-less-ness", became quite popular.

Then came the nineteen twenties, the "good life" a goal for all, But Economic's pendulum swung backwards in a fall. World Wars were fought as leader's sought by conquest to gain fame, and ethnic hatreds were unleashed - on the helpless to lay blame for all man's ills. But there was no God to stay the Holocaust! Eleven million, six million Jews - children, women, men - lost!

Now Islamic suicide bombers pose a world-wide threat To even fellow Muslims - Israel constantly beset; With Arab oil-funded terrorists seeking WMD, The coming decade may well be the end of history!

Man's knowledge now in Science grows steadily apace: Atomics, electronics, and the conquering of "Space". To deadly foes like Cancer - Medicine gives closing chase, So, soon, our growing knowledge may Life's mysteries outpace. But what will be the consequence of our "most deadly" race, the spread of ethnic hatreds - versus Earth's jammed populace, Plus every country's goal - a WMD power base! Islam's religious hatred sets the world afire - no place on Earth, no one - is safe: Infidel or Muslim ; the killers embrace their bombs. Crying "Allah Akbah:" they die - they think - in grace. Pure ethnic rage - unchecked - amok! For "Tolerance", no place! So many crucial elements, and all must interface! All factors are increasing: with accelerating pace, plus mankind's warlike nature - it seems a hopeless case! Millions - from murder, hunger, war - live and die without a trace! World leaders, uncaring or helpless - Man, the inhuman race!

Help us, Oh God! We are so self-destructive!! We need you!

Man's Search For God - History of the World! (In Rhyme)

